Chapter Thirteen | Second Chances

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Chapter Thirteen

Second Chances

            It all happened so fast.

Ben didn’t even register what was happening for a few seconds, just caught Dominique as she fell; her eyes rolled back in her head and she went hazardously still. Ben sank to his knees, hurriedly checking her pulse.

Panic swelled within him, and to his relief he found the faintest, weakest of beats. Barely any air moved between her lips, and Ben wasn’t even aware that he’d been screaming for help until a teacher yanked Dom out of his arms.

Don’t take her,’ he screamed, but not out loud; his head was loud and scrambled-he couldn’t figure out what was happening.

Standing shakily, he watched as Headmistress Zatanna disappeared with Professor Longbottom, Dom held in his arms. Where were they taking her? Why did they take her away?

“Don’t.” he mumbled, staggering forward. Felicity was suddenly there, reaching for him, but he pushed here away. “Give her back.” He said, spinning “Where’d they take her?”

The students watched him, eyes wide and whispering. The whispering drove Ben crazy-what weren’t they telling him? Where had they taken Dominique, his Dom…his lovely, lovely Dom…?

He was yelling now, screaming-demanding that they tell him where she was. Why had they taken her away?

Felicity’s lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear a word; there was too much noise, a rushing sound in his ears. What was going on?

Everyone watched in silence as Ben Wood fell to his knees, sobbing and begging them to tell him where they had taken his Dominique.

            The world trickled back to Dominique slowly, a waterfall of murmured voices, muted sobs and bright lights. There was a heaviness that had settled over her, and Dom wondered why she was so cold; her dorm room adjusted magically to everyone's preferred temperature.

Shifting slightly, Dom let her eyes flutter open and to her complete surprise wasn’t in her dorm room at all. Instead the walls were a crisp white, the air smelling of sickness instead of melted chocolate. To her right, the first thing Dom saw was her sisters silhouette by the window, blonde hair lit up like the first rays of morning sunshine.

Then it all came flooding back.

“Vic-” Dom’s voice was scratchy, and she couldn’t finish her sister’s name.

At her name, Victoire whirled around and rushed to the bedside, falling to her knees. Sobs crawled up her throat as she clasped her hands, as if praying and rested her head on them.

“Don’t…” Dom realized it took so much effort just to moved, but willed her hand to rest gently beside her sisters, fingertips brushing her knuckles “Don’t…cry…sissy…”

“Oh Nicky…” Victoire sobbed, lifting her head; her dark blue eyes were red and puffy, mascara smudged across her cheeks. “I’m sorry, so, so sorry.”

“Why?” she croaked.

“Because we never noticed-I never noticed!”

Shaking her head was hard, but Dom managed a small shake “Not your…fault.”  She breathed, finding it more and more difficult to talk. There was so much she wanted to say, and no way of saying it.

Victoire kissed Dom’s forehead, brushing a few stray curls back “I’ll make it up to you, I promise-everything is going to be okay.”

“Dominique!” the door burst open, and the rest of Dom’s family came in. Fleur collapsed into the chair beside her daughter’s bed and sobbed into her hands and Bill leaned down to kiss her cheek; Louis stood by the side, biting his lip and trying not to cry. Teddy stood behind Victoire, hands on her shoulders.

“It’s good to see those eyes.” Bill whispered, taking her hand and kissing it gently.

“I’m so sorry, ma fille.” Fleur cried, reaching for Dom “We didn’t do anything, just…just ignored…and now…now we almost…” the rest of her speech collapsed into French and was lost in sobs, but the meaning was clear-Fleur and the rest of the family blamed themselves.

“Mamma…” Dominique held her mothers hand weakly “It’s…it’s not…your fault…”

“Oh ma Cheri,” kissing her daughters hand, Fleur sniffed “Please forgive me, forgive us-for not noticing you were in trouble.”

“It is our job,” Bill smiled sheepishly, brushing her curls.

Dom nodded, blinking rapidly “There’s nothing…nothing to forgive.”

“Good.” Victoire wiped her eyes and stood, letting Teddy hold her close “Now, there's someone who is dying to see you.”

            The light was slowly dying outside Dom’s window when a knock came at the door; short and hesitant. The door opened, and Benjamin Wood walked through the door-golden and shy, beautiful and with years old words resting on his tongue.

“Dom…” he breathed “May I…can I…?”

“Come here, you silly, silly boy.”

Crossing the room in two quick strides, Ben sat down on the bed; his hands fluttered over her, afraid to touch anything as if she might shatter.

“I’m not going to break.” She laughed softly, running her finger tips along the length of his jaw.

