Chapter 20 The Mapo of Heaven ...

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As soon as he swore to the sword of victory, the Marshal was completely out of this Holy Grail war, but obviously things were not so simple ...

There are more than one servants who have been killed. At least, there are 80 assassin ...

Obviously, it is assassin who is next to Lin Yu and others, but there are only forty in number ...

"Is it broken?" My King looked around cautiously.

"Papapa!" Applause rang in the shadows.

"That's right, it's about to divide and break." The figure emerged from the darkness, which was Yanfeng Qili.

Indeed, with 80 heroes, it is obviously a waste to just use it to solve the problem. With the body strengthened by the black mud, half of the horses and horses are enough to deal with my king.

"Yes, the abacus is good, Yanfeng Qili." Lin Yu said.

"It's my honor to be praised by a king's master." It sounds pretty good, but he already has a few black keys in his hands.

"But you miscalculated something, I have to remind you." Lin Yu smiled.

"Oh?" Yan Feng Qili questioned symbolically, but apparently not ready to listen to the answer, because he had already rushed over.

"That is, you died too early." With this sentence, my king opened the inherent enchantment again.

"Did the caster enter the enchantment just now?" Just looking around the scene, Yanfeng Qili continued to rush over.

The black key was close at hand, but Lin Yu didn't move.

"Bang!" The attack was stopped.

"This is it?" Yan Feng Qili looked at the person in front of her.

"The first knight of King Arthur, Lancelot!" It was no wonder that Yan Fengli could not recognize the pure white armor.

Along with this sentence, silhouettes in the realm emerged ...

"It would be enough to siege King Arthur with 40 assassins. Unfortunately, you died earlier. You don't know this inherent enchantment."

"In the name of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table destroy the enemy." My king ordered.

Obviously, even the 40 low-assasssins who were swallowed by the black mud would not be able to solve the King's Round Table Knights. Even with the exquisite cooperation of the knights, it was difficult to fight back ...

Lin Yu took out his Tang sword.

If you can find an opponent in the last days, then in the fz world, Lin Yu has never found a person who can fight with himself. It is not that he is too strong, but that he is too weak. No matter which hero is enough to kill him. Now, even assassin ...

Now that Yan Feng Qili, who caught a single order, is here, Lin Yu is ready to test how strong her 160-point combat power is.

To be honest, it's clear that simply mastering the level skills can't get rid of Bajiquan, which can be called the master's realm, and he is also strengthened by the black mud ...

Just beside my king, Yanfeng Qili won't treat Lin Yu even if he is strong, so he can be assured of a bold fight.

"Oh?" Seeing Lin Yu pull out the knife, Yan Feng Qili threw away the black key on his hand.

At this moment, the black key used for tossing is obviously not as good as his master's octopus fist. After all, the knight king is next to him, and it is impossible to hit the black key when thrown out.

However, his eight-pole boxing is different. Fighting close-by, Yan Feng Qi Li is completely confident to resolve Lin Yu. As long as King Arthur is negligent, then Lin Yu is not a problem at all, although I do not know in what form King Arthur exists However, if you call Lin Yu the master, then if you solve the problem, King Lin Arthur will lose his vitality even if he disappears on the spot, and this is the only opportunity to come back now.

Posing an octopus fist, Yan Feng Qili watched Lin Yu quietly. There was only one chance to kill in one blow, that is, when King Arthur did not understand his strength and did not raise too much vigilance. Therefore, The first trick is to kill.

Knowing that my king has the intuition a skill in the fate series, the fighting Lin Yu here is not worried about playing off.

Lin Yu has not studied martial arts, so he is not familiar with the routine of Bajiquan, but this does not affect his skills of Tangdao.

Also posing his hands, as a sword method that has been lost for a long time, Yan Feng Qili also did not understand the use of Tang sword.

However, only with the starting posture, Yanfeng Qili has seen that Lin Yu's skill is extraordinary.

"I haven't seen the sword ..." The settled down, Yanfeng Qili continued to concentrate on her energy, striving to kill with one blow.

Lin Yu rushed up without any worries ...

Yan Feng Qili's pupils shrank sharply ...

opportunity! Yanfeng Qili made a move to Tieshan.

Although I haven't really understood Bajiquan, Lin Yu who has seen fz still knows some routines of Mapo Bajiquan ...

Mapo's move is fast, but Lin Yu, who had been on alert, easily avoided it.

"Huh!" Of course, Mapo would not let go of this only chance, and saw the flash of red light on his hand, and the speed improved a few grades.

"That's it!" There's nothing wrong, the red light is the curse.

Relying on the command spell to strengthen yourself to fight, this is exactly the way in which fz and Mapu fight.

Lin Yu does not have the inherent time control system. Avalon does, but he is not on himself.

Apparently, the King has discovered the situation here and is preparing for rescue.

"Huh!" He snorted again, and Mapu's arm flashed 15 times in a row ...

After 16 consecutive spells were used to strengthen himself, his speed reached a limit fast. Mapo slammed into Lin Yu directly, trying to solve the battle with one trick.

It's not that I don't want to be quicker, just that the 16 strengthening spells have already strengthened the body.

There is no sound at all, and Yan Feng Qi Li has broken through in front of Lin Yu, which proves that Yan Feng Qi Li surpasses the speed of sound only by relying on her body.

It was Lin Yu's feeling that it was impossible to prevent it, and my king obviously could not rush to implement rescue before this attack succeeded.

"It's done!" Yan Feng Qili hit her body on Lin Yu.

"Avalon!" A voice broke the illusion of Yan Feng Qi Li.

A faint mask surrounds Lin Yu, seemingly weak, but Mapo can't burst into the slightest with all her efforts.

Avalon's effect is its ability to block, which seems to be close at hand. In fact, the distance between the two has been extended to two worlds. Obviously, Mapo has no strength to break the world, even if he is Ten thousand spells are impossible.

The old moves are used, and the new ones are not born.

My king stowed Avalon, and Lin Yu picked up his sword.

Yan Feng Qi Li's body made of black mud was broken into two parts, and then gradually turned into black mud and slowly disappeared.

The battle around them came to an end. Only 40 assassin did not even hurt the Round Table Knights, and they were quickly solved by the Round Table Knights.

"Thank you." Lin Yu thanked my king.

My King shook his head.

After this battle, Lin Yu probably also knew his own strength. If he was fighting hand-to-hand, it was lower than Mapo, which was a big gap, but it was not too desperate. If Mapo did not rely on the command spell, then the two could still Fight for a while.

Mapo 's fighting power is estimated to be 180-190 points. This fighting power may not feel anything in the abnormal fz, even giving people a sense of how weak, but if you put it in the previous game In China, it is the existence of the second largest source of real business.

In fact, this was originally the only way left by the Lord God to Lin Yu. Killing the master survived to the end, because the fighting power of several masters was far from the heroes, but Lin Yu summoned my king, so this battle naturally need not be played like this. Aggrieved.

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