Chapter 4: The King's Banquet, Coming Soon

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Winding road......

"Miku ... Is it really okay to drive so fast?" My king sweated coldly ...

"Big husband, Moe Danai." Miku stomped on the throttle ...

"Just get used to it," Lin Yu said later. When zombies were besieged, miku drove faster than this.

"Is that so?" My King asked.

"Yeah, yeah." Miku nodded with Lin Yu.

Is my king moon cake?

"Master, there are unknown creatures ahead ..." My King reminded.

Because my King did not participate in the Holy Grail War, he could not detect whether it was servant by his breath.

"Are you here? Miku, ready to stop."


Three people get off ...

"Oh, sir, I'm here to greet you, Gilderez." The standard nobleman etiquette in front of me faced my king.

"Virgin? Sorry, I think you may have confessed someone wrong."

"How come! Why don't you know me, I'm Gilderes, Jeanne!"

"Zander? Sorry, my name is Altria, King of Britain, not Joan of Arc, you know."

"No, no, no! This is impossible! Joan, do you still keep your heart closed, or have you even lost your memory?" The marshal frantic.

"Can't you listen?" My King frowned.

"No, how is this possible! My lovely maiden, what makes you not even know my Gildles!" Marshal thumped wildly on the ground.

"Enough is enough." A sword fluttered past Gilderez.

"..." The Marshal froze ...

"I said it, you recognize the wrong person."

"So what ..." Marshal stood up ...

"That's pretty self-explanatory. The next time I meet again, Joan, I will surely awaken your memory." The marshal's figure gradually dissipated.

"It's really troublesome to deal with this kind of words ..." My King complained.

"Oh, this is also confirmed, except that the identity of the berserker remains unknown." Basically, the identity of the other servants has not changed except that the palace was cut off, and since Yan Ye still called out the berserker, then Bacheng is still the Yangtze River Knight .

"By the way, there should be assassin nearby. Tell me about Yanfeng Qili and Tosaka Toshika. I'm not interested in getting the Holy Grail." Lin Yu is really not interested in getting the Holy Grail. He just wants to destroy the Holy Grail.

"Leave, miku, my lord." No matter what assassin heard or heard, the three Lin Yu got into the car and left.

Einzbelen ...

"What's the result of the investigation?" Wei Gong asked.

"Good news and bad news ..."

"The bad news?"

"The other party's information is sufficient, including my origin." Shi Lang smiled bitterly.

"Even the origins of the future spirits?" Chee frowned. In the past two days, the guardian of the palace had told Qiu about his future, but his true identity did not tell Qiu.

This is a terrible opponent ... even more terrible than the old enemy Yanfeng Qili ...

With this in mind, Qie could not help reaching out for cigarettes.

"Smoke less, it's bad for your health."

"Let's talk about the good news again ..." Quit the cigarette in his hand and asked again.

"The good news is that we have formed an alliance, and this alliance is an alliance that will never dissolve ..." Shiro, who knows exactly what the Holy Grail is, knows that this alliance will never be dissolved ...

"Is it impossible to dissolve the alliance?" Qiu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Templar Church ...

"So, did you find the caster while tracking the Cavalier King?" Yan Feng Qili asked lightly.

"Yes, we've sent someone to keep up, and we've found the caster's hiding place."

"Is there anything else?"

"A man suspected of being the master of the Knight King asked me to bring you and Tosaka Tosaka."

"Oh?" Yanfeng Qili showed great interest.

"He said he was not interested in the Holy Grail."

"Not only know that Assassin is not dead, do you know my relationship with the teacher?"

"Do you want to report this to Tosaka Tosaka?" Assassin asked.

"Go tell the mentor." The current Mapo apparently hasn't fully awakened her pleasures ...

Winterwood Hotel ...

"In this case, the collection of information is basically the same. As for Yan Ye, at present, 80% are still resentful of Tosaka Toshiyuki. As long as Jin Shining appears, Yan Ye's servant will definitely catch up." Confirmed with the original The deviation was small, and Lin Yu began to work out the next plan.

