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Shoutout to ArkScorpion669  for the story idea make sure you all follow him and check out his stories! Anyways enjoy the story!

The story opens up as we see a teenager on the floor waking up as he starts looking around as his vision was blurry. As he started waking up he heard a voice behind him.

???: Son! You alright?!

He looks behind him and saw his father, Jacob Lee getting up from his feet as he walks towards his son.

Y/N: D-d-dad? i- w-what happened??? 

Jacob: I- i think we just saw Dani's memories of Europa...

Y/N: S-so a-all this was started b-because.... Of us??????

Jacob: I- uhhhh-

???: Jacob, Y/N?

They both heard another familiar voice as they look in front of them and noticed Dani on the floor but the thing they noticed the most was that her face was covered with black veins and her eyes started becoming bloodshot.

Dani: W-what's what's wr-wrong... why are y-you o-on the flo-floor...?

I got up from the floor and rushed over to Dani as I noticed the infection was starting to get worse as her whole face started getting more black veins.

Y/N: Dani?! Hey! Your gonna be ok! Come on we gotta get moving we're almost there!

I said to her before trying to pull her up until she couldn't get up.

Dani: N-no! I can't!

Y/N: Yes you can!

Dani: Noooo! I can feel it! Hear it! In my head! *She said groaning in pain as she was holding her head*

Y/N: Damn it! Dad we have to hurry we're running out of time! *I said while looking desperately at my father*

Jacob: Fuck... Ok I'm gonna go get and the cure are you gonna be ok with her?!

Y/N: I'll be fine don't worry about me dad!

Jacob: Ok! I'll be back! *He said before i see him running off*

Y/N: Make him pay for what that fuckers done!!!

My father then disappears as he heads towards the warden's conference room. I then look back at Dani and it looks like she's about to pass out.

Y/N: Hey! Hey Dani! Stay with me I'm not gonna lose you! I lost my mother and Elias come on not you too!

Dani: Y-Y/N...... I- i cant feel my- my face.... I- I don't feel so good..........

Y/N: Dani listen to me just stay awake you're gonna be ok! I promise!

Dani: Y-Y/N......

She then grabs my hand and puts her handgun in my hand as I look at her confused.

Dani: P-please.........

Y/N: W-what??!

Dani: J-just get it o-o-over with....

I then realized what she meant.

Y/N: Woah Woah Woah Woah Hey I'm not killing you! No I can't do that!

Dani then grabs my face and forces me to look at her.


Y/N: Woah calm down! Im not killing you and that's final!

Dani then realized what she had done. She then looks down as I notice this.

Y/N: Dani????

Dani: I- i- I'm sorry..

Y/N: Hey don't be It's alright.


I then heard a loud bang noise as I heard loud shouting and grunting noises.

Y/N: The fuck was that?!!!

Dani: go...........

Y/N: What??

Dani: I think your father's in trouble.........

Y/N: B-but he told me to-

Dani: Y/N. Go..........I'll be fine.......

I hesitated for a second but I realized my father could be in trouble and he might need backup. I then heard shooting and grunting noises more.

Y/N: Shit. Ok are you sure you can handle yourself?????

Dani: I-I'll be f-Fine hurry......... go!

I took a deep breath in as I started running with my assault rifle ready. As I got closer I heard a familiar voice.

???: No one to save you now! *A voice shouted as I heard someone getting thrown across the room*

Y/N: Oh crap. Don't tell me......... I then peeked my head and saw him.

Captain Ferris. I then noticed my dad on the ground as Captain Ferris got closer to him.

Captain Ferris: No more tricks! No more escape this time! I've beaten you! *He shouted before stomping on my dad holding him down* IVE BEATEN EVERYONE! IVE TOLD YOU- *he then stopped mid sentence as I noticed he started shaking* AGHHH!! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME?!!!

Y/N(mind): What??!

I then noticed his arm got bigger and bigger as his whole body was ripping apart and large spikes came out of his body as he turned into something more terrifying.


Jacob: Oh god! Oh my god!

Fuck he's stronger and huge now. But I can't give up! We gotta find the cure for Dani and save my father fast!


Y/N: THEN PAY THIS BITCH! *I shouted before throwing a flame canister using my GRP causing Ferris to turn around as he noticed me*

Captain Ferris: Well Well. 3-8-7. You'll die along with your Father then! *He said before screaming at the top of his lungs causing me and my dad to cover our ears as I noticed a shield forming on Captain Ferris's face*

I then brought out my assault rifle as I started running towards my father as I helped him up.

Jacob: What Are You Doing here son?!! I told you to stay with Dani!!!

Y/N: Dani told me to go to you in case something happened and yet here we are!

Jacob: Fair Point i guess! *He shouted as we kept running*

Y/N: What's the plan dad?!!!

Jacob: The Warden's alpha is Ferris! We gotta kill him and get a sample from him so we can cure Dani! But one us need's to distract him!

Y/N: You distract him! I have an idea!

Jacob: Just be careful!

I nodded as I ran in the other direction as my dad went to go distract him. I then started shooting him from behind as my dad was using his GRP to throw objects at him.

