Chapter Eleven | It Runs in the Blood

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WARNING: Attempt at heavy and very angry French accent below.

If unable to read or understand, sorry: Bill has trouble, too.

You are not alone.

Chapter Eleven

It Runs in the Blood


            The Headmistresses office was not a place Bill and Fleur Weasley hoped to frequent, or ever have to enter unless under the thought of good news. This however, was not good news at all.

“Why won’t zey let us see ‘er?” Fleur said again, getting up from her chair even though she’d just sat down “What could be so wrong that zey will not let us see ‘er?”

Letting out a long sigh, Bill stood and held his wife close. They had been married nearly twenty years, and never had they been so terrified for one of their children. The year had been hectic, planning for Victoire’s wedding, Bill’s work becoming quiet taxing and Fleur’s father breaking his hip-and they had been owled about Dom’s health not once, but twice in just a few short months.

“I’m worried, Bill.” Letting out a sigh, Fleur let Bill hold her close and nuzzled his neck. Had there ever been a time when his arms around her hadn’t made Fleur feel better? It seemed so, because his embrace wasn’t helping at all.

Smiling a little at how her French accent grew heavier when she was worried, Bill kissed the top of her head “I know my love, so am I.”

“Zey are killing us with suspense!” she cried, tears welling in her dark blue eyes “I must see ma bébé, ma fille!”

Fleur began to sob, strangled words in French pouring from her lips as Bill held her closer, praying for someone to come and tell them they could see their daughter.

“Mr and Mrs. Weasley?”

Turning to the door, both Bill and Fleur were momentarily taken aback, as everyone always was when first meeting Saherra Zatanna. Behind her stood Neville Longbottom, an old family friend, and Madam Pomfrey.

“Good afternoon Headmistress,” Bill said as Fleur dabbed her eyes with a hankie “How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you Mr. Weasley. I would ask you in return, but…” glancing at Fleur, her face softened slightly “I understand that today is not one of your best.”

“Thank you Headmistress,” Fleur sniffed “I know you are very busy, but could we-could we see our daughter?”

“Soon, Mrs. Weasley; but I think it would be better if we had a chat first.” Sitting behind her desk, Professor Zatanna motioned for them to take a seat. Neville leaned against the tea table, and Madam Pomfrey stood off to the side.

“Is Dominique okay?” Bill asked, taking Fleur’s hand.

“No, I do not believe she is.” Said Zatanna softly “Your daughter ran out of class this morning Mr and Mrs. Weasley, and according to her dorm mates had severe stomach pains all last night. When her friends-I believe you know Mr. Wood and Ms. Bones?”

Fleur and Bill nodded “Yes, since they were all children.”

“Well, when Ms. Bones and Mr. Wood ran after Dominique they found her in the hallway, vomiting blood. Just blood.”

Fleur let out a strangled cry, and Bill moved to perch on the arm of her chair, hands on her shoulders. “What’s wrong with her?” he asked quietly, gaze still locked on his wife.

“If I may interject,” Madam Pomfrey stepped forward “Ms. Weasley has tears in her stomach and oesophagus, a very dangerous condition.”

“How did that happen?” Bill asked, giving Fleur’s shoulders a squeeze.

Zatanna frowned “We don’t know at the moment, but we’d like to keep her in the Hospital wing for a while during her healing process, and she will have a weekly check up with Madam Pomfrey for the rest of the year.”

Grabbing a hold of Bill’s hand on her shoulder, Fleur looked at the small group of teachers “She was under your care.” She whispered “I put my daughter’s safety in your hands, and she’s nearly died not once, but twice zis year!”

“Mrs. Weasley-” Zatanna said, trying to be calm, but Fleur interrupted.

“How can I trust zis school for the rest of Dominique’s time here, for my son? How will I know he won’t nearly die too?” Fleur stood up, and Bill put a hand on the small of her back.

“It’s alright darling.” He said softly.

“No it is not.” Fleur set her fiery gaze on Zatanna “I will not remove my children from your school, but I will say zat never did I think that this would be an unsafe place after ze war.”

Standing also, Professor Zatanna didn’t look at all hurt “I understand Mrs. Weasley, and I promise Dominique’s last months here will be perfectly safe.”