“Oh good,” he blushed deeply “That means I can do this.”

Leaning in, Ben kissed her with such force that Dom thought she might pass out. The world spun and everything went quiet, yet Dom could hear the sound of Ben’s heart as it pounded against his skin, rushing through her like a bass.

Pulling away, both were breathless “I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time.” He whispered, cradling her face in his large, callused hands.

“Me, too.” She admitted, cheeks staining pink.

“Then why didn’t you?” Ben asked, annoyed that they had lost so much time.

“I…I was afraid.”

“Afraid?” frowning, Ben shrugged “Lets fight your fears then.” Leaning in for another kiss, Ben mumbled against her lips “I’m sorry, you know. For everything, for letting it go on for so long.” He sighed and they rested their foreheads against each others, eyes closed.

“No, I’m sorry, Ben.” she whispered “You offered me love, and…I wanted to accept it…but…I was afraid. Afraid I was too ugly and to fat and just to everything.”

Smiling, Ben tilted her face up so he could look into her eyes. Those few hours where he thought he might never see them again had been the worst of his life. “You are very pretty Dominique,” he whispered “to me and to everyone-and that’s all that matters.”

In the dying light of day, Dominique Weasley fell asleep in the arms of the boy that had called her pretty.

            The ocean lapped the sand gently, pulling at the sand and begging it to come along. Dusk was settling over Shell Cottage, and standing alone on the beach was Dominique, barefoot and gazing out into the ocean.

It went on for a long time, on the other side was another million people-people who loved and lost; with red hair and blonde; freckles and beauty marks; who were short and tall, fat and skinny.

There was probably someone out there just like Dom, standing on the beach and wondering about the people on the other side. She wondered how many had fought her disease, how many had it-how many did or did not have the support she did, the net of people waiting to catch her if she fell.

“Dominique!” turning, Dom saw Ben walking down the stairs, waving.

His smile still made her knees weak, and she hoped it still would for years to come.

“Hey you,” he said, coming close and entwining his fingers with hers “Lost your shoes have you?”

“Maybe.” She laughed lightly “Is it time?”

Nodding, Ben grinned “Victoire is terrified you’re going to embarrass her.”

Picking up her shoes, Dom smiled mischievously “What sort of maid of honour and sister would I be if I didn’t?”

“You are an evil woman, Ms. Weasley.” He said as they walked back up the stairs and across the grass “Nice dress, by the way.”

Slipping her shoes on, Dom smiled; it was a nice dress, with a cream silk under skirt and a layer of mint green lace on top, a cream ribbon wrapped around her waist. It was strapless, the first real show-off article of clothing she’d worn in a long time.

“You don’t look to bad yourself.” Grinning, she pecked him on the cheek and walked across the dance floor and got onto the small stage.

“Everyone, if I could steal the attention away from our lovely couple.” Dom accepted a glass of champagne from one of her cousins and faced the crowd.

“Wooo, Dom!” cried Louis, who was then scolded by Fleur while Bill grinned up at his daughter, nodding his encouragement.

Taking a deep breathe, Dom smiled over at Victoire and Teddy. “First of all, Teddy I will never forgive you for marrying Victoire and not me-” the audience laughed, and Teddy blew kissed to Dom from his spot in the centre of the floor, arms wrapped around Victoire “-but you make up for it by making her so happy.”

“When Teddy, Victoire and I were little we used to play wedding-well, Vic and I forced Teddy to play with us, but still. When I was five and Vic was six, our Mum helped us make wedding rings out of old copper wire and little sea shells, and although your new one is very pretty Victoire, I still see my big sister in a white dress that’s much to big for her, wearing a ring with a little sea shell on it.” Holding up her hand, Dom showed the audience the ring on her pinkie finger “It doesn’t fit as well as it used to, but I still treasure those days with you both. I wish you the best of lives, and don’t let me down on the auntie front, please.”

Tears in her eyes, Dom placed a hand to her heart “I love you both so much, and I’ve never known two better people who deserve to be with each other more than you.”

“Nicky…” Victoire said, leaving Teddy’s side to join Dom on the stage. The sisters embraced, and Dom whispered into her sister’s neck.

“I always wanted to be like you, Vic.” She whispered, knowing the tears in her eyes were happy ones “But I think I finally want to start being me.

A/N: So...*hides* was that? The LAST chapter of 'Call Me Pretty'! It's here, it's done-and I like it. The wedding scene was supposed to be the epilogue if I made a sequel, but I just couldn't let it go. It was too important, you know? 

Question: Do you like how I ended it? And what is your FAVOURITE CMP quote?



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