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Javon looked at the two as he noticed Mackenzie laying her head on Jaden shoulder and Jaden looking out the window with one airpod in.

He smiled "they would be so cute together" he though. It's just a matter of time before they figure that out.

Jessica parked the car. You could see the diamond from the car. Before getting out of the car Jaden gave Mackenzie her airpod back.

"We got here late so we gotta hurry up" Jessica said closing the car door. Everyone walked over to where the rest of Jaden's team was but before the curly haired twin joined his team Jessica told him "Good luck".

"You got this" Javon patted his brothers shoulder. Mackenzie walked in front of Jaden "remember it's the first time I'm seeing you play so you have to win" she joked. "This one's for you" Jaden said then walked over to his team.

That one sentence made Mackenzie very happy for some reason. What he said played in her head over and over.

Walking to the wooden bleachers Jayla bumped into Mackenzie shoulder "You two are so cute" she teased. Mackenzie looked down to hide her smile

Shortly after finding a seat to sit the game began. Jaden's team was batting first.

Mackenzie noticed Tyler, he was up first. The catcher was talking to him but no one knew what he was saying except for him and Tyler.

"That's the position Jaden plays right? The catcher?" Mackenzie asked Javon who was sitting beside her with a blanket over the two. "Yeah". "I wonder what the catcher is saying to Tyler".

"Most likely talking shit" Javon mumbled not taking his eyes off the pitcher.

After what felt like hour the pitcher finally threw the ball. Tyler missed it. "Come on" the team yelled clapping their hands.

The ball sored through the air a second time and Tyler hit it. He only made it to first base though.

Up next was a kid with blonde hair, he hit the ball the first time and Tyler ran to second base while the blonde boy ran to first base.

"Jaden's up next" Javon said. Jessica got her phone out to record her son "Come on Jaden!" She yelled. Jaden looked over to his family and friend and smiled, then got into position.

The pitcher threw the ball. He missed it, strike one. Again the pitcher threw the ball, Strike two.

Everyone held their breath. "Come on Jaden!" Mackenzie yelled. Jaden turned his head to look at Mackenzie. He took a deep breath.

Jaden swung the bat around. The the pitcher threw the ball a third time.

"CRACK" Jaden hit a home run. Jaden, Tyler and the other boy on the diamond ran back to home plate.

The team quickly celebrated, then got back to the game.

A little bit after Jaden hit a home run his team switched to outfield. "Hey do you want to go to the concession stand with me?" Jayla asked. Mackenzie knew nothing important was going to happen for a while so she said "yeah sure".

The two got up and walked over to where the snacks where being sold. "Um can I get a pack of M&Ms please" Jayla said handing the person a five dollars bill. Jayla grabbed her candy the loved so Mackenzie could get something.

"Can I get a Gatorade?" Mackenzie handed the lady a dollar and took the drink. "Do you think Javon will get mad we didn't him anything?" Mackenzie asked as they walked back to where they were sitting.

"Nah he's probably to zoned into the game he didn't even know we left" Jayla joked. Once they got back to their seats Jaden had caught a ball that was pitched.

"How much longer of the game" Jayla asked Javon. "Almost over". The two teams took a break to get a drink. "Mackenzie wanna go see your boyfriend with me" Javon said getting up.

Mackenzie rolled her eyes then got up to go with him to see Jaden. "Hey Jaden" Javon yelled to his twin who was standing by the water bottles, eating for his turn to get a water.

"What's up?" Jaden ran over to the two. But as soon as he got over to them he noticed Mackenzie Gatorade "oh my God can I please have a drink?" Jaden looked at Mackenzie.

"Yeah go ahead finish it off" she handed him a half full bottle. "Thanks" he said then chugged it.

"Well you did good so far-" Javon got interrupted mid sentence by a girl "OMG can I get a picture with you two?" the girl said looking at Javon and Mackenzie. The two looked at each other then agreed. They loved their fans.

The girl then snapped the picture and walked away saying "I just met Javon Walton and Mackenzie May".

Mackenzie awkwardly laughed "Well I guess we should go sit back down" Mackenzie said. "Yeah".

About 30 minutes later the game ended, Jaden's team won. Everyone gathered their stuff and walked back over to the car.

The two teams told each other "Good game" then went to their cars.

The Walton's and Mackenzie waited for Jaden in the car. while waiting Mackenzie opened Instagram. "Look what I just got tagged in" she said sarcastically showing Javon the picture of her, him and that girl that asked to take a picture with. Of course the comment where people shipping them.

Before they could say anything about the comments Jaden opened the door and got in. His face was red and he was about of breath.

Jessica started the car and they drove out of the crowded parking lot.

"Look at this video I got of you" Mackenzie smiled as she showed Jaden a video of him hitting a home run.

"Told ya I was good" Jaden said leaning his head back.

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