Chapter 6:Revalations,Cars and Home

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Jerome's POV


'Mitch, when are we gonna tell the others about us?' I asked, and the Canadian sighed 'I don't know, but it has to be soon, I think they're starting to suspect something' 

I was about to say something when Vikk and Lachlan came into the living room 'okay, we've got something to tell you' they announced 'Vikklan is real' everyone looked at them 'yep,he's telling the truth' Lachlan said, kissing the Brit's cheek 'OTP, OTP, OTP!' Rob cheered 'Merome's sailed too' Mitch blurted out 'another OTP!' Rob cheered again.

'What about Poofless? Or is that ship still in the dock' I teased, and they looked at each other 'Poofless, Poofless, POOFLESS!' We chanted, and Preston threw his hands in the air 'OKAY FINE, Poofless has left the dock and is sailing across the Atlantic Ocean!'  

'I knew it, Vikk you owe me ten bucks!' Mitch yelled 'and Preston owes me a box of Generic O's' Lachlan replied 'you betted with Generic O's?! OH SWEET JESUS SAVE US!' Rob shouted, running outside and coming back in 'bad idea, it's freezing out there!'

'...but you've got ice powers, you're immune to the cold' he shook his head 'nope, I can just stand it a bit more than average people, same with Preston and fire,demonstration-' he made a small iceball and put it next to his head,only shivering a little bit, then he put it next to Vikk's head and he squeaked.

'Too cold, too cold!' We laughed 'have a snowball' Rob threw one at Jerome, then made a small pile of them 'snowball fight!' I yelled, grabbing some and chucking them at Preston's face 'sandstorm!' Was all he said before a face full of snow 'ahh, golden entertainment' Lachlan sighed, rolling onto the sofa 'it's a shame a visit's gonna be over soon...'

'Who said it was? We have to live in the moment boys, that's why we're going to a car driving session later' everyone looked at Mitch 'you didn't think I'd let you guys go without letting you drive cars?' They all cheered 'when are we going?!'

He looked at him watch 'ehh, may or may not be in half an hour' I facepalmed 'Dood, this is The Pack we're talking about, it takes Lachlan two hours just to do his hair!' The Aussie blushed 'n-no I don't!'

'Yeah, you only take an hour' Preston teased 'oh ha ha, very funny' he muttered before grinning and turning invisible 'heh'

'Ohh no, everyone run!' We scattered 'boys boys boys'

'The noise'

'Boys boys boys'

'The NOISE' I hid in the bathroom and locked the door 'no chance of getting in here mate!' I yelled as he banged on the door 'come on Jayrome, you're cheating!' He complained 'you never gave us any rules!'

He went silent, then he tried to force the door open 'go find one of the others!'

'I dun wanna' he went away and I heard squeals from down the hallway 'no please, I fan! I fan!' It was Mitch 'hmm... you're fan has not been accepted!' He squealed again *these guys... they're awesome*


Lachlan's POV


'You can't run from the Craftbattleduty Vikk~' I sang, looking around 'yes I can! Well I can't outrun you but I can hide from "The Craftbattleduty"!' He shouted from somewhere 'annnnnd you've just given away your position, Imma gonna getcha Icky Vikky!' 

I eventually found him hiding under a bed 'found you' I whispered right next to his ear 'HOLY FLUFFERMUFFINS!' He screamed, and I gently dragged him out 'did I scare you Vikky?' I teased, and he looked away 'Vikk?' I turned visible 'what's wrong?'

He suddenly turned around and hugged me tightly 'I-I don't want to say goodbye!' He cried, and sadness crept into my heart 'I don't want to either...' I soothed as Mitch popped his head around the door 'come on, guys! We're about to go!'

'We're coming!' I yelled, running my fingers through Vikk's hair 'when it's over, we can Skype each other, it'll be fine'

'...but it won't be the same...' He sobbed 'I know, I know...'


Time Skipping Rope to when they're at the car place thingy


'I call dibs on the red motorbike!' I shouted as we saw the cars 'fair dos, I've got the red and black car' Mitch said 'I'll take the blue and red motorbike...' Vikk said, and I put an arm around his shoulders.

The order was Jerome with a light blue car 'because it reminds me of Betty' he sang, Rob had a dark blue jeep, Preston had an orange motorbike, I had a red motorbike,Mitch had a black and red Range Rover and Vikk had a blue and red motorbike 'I've always wanted to do this!' Rob yelled.

'Okay, three, two, one, go!' The staff member yelled, waving a checkered flag as we drove around the race track 'I'm gonna beat you all!' I whooped 'you may be fast on land, but I'm gonna win!' Jerome yelled as he sped past me.

'Jeep coming through!' I pouted and started speeding up 'be careful on corners Lachy!' I rolled my eyes and overtook Rob 'nice to see you again Woofless!' Turning a corner, I started catching up to Jerome ''ello Fluffy!' We both crossed the finish line and I stopped, breathing heavily 'heh... who won?'

