Chapter 1

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Liam sat silently while holding a cup of takeaway latte on his hands, resting on a bench over the sidewalk. The city is uproarious tonight, with crowded people and the street lights on...

"Just like any other night." Liam exhaled, taking a small sip

It's just what he enjoys every day, chilling under the blinding lights from the street signs when the night falls, sometimes going to a nightclub, hitting on with some strangers, and ended up with a one night stand. It's what he does, mostly for fun and satisfies his sexual needs, or so he thought. Much to his surprise, Liam doesn't know what he wants to do tonight, maybe he'll just head home early after this cup of a latte... It sure sounds boring, but the pink-haired boy didn't feel like hooking up with some random guy for today.

"Mind if I take a seat?" An unfamiliar voice suddenly came up next to him, Liam glanced up to see a gentleman in a black suit with red hair, he has to admit, that guy looks even sexier with that scarlet red tie. If it weren't for the way too-neatly dressing, he would have mistaken him as some male model. The pink-haired boy licks his lips, "Just my type."

"No, not at all, be my guest" Liam responded with his usual charming smile, watching the other sat down next to him.

The other red-headed takes out a cigarette and the lighter from his coat's pocket and starts smoking, "So, what are you going to do for the rest of your life? Have any plans?"

"I don't even know what I'm doing tonight. How about you?" The pink-haired asked with a smug look on his face, throwing the drink to the trash can beside him despite the fact that the cup is still full.

"Well, why don't we decide it together then?" He puffed out the smoke with a smirk

Liam chuckled "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"Depends on how you see it."

"Won't you tell me your name?"

"The name's Kill, and you're?"

"Call me Liam" he smiled.

* * *

After a long conversation while walking in the park and many come-hither gestures, staring into those dreamy light pink eyes under the starry night sky... Kill ended up leaving a kiss on Liam's soft lips without the intention to.

"What's the meaning of this?" Liam smiled after their short kiss.

"You tell me?"

The pink-haired boy smiled playfully, leaning closer "Y'know... I think this relationship of ours is quite rushing. Or maybe you just want a simple one night stand?"

Kill smirked "Don't walk out on me with that kind of reason, baby. Do you tend to lie with that 'yearning-for-me' expression of yours?"

Liam chuckled softly again "You've got me. Where are you suggesting we go then, sugar?"

"How 'bout a drink? It's my treat, I know a good place. I will give you a ride with the windows down if you like."

The look on Liam's face shows full happiness

"I've never done that before. Let's go!"

- - - - -

Both of them kept on drinking and flirting with one another until midnight. Kill has a higher tolerance for alcohol, so he still managed to stay awake; in the end, the red-headed had taken the drunken Liam back to his home.

They were deep in kisses, cuddles, conversations, and sex 'til morning. Sometimes, when they looked deep into each other's eyes, they would kiss the other. And every time like that, their hearts feel free.

Couldn't stand the feeling of wanting to kiss him.

Embracing until their body sticks to the other.

Caressing the other's body in passionate warmth.

"I feel like... my heart is on fire for you..." Liam whispered under his breath.

Leaving a gentle kiss on other's forehead, Kill smiles "Well, I don't know how and I don't know why, but with this touch and the look of your eyes, I can say that we may meet in another life... and in this life, right now in my arms, I'm having you..."

Upon hearing words like that for the first time in his life, something deep inside of Liam's mind and heart makes him feel out of this world. The pink-haired boy smiled happily, embracing the new feeling that's bubbling inside him, or maybe it's just because he's drunk?

"I'm yours?"

"Yes, you're mine..." tightening their hug, Kill mumbled.

"But why did you ask me what I was going to do for the rest of my life?"

"You feel odd?"

Liam laughed for a bit "Mmmm... probably."

"At the moment I saw you sitting there... I've already thought that I want you to become mine. I had a feeling of wanting to be with you for the rest of your, I guess you're right, maybe we did rush a bit."

"But it was worth it, right?"


And both of them stayed silent in each other's arms like that, forget everything that had troubled them through the day and just felt the warmth of others...

* * *

Soon, the moon is replaced by the sun, making way for a new day to start.

Liam threw up his hand to shield his eyes from the sunlight going through the window before opening his eyes. Noticing the place next to him is empty, he got up, put on a shirt, and walked to the dressing room nearby as he heard sounds coming up in there. The pink-haired leaned on the door and watches Kill changing into a new black and red suit. Liam intended to say good morning but before he could speak up, somehow Kill already knew he was there even though they weren't facing each other

"Have I... told you that I'm working as a mafia?"

Liam was surprised that Kill noticed him standing there while he didn't make any noise, but he chose to not ask, it wasn't important anyway.

"No, you didn't..."

The red-headed feels a bit hesitated and then let out a small sigh
"Sorry about that, but if I did tell you, would you..."

"Runaway...?" Liam finished Kill's question

"Well...would you?"

"Are you threatening me?..."

"No... because my feelings for you are real."

Liam walks up to Kill and embraced him from behind
"If you said so, then I'm not going anywhere. This is my choice, just so you know because I do what I want and love what I love..."

"You really do have the courage huh?" Kill smiled sadly, a bittersweet feeling "some people tried to do that... and in the end, they ended up running away."

"How did you deal with them after?"

"I... didn't want things to break out or cause any troublesome affairs, so I had their memories erased, they'd forget everything about me."

Liam knows Kill really meant all the things he just said, so he got anxious, Liam would never want them to end like that "Don't ever make me forget you! Even if, maybe, just maybe one day we have to separate, I don't want to forget all about you..."

The red-headed turns behind, slowly caressing Liam's cheek with a small smile "Up 'till now, you're the first one to say that..." with a soft voice, Kill speaks his thought out "Are you... the right person for me..."

"...Yes, I am, and I want to. So don't you dare walk out on me. Don't give up on me, don't give up on us." The pink-haired boy holds Kill's hand back, just to feel the warmth of his hand, and the warmth of the lovingness they're giving each other.

"I won't..."

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