“Zey better be or I promise zis office will not be yours next year.” Turning to Madam Pomfrey, Fleur lifted her chin a little, regaining her cool composure “Take me to my daughter.”

Madam Pomfrey turned to the door to hide her smile; she remembered Fleur from years ago, standing over her fiancée and declaring her love for him, no matter how he liked his steak.

“Come this way Mrs. Weasley.”

Bill smiled sadly over at Neville “Always nice to see you, Neville.”

“Good luck Bill.” Neville watched the husband and wife leave, then let out a sigh. “They’re angry.”

“They have a right to be.” Zatanna said, sitting back down at her desk “Do you have any input on the matter, or Ms. Weasley’s condition?”

Looking at his hands, Neville shook his head “No, I-no. No idea.”

            It felt as if someone were gripping Ben’s insides, twisting and knotting until he threw up. This is what he did when they tore Dominique from his arms and rushed her off to the hospital wing, where three healers were already heading from St. Mungos.

It had been three days. Three days of struggling through his classes, getting no sleep and going over those terrorizing few moments again and again.

He’d tried to wash the blood out of his robes. Scrubbing them until his hands were red, the fabric worn. The first night he couldn’t sleep, and finally gave in and retreated to the common room, were Felicity sat.

The two friends clung to each other all night, whispering and consoling. Ben didn’t cry, not in front of Felicity-he had cried in the boys loo when cleaning his clothes, in the shower later when he tried to get the blood out of the tips of his hair, off his face. He’d cut his nails down to the nub to scrape out the blood.

It had been three days, four painful nights-they had to let him in now. She had to be awake. If he didn’t make sure she was really okay, knew that her heart beat steadily he might go mad.

“Mr. Wood,” Madam Pomfrey said, smiling; she had a soft spot for the boy. She’d once had a boy like that, utterly smitten and waiting at her door each morning. “I’m afraid Ms. Weasley is still asleep.”

“Still?” Ben asked wearily, hanging his head.

“I’m afraid so, Mr. Wood.”

“Well…when she wakes up, just…tell her I’ll be back.” Scuffing the toe of his shoe against the stone floor, Ben sighed “Have a nice day Madam Pomfrey.”

“You, too Mr. Wood.”

Turning away from the door, Ben turned the corner and nearly knocked down Professor Longbottom.

“I’m so sorry sir!” he said “I-I wasn’t looking where I was going, I’ve…well, I have a lot on my mind.”

“Of course you do,” said the Professor, dusting of his moss green velvet vest “And I wouldn’t be to worried, Mr Wood; Ms. Weasley is receiving the best of care. She’ll be up and about in to time!”

Smiling weakly, Ben nodded “Of course professor, I never doubted it. I might be better off if I could see it for myself though.”

Putting a hand on Ben’s shoulder, Neville gave it a reassuring squeeze “Don’t dwell on it, Benjamin; Dominique is a very strong willed girl.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Ben said, and with a quick goodbye, was gone.

A/N: This chapter was longer, but I've shifted it about a little. Next chapter (the LAST chapter) will be quite longer, as it's got the big shebang! The finale! The ending we've all been waiting for! 

So, as an explenation if you're feeling that this is all a little sudden, I will tell you what is going on. I never planned on this book being long, or having a sequel; it was just a special little gem from my heart that I wanted to share. You've all taken Dominique into your heart, accepted Ben and Felicity like friends.

I'm sorry to say that even with all your pleading, there will be no 'Call Me Pretty Two'. I know many of you wanted this book to be longer and/or for a sequel, and many of you know I hate to dissapoint, but I have no real ideas or expression, passion or feel for a sequel. I hope you're not all too dissapointed in me, but if I had the passion for a sequel then there would be a sequel. 

I promise that I have more motives for this, but...mainly I feel like tearing Dom down after all this building up would ruin the message I'm trying to create. 

Question: What do you think of Bill & Fleur? Of Neville not saying anything? Let me know.

Sorry again everyone; I only live to please.


P.S I'd also love it if you'd check out my little LGBT one-shot called 'Inside Out & Backwards' as well as a sneak peek at a story I'll be writing soon called 'Set My Heart on Fire'. It's about Charlie Weasley!

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