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"ah my head fucking hurts" Kylee groaned getting out of Jayla's bed.

"Same" said Jayla walking out of her bathroom.

"My whole face hurts" Mackenzie got up to look in the mirror. The bruise was right on bed cheek bone and was about an inch big.


"So do you wanna tell us the story?" Javon said pointing to the bruise on Mackenzie face.

The way everyone was standing it looked like they where interrogating her.

"I would tell you the story if I remembered exactly what happened" The girl said with a little bit of sass in her voice.

"Well I bet this could remind you" Jayla said showing her the video Sarah posted on all her social medias.

"What?" Everyone was confused, even Jayla hadn't seen the video yet.

The video started with Mackenzie and Tyler kissing.

"oh my gosh nooooo" Mackenzie wined.

"You kissed Tyler?" Jaden yelled. "well yeah but I was drunk" The girl said in defense.

"Oh look and not only did I kiss your 'friend' but I played you as well" Mackenzie said quoting the video.

Jaden shook his head "we're not friends anymore".

"Yeah that's the least of my concern right now Jaden. That bitch also ended the video before she punched me!".

Mackezie opened her social medias to see what everyone was saying about it.

There where people saying things like,
He deserves better
I lost respect for Mackenzie
Even Sarah could treat him better

"don't listen to them" Kylee said rubbing her hand on Mackenzie's shoulder.

"yeah ok, anyways I gotta go and try to cover this up" She rolled her eyes and walked back up to Jayla's room.

"why do people believe everything they see on the internet?" Jaden asked then went to make something for breakfast.

Jaden looked around the kitchen, he was gonna make breakfast for Mackenzie too since she wasn't feeling to good.


"Hey Mackenzie" Jaden said walking into Jayla's room with his hands full.

She sat up "hey what's up".

"I made some breakfast" He sat a bowl down beside her. It was fruit and toast.

"Aww you made me the exact same breakfast last time I was here" Mackenzie smiled picking up the bowl. "yup".

Jaden got his phone out of his back pocket, opened Instagram and took a picture of the girl infront of him.

Mackenzie's noticed and smiled.

Jaden started typing on the picture.

"Can I post this on my Instagram story" He showed her the picture of her smiling while looking in the bowl full of fruit, with the sentence "This girl played me?".

"Sure" Mackenzie laughed "why can't a boy and girl just me friends?".

"I don't know".

"Are they cool now?" Javon asked Jayla and Kylee.

"uh I think so" Kylee shrugged.

Opening Instagram Jayla grinned at her phone "looks like it". She showed her brother and her best friend the picture on Jaden's story.

"This girl played me?" Javon read out loud "they are so cute". "I know".

"Wait isint Mackenzie's birthday coming up?" Kylee asked.

"yeah it's uhh.....June 2nd" Javon responded.

"we need to throw a surprise party!" the oldest walton kid yelled.

"Go ahead and tell the whole world Jayla".

"oh shut up Javon".

"are we gonna invite anyone?" Kylee asked.

"duh it's a party" Jayla rolled her eyes.

"you really think she wants to have a party" Javon said reminding them what happened last night.

"we should ask her then".

"but it's a surprise" Javon confusingly said.

"well yeah but just ask her without mentioning that WE are throwing it".


"I'll text Jaden". Javon opened his phone and texted his twin brother "Hey ask Mackenzie if she wants to have a birthday party, but dont mention us".

Jaden was confused but he went ahead and asked "so do you want to have a birthday party still?".

Mackenzie paused to think about it, then smirked "hell yeah".

Jaden chuckled at her reaction and texted his twin back "yup, she does".

Javon jumped up after looking at Jaden's text "I'll tell mom and dad we're throwing Mackenzie a birthday party".

"She said yes?" Jayla asked.


Kylee's eyes got wide "omg I've never thrown an actual party before I'm so excited".

Jayla smiled at her best friend "we need to get a guest list then we can start planning out the decorations".

"how many days tell June 2nd?".

"three not counting today".

"ok, great"


"I got to go to practice. Jayla mom said your driving me" Jaden yelled through the house.

"ok Javon and Kylee your coming too".

Mackenzie came running down the stairs "What about me?".

Jayla thought about an excuse "Daleo wants to play with you bye!". She pushed everyone out the door then slammed it.

"Well that was fucking rude" Jaden said putting his bag in the car.

"Jaden shut up, we're throwing her a surprise party" Jayla started the car.


"Yeah and the reason she couldn't come is because we gotta talk about it" Kylee backed up her friend.

"So who are we inviting?" Javon opened up his notes app.

"everyone except that Sarah girl" Jayla said.

"and Ava" Javon looked at Jaden and smirked "did you guys even break up yet?".

"I don't know I was waiting to find out she cheated on me again so I had an excuse".

"well you guys better break up before Mackenzie's party" Jayla said pulling up to the diamond Jaden's team practice on.

"ok" Jaden grabbed his bag and started walking to the diamond when he saw his teammates huddled in a circle.

Confused he walked into the circle and saw Tyler in the middle.

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