The Hand On My Head

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When the paths seem look all incorrigible,

and hope seems all lost

When success feels a dream,

and gifts lose their cost

-I still don't lose hold,

a Voice whispers to be bold.

When determination staggers down,

and nightmares come for real

When happiness seems a fantasy,

and wounds take long to heal

-I still cannot strive to hide,

a Presence stands by my side.

When plans go haywire,

and things go wrong

When all happens for the worse,

and life seems but a sad song

-I still jump up to every tide,

an Arm stretches out to guide.

When all seems lost,

and darkness prevails the day

When despair takes an upper hand,

I still don't run away

-For every night when I turn to bed,

I close my eyes and feel the Hand on my head.

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