"First of all, it is certain that with the current me, heads-up master can only solve Ryunosuke at most. Weber ... As for Yan Ye ... this is even a little hanging ... others are not even possible to win ... As for Former Emperor, Di Lumuduo will not be able to consider himself. Both Emperor and Shine are better than my king ... But there are too many gunmen in the emperor's army, unless they encounter the same lucky assassin. Otherwise, it must be certain ... Shiny words ... With the weak restraint of the Yangtze River Knights, although it is absolutely impossible to win Shine, if Shining Two is wrong, it can still be done for him, Marshal 's Sea Devil though Very strong, but now my king innocently swears that he can swear to satisfy him. If the Yangtze River fights with my king, 80% will still lose. Assassin will die under the emperor's army sooner or later. The guardian 's words can It is used to contain glitter, after all, ubw restrains the king's wealth to a certain extent. "

That 's right, looking at the fate series, luck is the key factor that determines the success of the battle. The four generations of assassin lucky e, were played by Wang Jun within a few days, and the two generations of gunmen lucky e died. Too many gunmen of the Great Emperor's Friendship Group have been separated from the sword for a second. This is just like mystery. Mystery will lose its effect in the face of higher mystery. Fortunately, luck will be defeated by a higher degree of luck ...

He shook his head, threw the pile of luck in his head, and joked, and now thinking about luck, maybe the goddess of fate will make a joke with you ...

"If you don't want to be lucky, it's time to start ..." A strategic outline gradually appeared in Lin Yu's mind.

"Miku!" Lin Yu called onion mother.

"Hmm? Is there something wrong with the master?"

"I think we should go to the Wei Gong house tomorrow ..."

"Wegongjia? What are you going to do there?"

The next day, Einzbelen ...

Ayumi made a cup of black tea for his nominal mother.

"Archer, what are you thinking?" Alice Phil asked.

"No, nothing ..." Shi Lang shook his head.

Recalling that when he was summoned to see that the master was actually his father, Shi Lang shook his head ...

Although the reason for insufficiency has suddenly passed, when the servant and master are in communication with each other, they will see each other's past from a dream, in other words, their identity will be revealed sooner or later ...

Recalling last night ...

After coming out of the Tochigi Hotel, I have always felt a sense of danger ... Sure enough ...

"Unexpectedly, it's not just the hybrids who dared to be king in front of the king. Nowadays, one who dares to misappropriate the king's office also appears."

The treasure house of the king opens ...

"Cut ... actually met this guy ..." Projection Mo Xie was projected, and Shi Lang was preparing for a battle.

"Oh? Is archer actually using a double sword?" Shine seemed to find something interesting.

"I'm not the only one doing this anyway." The subtext says Shin, aren't you the same?

"Hybrid, dare to compare with the King!"

"No, I mean, this King of Spirits, who is temporarily called Jin Xing, don't you think it's wrong to come to me with a little-known servant?" Shi Lang threw away the evil spirit.

"Throw the weapon?" Shine was curious about this novel way of fighting, but that didn't mean he would show mercy.

"Come on, fake!" Wang Cai leaned in.

"Heart to Taishan, heart to cross the Yellow River." Black and white swords are divided into four.

The next moment, two more weapons flew out.

"Is it infinitely different?" Glancing sneer.

"Boom!" Weapons collided, and they dropped Mo Xie on the ground.

But Wang Zhibao didn't mean to stop at all, and continued to blast towards Shilang ...

"Boom!" Wang Zhibao bombarded a smoke on the ground ...

"En Qidu!" Skylock struck in the past.

"Huh?" Frowning frowning, feeling that the lock of the sky was not locked to the other party.

"Different space?" Looking at the mess in front of him, but without the body of another archer, thought.

"Interesting, let me live a long time with this fake." The golden light faded away.

"It was really thrilling yesterday ..." Thinking of the battle with the strongest hero, Shiro felt cold sweat behind him.

"Oh!" The knock sounded.

"Archer, please open the door," Alice Phil said to Shiro.

"Um." Shi Lang was surprised that someone was still visiting at this time.

open the door......

"Yo, Shi Lang, take the liberty to visit, please forgive me." Outside the door, Lin Yu's expression disturbed.

"Please come in." Although it is not clear how Lin Yu found this, but since he is an ally, it is too unreasonable not to let him in.

"This is the master of the knight king, welcome to come here to play." Yesterday, Alice Phil learned that the two have formed an alliance, so there was not much surprise to Lin Yu's visit.

"Sorry to bother you. Don't you know Wei Gong is at home?"

"Qie Qiu went out with Wu Mi to gather information in the morning ... I haven't returned yet. If you're looking for Qie Yi, he will probably be back at lunch."

"Then I have to bother you for a while ..."

"Oh!" The knock came again ...

"Come here." Shi Lang went to open the door again ...

"Are you ... rider?"

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