Captain Ferris: NO ESCAPE!!! *He yelled before grabbing a large piece of concrete before throwing it towards me. Luckily I was able to dodge it on time*

Y/N(mind): Fuck! He's so fast!

I then started shooting explosive rounds at him as his shield broke.

Jacob: Now! Let's shoot him!

Me and my dad started shooting him with our guns as it started pushing Ferris back. He then screamed at the top of his lungs once again as his shield formed back again.


Jacob: Ok I have a plan! We have to throw as much flame canisters at him once his shield is down!

Y/N: Ok!

I started shooting my shotgun towards him as he stumbled. He then started running towards me as he punched me knocking me down.

Jacob: Son!

Y/N: ah... my head.........

My vision was blurred until I felt a tight hand grab me and lift me up.

Captain Ferris: Hahahaha! Say goodbye to your son 5-2-1! Cause he's about get "impaled"

He then brings out a spike from his arm as he was about to stab me. Until.

Jacob: GET OFF MY SON! *My dad shouted as I saw him throw a flame canister causing me to fall on the ground as the explosion broke Ferris's shield. I then got back up quickly as I noticed Ferris was dizzy so I decided to bring out my assault rifle as I started spraying bullets at him without stopping*


I then use the GRP and kept throwing flame canisters over and over. I then noticed that Ferris was stumbling as he then let out one last roar before he fell on the ground dying.

Y/N: Fuck.. We did it. Finally......

Jacob: Yeah. We did. Now......

I then noticed my father pulling out a syringe gun as he walks towards Ferris's dead body. I got my gun ready in case he would come back to life and try and kill my dad. As he injected the syringe inside him he fully got the sample as my dad and I sighed in relief as we finally got the cure.

Y/N: We did it.

???: You think you've won?

I quickly turned around and saw the warden of black iron prison. Warden Cole.

Warden: Ferris was weak. An imperfect vessel. But that sample is the key to unlocking a centuries old life time. And it belongs to me..

My dad then got in front of me as he was protecting me in case anything happens.

Jacob: No no i don't think so.

Warden: Please this is no time for false heroics, just leave the sample and walk away. There are escape pods up there it will take you back to the life you both had. And we can all have what we want. So tell me Mr.Lee what is It that you want????

???: I'll tell you what I want!

I then immediately knew that voice as I turned to my right and saw Dani holding a gun and aiming it at the Warden.

Dani: I want my sister back fucker!

She then started shooting the warden until I noticed that the bullets weren't affecting him. She shot him two more times before collapsing on the floor.

Y/N: Dani!

I then ran to her side as me and my dad checked on her.

Warden Cole: A valiant effort but surely you know by now. I never lose.....

I then grabbed the syringe from my father.

Y/N: No! This time you do! *I said before I injected the sample inside Dani*

(Authors POV)
Dani then gasped for air as she opened her eyes and looked at Y/N and Jacob.

Dani: Y-Y/N?! Jacob?!!

Y/N: Dani!

Y/N then hugged her tightly as she was shocked from the sudden reaction. Jacob was then smiling at the view as he then glared at the warden. He then kicked the syringe gun to him.

Warden: Such a waste. All this to save one life. I guess this is goodbye then. Ms.Nakamura, Mr.Lee. Y/N. I Hope you all enjoyed your stay at black iron. *He said before walking away as the PA system announced self destruct sequence*

Jacob: Y/N, Dani Go! Run! NOW!

Y/N And Dani we're in front of Jacob as they ran for their life to the escape pod room.

Jacob: Keep Running! We gotta get to the escape pods!

As Y/N was running a piece of debris fell on his foot causing him to fall on the ground.

Dani: Y/N! *She ran back as she and Jacob got the debris off his foot as they helped him up and started running again*

As they made it to the escape pod room they noticed there was only 2 escape pods.

Y/N: Oh no........

Jacob: There's only two................

Dani: But who's leaving and staying?

Jacob and Y/N sigh as they knew all of them couldn't get off Callisto. They both look at Dani as they put her in the escape pod.

Dani: Wait! You guys don't know what your doing!

Jacob: We do Now!

Y/N And Jacob Walk up to the pod Dani's in.

Y/N: Im sorry Dani. But, we can't keep running from what me and my father did.

Dani: What are you talking about??????

Jacob: We're sorry. For everything.

Y/N: But this is where we belong. I hope I get to see you someday Dani. Take care.

Dani: Wait! No don't!

The pod then launched away as Y/N and Jacob were the only ones left. Y/N and Jacob approach it as they look at each other.

Y/N: Dad. It's ok.

Jacob: Yeah..... it is.

He then grabs Y/N and pushes him inside the pod.


Jacob: I'm not doing that.

Y/N: Dad why?!!

Jacob: Son. I'm sorry.

Y/N: What do you mean?!!!!

Jacob: I'm sorry for dragging you into all this. I'm sorry about your mother. But this is where I need to be so you can live your life.


Jacob: I Love You son. But, i can't let you die. *He then presses the launch button* have a good life son.


The pod then launches out of black iron as Y/N screamed.

Y/N: DAD!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

He then noticed that black iron exploded everywhere as he started shedding tears as he then lost the only person he had left. The pod then entered space as it was going straight to earth........

To be continued....

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