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Author's pov

Jimin choked a sob, trying to stay silent. He hated crying. It always made him feel pathetic and weak.

He winced in pain, as he tried to lift his shirt exposing the purple-red bruise, that was carved over his stomach and chest area.

Just tracing his fingers over it sent a throbbing pang of sensation, letting a whimpered breath of pain. When Yoongi asked him. The memories rushed through his brain, at a lightning speed.

His spirit was breaking more and more as the seconds passed by.

He pulled his knees towards his chest wrapping his hands around them, trying hard to breathe, even a little without feeling a pain that seared through his chest.

"Hyung, they cursed at me over my back.

I kept quiet.

Took me to the centre of the class and humiliated me.

I kept quiet.

Pulled me, by my collar and shoved me into the wall. Blood smeared through my head, but they didn't stop. Digging their nails into my shoulder, while staring at me with an amused glint, they loved the whisk of fear that entranced through my nerves depicting in my eyes. Covering me with black-purple bruises, they are still smiling at the piece of art that they created over my body".

A silence filled, as Jimin slowly parted his lips gasping for breath, as he closed his eyes firmly.

"They didn't stop there. It never satisfied the evil witch that dwelled inside them. I couldn't bear it anymore. I ran away as far as I could. Tried to hide under the bed, in the closet, under the hot shower that burnt my skin. But, all my attempts failed as I could still hear their voices, their stares that are daggering holes in my heart. I can't live anymore, hyung. I want to be free. Relieved from this hell."

Jimin tried to stand up, sucking in the remaining air into his lungs, leaning his hands over the metal railings, sliding as he tried to balance his girth over the corner. Glancing below at the calm waters that were averting his gaze from everything else.

A/n: uh oh!

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