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"I can help train you at the gym!" Javon offered.

The group was talking about the party again as everyone examined Mackenzie's bruise. "you know so if you ever see Sarah again you would know how to fight back".

Everyone laughed. "Yeah ok that seems...fun" Mackenzie said not really knowing if she actually wants to train.

"Yeah but you may wanna give Jaden some tips too" Jayla joked.

The boy glared at his sister "hey I would've beat his ass if you didn't show up and stop us".

"You can tell yourself that".

Jayla opened her phone and texted the twins "Get Mackenzie out of the house so me and Kylee can go pick up the party decorations and hide them somewhere in here".

Javon saw the text "you know what, let's go to the gym now".


"Yeah I'm motivated right now".

"ok fine let me go change and cover this bruise".


"Here you guys can stretch over there before we start, I'ma go talk to dad real quick" Javon said walking into another area of the gym.

"Tell me again why we have to do this" Mackenzie said awkwardly.

"I uh don't know" Jaden started stretching his arms, when Javon walked back over to them.

"Dad said he can't help train you too cause he has to help an actual costumer. Sooo you to will spare" Javon gave the two some boxing gloves.

Mackenzie and Jaden both took a pair and put them on "so how are we supposed to do this?".

"Jaden hold your hand up and let Mackenzie punch it".


"don't worry it won't hurt, your wearing a glove dumbass".

Mackezie went ahead and threw a punch.

Javon face palmed himself "dude no, your supposed to turn your fist when you punch". He took her hand and twisted it the right way. "ohh ok".

"Jaden your turn".

Mackenzie held her hand out as far away from her face. Jaden punched it.



"You said it wouldn't hurt".

He shook his head "well maybe if you where holding your hand right".

Mackenzie turned her head to the side "are you giving me attitude?" she said sarcastically.

"Yes I am" he laughed.

"Jaden give him your gloves".

He took off the gloves on his hand and handed them to his brother.

After Javon got his gloves on Mackenzie lightly punched him "bring it on wanna" She joked.

Javon smirked "seriously?".


Javon lightly punched her in the stomach then right after he hit her a little harder on the shoulder which made her fall down.

She chuckled them got up with the help of Jaden "you alright?".

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks Jaden".

Javon looked her up and down "round two?".

"of course" the girl said then punched him in his side a little bit harder then last time.

Javon did the same thing he did last time that made her fall down, except she didn't fall down this time.

"pause wasn't I supposed to be doing this with Jaden?" Mackenzie asked laughing knowing she doesn't stand a change against Javon.

Javon looked at Jaden "Do you want to?".

Jaden shook his head "go ahead I guess".


"ok her favorite color is purple so I think purple and gold?" Jayla said as her and Kylee walked through the decorations isles.

"Yeah that would be good, but I have an idea. We should do a photo area like with streamers and stuff".

Jayla turned to look at her best friend "that's such a great idea!".

The two looked around for few more minutes when kylee brought up "Did we ever finish the guest list?".

"uhh I think we're almost done, but it would probably be easier to make a list of whos not invited" the two laughed.

Jayla found some purple cups that had gold glitter all over them, she started filling the cart with tons of them.


"we're home!" Javon yelled as the three teens and DJ walked through the door.

"how was it?" Kylee asked. Jayla was still hiding the decorations in her room.

"Great! But I don't think wanna really teached me anything" Mackenzie walked over to Kylee and sat beside her.

"What about you Jaden?".

Jaden laughed but it wasn't like a funny laughed more like a mad laugh "oh well, I just watched Mackenzie and Javon mess around".

Kylee realized he was mad and just said "oh".

"we should get in the pool and go live" Javon said.

Mackenzie jumped up "yesss".

"I'ma go get changed" Javon said and walked up the stairs heading to his room.

"Same" Mackenzie noticed Jaden just standing in the living room so she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the stairs "come on get your bathing suit on".

Jaden didn't fight it and just listened to her.


"lemme set my phone up right here" Javon set up his phone to where it could see about half the pool.

He started the live "come on let's go jump in".

The three walked over to the other side of the pool so the camera could see them.

"On the count of three?" Javon held his hand out to where Mackenzie could take it.

She was in the middle of the twins so she held her hand out for Jaden to take.

But before he could take her hand Javon slung Mackenzie in the pool.

"You bitch!" Mackenzie laughed and then Javon jumped in right after her.

"I hate you" the girl laughed and started splashing Javon.

Javon stopped splashing and looked at Jaden who was still standing where the other two where before they got in the pool.

"hey Jaden since you haven't got in yet can you get us some floaties?".

The curly haired twin rolled his eyes "whatever".

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