A/N: Some News...

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The bad (bittersweet? idk) news... :(

It's with a heavy heart that I am writing to say that Call Me Vi will be ending at chapter 18. I started the expansion on a high of love and excitement with the characters and the plot and not wanting their story to end. However, I stopped writing the chapters in July because I was at a block. It's now September 1st and upon an attempt to return where I left off, with a few tiny ideas in mind, the juices are just...not flowing.

I love these characters so much. My 'Ravioli' demi, bi, pan duo in my first ever WxW novella. But their story has run its course and the expansion doesn't really add anything more to the plot. In fact, at this point there isn't really a plot to the second half. Attempting to write new chapters has put me in a tough spot, realizing that my babies are better off staying as a novella instead of being forced into a novel-sized story.

The good news...!

Fear not, though! This will NOT be the end of Ravioli! If you've followed my profile for a while (or even if you're new), you'll see I have a few holiday one-shot short stories on my profiles (Fated Holidays and 8 Days of Fionnmas, respectively). So with that said, I will be working on a brand new series of oneshots, name tbd, featuring everyone's favorite pastarific couple xD

Thank you so so much for everyone who has offered their support both online and off as I have worked on this lovely creation the past 6 months (holy cow my babies are growing up so fast!) <3


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