(Part 2) Chapter 16

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Butterflies assaulted my stomach when I awoke the following morning. Lu was still fast asleep when I took a quick shower and by the time I left to go meet Violetta.

The sun warmed the block as I strolled down the road. In the light morning hours, Savannah was wide awake and already on the move. La Antoinette's was not too hard to find, and Violetta was already sitting inside by the time I arrived.

Her outfit was unusual from what I'd seen her wearing before. She was much more casual, wearing a black camisole under an open plaid shirt that tied at the navel with a pair of dark wash distressed shorts.

She waved me over after I put in my food order and grabbed the order number. "Hey! You found it."

"I did. Thanks for inviting me." I sat down across from her, my heart pounding in my chest. What were we even going to talk about? So much had happened I didn't even know where to begin. "So, um, you wanted us to talk?"

Vi nodded. "I think it's about time we did." She paused, and dread filled my heart.

Oh no. She was going to break off our relationship. She was going to tell me she found someone else, someone closer.

"Tell me about freelancing," she said.

I blinked. Well that...wasn't a break up. "Um. Fr-freelancing is good. I mean, you know, the work is slow but it's there. The pace fits me a lot better, so that's a benefit."

"Good! I'm glad."

The barista came by, dropping off a bagel with spread and a steaming mug of coffee. She smiled at me before walking away and leaving us alone again.

Words, everything I wanted to say stuck in my mouth.

Violetta reached across the table and laced out fingers together. "I hate that I haven't been there for you, Rea. I mean, we finally get together and then have to go long-distance."

"It's working for now," I said. Even though I never got to see her. Even though we never got to really talk.

"Rea, you don't have to pretend." Her hazel eyes scanned over my face. "It's sucked being away from you. I lie awake every night wishing you were right there next to me. Like that night in Asheville." Violetta bit her lip. "I thought about quitting the program just to come back home to you."

Home. To me. I was home for her.

"Here, you've got to try some of this croissant." Violetta tore off a piece of the flaky dough and handed it to me. Our fingers again brushed momentarily.

I placed the croissant in my mouth. It was buttery and melt-in-your-mouth good. As my teeth tore into it, the sweet tanginess of blueberries hit my tongue.

"Oh wow, that is good," I agreed.

"These blueberry croissants are my favorite. Vi reached into her bag for a clip and pulled her hair away from her face. As she did, I caught a glimpse of something dark and ashy caught in the strands.

"You've got something in, um, in your hair." I reached forward, my fingers grazing lightly against her locks.

Violetta reached up. "Oh it's probably just some clay." She chuckled. "Speaking of, I've got to get back to the studio. I have this one project I need to finish. I think you'll really love it, you were an inspiration for it. But don't think this is the end, okay? We will catch up more. I'll make sure of it."

I nodded, replaying her words over in my head. My heart skipped a beat. Did she just say I inspired her? It was hard to think that someone as talented and well-established as Violetta Dawson—no matter how close we were—was using someone like me as inspiration. "Yeah, okay. As long as you have time in your schedule."

"Absolutely." Vi stood up and squeezed my hand. "How long are you here for, babe?"

Babe. The word made the butterflies return to my stomach. "A month. If not longer. This project will keep me here for a while. Although, I'm here for more than just work."

She quirked an eyebrow playfully. "Is that so?" Then her lips brushed over my cheek. "I missed you, Rea, and I'm glad you're here," she whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

Within seconds, she was out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I ordered another croissant and a coffee for Lu then headed back to the hotel. Lu wasn't still sleeping, thank goodness, but I could hear off-key singing coming from the bathroom.

"Reagan?" she called out.

"Yep, just me!" I replied. "I got you some breakfast." I put the food down on the counter by the tv then nestled in to review today's agenda.

Lu came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. "How was your date with Violetta?" she asked.

"It wasn't really a date," I answered, "but it was good."

Lu uncapped a bottle of lotion and began to rub it over her legs. "Did she agree to be featured?"

I narrowed my eyes. "We have other first time features to focus on. Plus, Vi's been in the spotlight for a long time; she could use the space."

"Right, right. I just think it would be good exposure—"

"No, Lu. And you'll keep this to yourself. I'm not saying it again." I jutted my chin toward her suitcase. "Get dressed. Didn't you say our appointment was soon?"

Lu rolled her eyes. "Yeah, give me five minutes."

Ten minutes later, we were walking across the campus. Spring was in the air, with lots of trees in full bloom already.

"This is the building," Lu said, glancing down at her map. "Room 205."

We climbed the stairs to the second floor. I breathed in the scent of pastels and paint as we approached the classroom and slipped into the back.

My eyes scanned the room. An instructor was walking around, assessing the students who each stood in front of a canvas, creating the same image in their own unique ways. It wasn't until I looked at the front of the room that I figured out what—or who—they were drawing.

The man had biceps larger than a dinner plate. His tan skin glimmered—actually glimmered—in the sun and his black hair flopped lazily into his eyes.

