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Mackenzie looked at the person that was sitting next to her on the plane and smiled when the old lady looked at her.

"How are you" the lady asked.

"I'm good. How are you?".

"Good as well. Are you by yourself" She questioned looking around.

"Yeah im going to see some friends".

"that's sounds fun".

Shortly after the lady fell asleep.

Mackenzie noticed and quietly laughed.


After landing Mackenzie got a call from Jayla.

"hey I'm walking towards the food court".

"ok we'll meet you there".

Almost as soon as Mackenzie got to the food court she saw Jayla and Kylee.

"Jaylaaa Kyleeee" Mackenzie squealed as she wrapped her arms around the two.


"I know it's only been a week but I've missed you two so much".

"ugh we've missed you too" Jayla stated. "but let's get home".


As the girls walked into the house they saw the twins and Daelo about to get in the pool.

"Mackenzie!" Daelo said and ran up to her and gave her a hifive.

"What's up".

Jaden walked up to her and smiled, "how was the flight".

"Good I guess, I met an old lady".

Confused Jaden nodded and was about to turn around when Mackenzie stopped him "oh my gosh Jaden".

She gestured towards his stomach where a good sized bruise was "does it hurt?".

Before he could respond Jayla looked at him and said "What the fuck happened".

Jaden rolled his eyes "it's a long story".

Jayla crossed her arms "let's hear it?".

Jaden, Mackenzie, and Javon told the story about what happened in California.

"So who won the fight?" Jayla asked which earned a laugh from Kylee.

"Javon pulled him off me before I could win".

"Sure" Jayla winked.

"wait so you fought him because he threw your hat in the fire and not because you where jealous?" Kylee asked.

"What?" Jaden scoffed.

"Don't play Jaden you know exactly she's talking about".

Mackenzie looked at Jaden confused, as he just looked down and played with his fingers.

"We should go live".


The group went up to Jayla's room and sat infront of Javon's phone.

"hey guysss".

"What up"

After a few minutes of answering questions Mackenzie noticed Jaden wasn't talking, at all.

But before she could say or ask Jaden anything Jayla asked "who's your guy's celebrity crushes?".

"umm Shawn Mendes probably" Kylee answered.

Mackenzie though "um I don't know who mine is but, I like guys that are kinda tall, dark curly hair, brown eyes" after saying that she looked at Jaden and noticed he had a smile on his face.

"sounds a lot like Jaden" Jayla laughed and looked back at the comments.

"yeah Jadens my celebrity crush" Mackenzie said plainly.

Javon quickly looked at Jaden, "well he's not really a celebrity".

Mackenzie just looked at the camera and didn't say anything.

The comments shipping Mackenzie and Jaden came rolling in but everyone just ignored them.

Shortly after they all decided to end the live and get ready to go out to dinner.

"So what was that Mackenzie?" Kylee asked as she applied mascara.


"You said Jaden is your celebrity crush".

"well I mean we're dating".

"Yeah but you guys haven't gone public" Jayla pointed out.

"I think I'm ready to go public now though. I just didn't want to say anything to big because I haven't talked to Jaden about it in a while".

" Well that's cool that you guys are gonna go public, it might help his self esteem" Jayla muttered.

Mackenzie stopped doing her makeup and looked back and Jayla "what do you mean".

"Well while you where gone he was so Jealous of that Hudson guy, he was going crazy" Kylee joked.

"oh". Mackenzie looked in the mirror and realized she had finished her makeup so she got up and dug through her suitcase to find a dress. After finding a dress she took it and walked into the bathroom.

After getting dressed she walked back into Jayla's room " are you guys almost done? ".

" uh about ten more minutes and I'll be done"


Mackenzie nodded and decided to get a drink.

When she entered the kitchen she realized Jaden was in there too.

"Hey Jaden".


The girl realized she needed to talk to Jaden. So better now the later, right?

She looked around to see if anyone was near then took a deep breath and blurted out "So I heard you where jealous, maybe you where, maybe you weren't but I just wanted to say you have no reason to be jealous because your the only guy I've ever actually loved and leaving you would be the biggest mistake I could ever make".

The two didn't take their eyes off eachother and just smiled at eachother.

Jaden wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, "I'm sorry".

"for what?"

"punching Hudson".

Mackenzie backed up and looked at him "no don't be sorry he deserved it".

Jaden nodded. "So I'm the only guy you every actually loved?" he teased.

"In a romantic way, yes".

"Same here" stated

"Like you love yourself? or.. "

"No no I mean I love you".

The two laughed and hugged eachother again.


The group got to a restaurant and after waiting thirty minutes for a table they finally got their food.

"Sooo what are you up to wanna? you know with acting and shit?" Jayla asked.

"I don't got anything with acting coming up but I have some shoots scheduled soon".

" That's cool".

" What about you Mackenzie".

" I think I'm gonna take a break for a month or two. What about you Jayla? "

" I have a project coming up".

After eating they decided to walk around town.

"Oh Jaden I forgot to ask you, but do you want to go public?".

Jaden laughed "Yeah of course".

"Omg can I post a picture of you two in my story?" Kylee yelled as she ran infront of the two.

She got her phone out and took a picture of Jaden and Mackenzie holding hands.

Jayla laughed "You are something else Kylee".

Kylee ran back to beside Jayla "look how cute they look" she said as she showed her the picture.


After arriving home everyone went to Jayla's room besides Mackenzie and Jaden.

"Hey Jess can I have some of you tea?" Mackenzie asked walking into the kitchen.

"Of course but it's actually in the fridge out back" Jessica responded.

"Ok, I'll go get it".

She opened the back door and walked to the outdoor fridge that was on the other side of the pool.

She stopped and admired the pool as it shined in the dark, while the moonlight shined down on her.

Opening the fridge she immediately saw the tea, got it, and turned around.

When she turned around she came face to face with Jaden.

"Holy shit you scared me".


"What are you doing out here?".

"I thought you needed company".

"Jaden I'm just getting tea".

The two stood and looked at the pool.

"We should get in the pool" Jaden suggested.

"It is way to cold for that".

Mackenzie looked up at the moon, "the moon looks so beautiful right now, I bet Jayla is going crazy".

Jaden laughed "not as beautiful as you".

Mackenzie looked down and laughed.

The boy lifted her chin with his finger and they both stared into each others eyes.

They both leaned in and kissed eachother.

Slowly separating the two laughed.

"ok ok let's take a picture" Mackenzie said taking her phone out of the pocket.

After taking the picture she put the song "Cant Remember to Forget You" over the picture.

When the two first met they never expected to become so attached to eachother, but attachments not always a bad thing.

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