The referee came over 'the winner is... Jerome Aceti!' I groaned and took my helmet off 'soooooo close, GG Jerome' the others came over 'congrats Biggums!' I crossed my arms 'you just got lucky'

'Someone's a sore loser' I glared at them playfully 'but can you do... This?' I grabbed Mitch's hand and ran around the track, completing it in ten seconds while the attendant had his back turned 'ugh, headache' the Canadian groaned, leaning on Jerome 'you alright Benja?' We walked out the building 'yeah, I'm good'

You know that sudden realisation that this is one of the last times you'll see your friends in real life for ages? That feeling just hit I think everyone 'that was fun!' Rob said,trying to lift our spirits 'yeah, thanks for doing this Meeeeeeeetch' Preston agreed 'no biggie, I know you guys like cars'


Time Skipping Rope - The Next Day


'I guess this is goodbye hey Vikk' I tried to hold back tears as we sat in the airport 'y-yeah... I'm gonna miss you Jagbattleduty' he smiled sadly.

Will All Passengers For Flight 20971 Please Head To The Plane, It Will Take Off In Half An Hour

I hugged him tightly 'I'll see you soon, Shooting Star' tears ran down his cheeks as he nodded 'text me when you get there, okay? It'll probably be really late, but I want to know you're safe' I kissed him goodbye and ran to the plane,taking my seat and going on Instagram.

'Leaving the land of Mitch to go back to Australia, gonna miss everyone ;-;' I posted, and seconds later there were some replies.

'Aww, you're really gonna miss us that much? Stay safe you lil Cactuses<3 ❤️' Preston

'We're gonna miss you too guys, come back to Canada any time!' Mitch

'You're leaving already? Canada's not that bad XD Good Luck in the land down under mate'' Rob

'The Jagbattleduty has left the building, NUUUUUUUUU DX miss you already!' Jerome

'I wish I could've come with you Lil Lachy :( oh well, England's waiting for me' Vikk

The last one broke me, so I quickly put my hood up and turned towards the window as I saw him waving madly.

*Vikk!* I waved back and grabbed my phone, texting him.


L:I CAN C U!!!

V:I know :3

L:I dun wanna leave 💔💔💔

V:I can see u crying, pls don't cry :(

I wiped the salty liquid from my cheeks.


The plane started going down the runway.

V:no, becuase I can't wipe them for you ☹️

We started flying, and I sighed.

L:in the air now :(:(:( I wish you could teleport


L:I know


I turned the phone off and sighed, staring at the sky 'this flight's way too long'

'Yes it is' I jumped and saw the girl in front of me smiling 'I said that out loud?' She nodded 'either that or I've got telepath-wait, you're Craftbattleduty!'

'The one and only' her face lit up 'I was watching the Crazy Craft mega episode with The Pack and others, shame you messed up your voice' I shrugged 'blame Jerome'

She laughed, then tilted her head 'what's up? You don't seem as... hyper as you are in live streams and stuff' I sighed 'ohh, I get it, you miss the others' I nodded, and her smile grew larger 'especially Vikk'

*SHE KNOWS?!?! HOW?!?!* I hesitated, then nodded again 'yeah... I'm not gonna see him for a few months though'

She thought about something 'maybe you could surprise him during the holidays? Oh, I'm Luna by the way' (I PROMISED MYSELF I WOULDNT DO IT BUT I DID,I OUT MYSELF IN ANOTHER FUDGING STORYYYY)

'I'm Lachlan, but I'm guessing you already know that' she nodded 'you can thank the Internet for that, I just watched your videos because you're so awesome!' Her parents shushed her 'Amelia, stop talking to strangers!'

"Luna" rolled her eyes but nodded anyway, pulling out a light blue iPad and going on Instagram.

@Lunawolf41 :just on a plane from holiday to Canada, next stop Australia then we're going back home to Southampton, guess who I found!

She quickly mouthed at me "can I take a picture?" And I nodded




'Home at last' I sighed as I unlocked the door, plonking my stuff on the floor and sliding into the living room


he took a while to reply, which wasn't hard to understand as it was probably midnight in England right now.

V:sweet,did you get hurt in the way? Any crocs in your house? 

I laughed at the last one.

L:nah mate, I'm all good, you?

V:I'M TIRIIIIIRRRRED I can't sleep without you 😞

L:aww,my poor lil Icky Sticky Sleepy Vikky

V:sometimes I worry about your sanity but then I remember it's normal XD






V:fiiine 😴💤😴💤😴💤

L:good Vikk c:

V:g'night Lil Lachy

L:Goodnight my Shooting Star 😘




Oh yeah,I have a question for you guys....

Should I get an Instagram account? Becuase I don't have one yet,I'm 12 XD

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