And he wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing.

"Oh hot damn," Lu whispered beside me. "I chose the wrong career path."

The artist closest to us gave a dirty look before turning back to their sketch, muttering about how art wasn't a career so much as it was a lifestyle.

I tried to avert my gaze from the guy, but it was like a car wreck...you try to look away and just...can't.

"Can I help you?" the instructor asked, appearing at my side.

Lu stepped forward, and we both flashed our IDs.

"We have an appointment with Ryan Blessings," Lu said.

The instructor nodded. "Yes, Ryan. We were expecting you. He'll be done soon and can be with you once he's re-robed."

I blinked, my eyes going toward the Greek god baring it all at the front of the room. "He's Ryan?" I asked.

"What a blessing indeed," Lu muttered with a heavy sigh.

We took seats in the back and waited for the class to end. When Ryan was clothed—or at least robed—we got to work.

"So how does this work, ladies?" he asked, winking at me.

I gulped. "Um, I'll be doing the interview portion then Lu will take some photos. I-if you're okay with your work being photographed." Heat burned my cheeks. Of course he'd be okay with it. He was just posing naked in front of the entire room of students.

"Absolutely." Ryan grinned. "Fire away."

The next bit of time let us get questions answered, and I had to dig my elbows into Lu's ribs on multiple occasions.

By the end, I had Ryan's number which I passed on to my boy-crazy intern, and several ideas on how to write his story.

"So Ryan's cute," Lu said, skipping along the sidewalk next to me.

I rolled my eyes. "Not my type."

She stopped in her tracks. "Drop dead gorgeous isn't your type?"

"No, that's..." I sighed. "He's attractive, yes. And a lot better suited for an art museum but I just don't find him appealing. Plus, right now he's a client—"

"But didn't you have a relationship with Violetta while writing her story?" she interrupted.

I opened my mouth to answer but there was no good way to do that. "That didn't count." not by my standards anyway.

"I swear it would just be a hookup," Lu said, as if I had any say in the matter. "I'm not missing out on that opportunity."

I shrugged. "Then see where it takes you, go for it."

Lu studied me. "You shared a bit last night at dinner about your past romance encounters. Was Hayden the only guy?"

"No." I shook my head. "Moving around has made it harder to form connections and I don't really...I can't just look at someone and desire sex. I have to get to know them first. If I develop an emotional connection with a person, then other romantic or sexual feelings may follow."

"So, boundaries?"

"Not exactly." I slipped my hands into my back pockets. "Let's take Violetta. Over the time we met, we got to know each other more. Not that it's just based on that. But the more we got to know each other, the more we bonded. The emotional connection grew. The more we bonded, the more likely it was for me to catch feels. So basically, I look but don't touch until I really connect with someone."

Lu cocked her head to the side. "That's an interesting way of putting it."

I shrugged. "It's how it is. The feelings just aren't...there until they are, you know?"

"Mhm." Lu skipped along. "Well, you definitely have more self control than me, that's for sure."

It's not about self control. I sighed. This was one of the hardest things for people to understand and the explaining got exhausting.

We spent the rest of the morning into the afternoon completing interviews, only stopping for a quick lunch at a place right off of the main campus. Everywhere we went, I craned my neck looking for Violetta. I didn't know her schedule, and I didn't want her to feel like I was trying to take up all of her time. But I did hope I'd see her around even if it was just a quick glimpse as we walked by each other.

"Hey, wait up!" Lu and I turned at the sound of a male voice behind us. It was Ryan, again, his dark hair tousled like he was fresh from the shower.

I frowned; Lu bounced on her toes, clearly excited.

"Hey, Ry," she greeted him, giggling when he snaked an arm around her waist. "You found us."

She'd certainly made quick work of using his number. And given the way he latched on, it was clear he was interested.

"Yeah, I was just on my way from the gym." Ryan beamed brighter, if that was even possible.

I tried to stop myself from rolling my eyes. "How'd you know where to find us...Lu?" I turned to my very guilty companion.

Lu twirled her hair around a finger. "I told him, but like what we were doing or where we were going. Just that we'd be over this way and he said he'd meet me."

"Hope it's ok if I steal her away for a bit?" Ryan asked. "I promised I'd show her around, and I can have her back later. If we don't get distracted."

Lu giggled again as Ryan nuzzled her ear.

"Well, have fun. I'll, um, see you back at the hotel then?"

"I'll text you," Lu promised. "But in case I'm late, don't wait up."

I let out a sigh. Leave it to Lu to get lucky with a guy who she got to see naked before the first date. With the way she tucked herself effortlessly into Ryan's side, the level of attraction they had was impossible to miss.

That closeness was what I craved most after six weeks apart from Violetta.

I dialed her number, but the voicemail picked up, so I hung up without leaving a message. And after our conversation this morning, I knew I wanted to make more of an effort. What better way than trying to surprise her after class?

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