Chapter 9 - The Animal Intelligence Labs

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Pete/Brandon's POV


'Pete? You alright mate?' Someone snapped me out of my thoughts 'heh, sorry Choco, just thinking about something' he grinned cheekily 'that "something" being a certain Noochem?' I blushed slightly 'maybe...'

He squealed 'oh my gosh, is NoochZahHutt canon?' Sighing heavily, I shook my head 'kinda, it's one sided really. He's obviously straight' his grin intensified.

'Listen, Mat's about as straight as a curly fry riding a roller coaster' Luna said 'how do you know that?' She smiled 'I saw him a few days before you got here, he told me to tell you that he says hi and hopes to see you soon' I jumped up and down 'so he's here?! Do you know where he is now?'

Her smile faded 'yep, he was captured and sent to "T.A.I.L" hopefully he hasn't been experimented on yet...

I gasped 'what do you mean "experimented" on? What do they do there? What's "T.A.I.L"?!' She bit her lip '"T.A.I.L" stands for "The Animal Intelligence Labs" they turn people into hybrids'

*we've got to save him, but how?* I started pacing around the room before spotting a cheesecake at the window 'hey Luna,did you make a cake?' She shook her head and thought about something before paling 'don't touch it!'

Too late,someone leapt up and tackled me to the ground with a syringe in his hand 'Oliver,get the fudge outta here before I hurt you' Luna growled 'how about no sister,Notch needs more hybrids for his plan,maybe you'd like to participate?'

'If you let him go,I'll go with you,I tribute for the Humger Games' the boy shrugged and stuck the needle in her arm,watching her fall to the ground 'naive little Amelia,will you ever learn?' He pulled out another one and jabbed it in my neck 'goodnight slime' was all I heard before lacking out.





'Ugh...where am I...Choco? Luna? Guys?' I said,opening my eyes 'Pete! Thank Nooch you're awake,the others were starting to get worried,especially Mat' Luna said,walking over to me 'M-Mat's here? Where?'

The Brit sighed 'he may or may not have fallen asleep because he was crying so much' there was a faint shuffling from the corner of the cell 'I...I wasn't crying...wait he's up?' Someone jogged over to me 'Petey?'

'Mat!' I hugged him tightly 'oh my god,I was so worried about you' he muttered against my shoulder 'so was I,I thought you had gone forever' I closed my eyes,and for a moment I felt safe,like nothing could've hurt me.

The feeling was short-lived though,as a guard came up to the bars 'silence peasants!' He shouted,dragging a metal rod across the iron as the male next to me flinched 'y-yes sir' the guard nodded and walked off 'Mat? Usually you don't get scared,what did they do to you?'

He brought his knees up to his chest and said nothing 'what did they do Mat...' I slipped an arm around him 'I-it's nothing,really' *you're a terrible liar*

'Stop pestering your cellmates,Slime!' The guard from earlier said 'I've got an idea,how about you shut the hell up' I growled 'Brandon,what are you doing?! They're going to kill you!' Mat hissed 'that's it,you're first for the hybrid trials (oh look,The Hybrid Trials,that means THT my other FF is THT Illuminati Confirmed *bows and walks away) get out,right now' I shrugged and stood up,walking over to the door.

'Don't do it,escape while you can!' I ignored the calls from my friends and stepped into the hallway 'go now!' I heard Kenny scream 'guys,if I don't make it,it was nice knowing you'


Mat's POV


This can't be happening.

It isn't right.

I tried barging the door,nothing 'Mat,he's gonna be fine,Brandon's a strong person' Choco tried to comfort me 'you don't understand Choco,you've never been in this situation before!'

'I have actually,having someone you love right there and not being able to do anything about it? I feel that every day' I hung my head 'sorry Choco,I'm just really worried and scared for him' he nodded 'it's okay...wait,listen!' We all went quiet,and screams could be heard 'oh god oh god oh god' I started panicking.

'Maybe it's not him?' Kenny said,even though fear was in his eyes 'no,it's him' I sobbed,hugging my legs 'he...he'll be okay Nooch'

The screams stopped,and I squeezed my eyes shut '' Footsteps neared the cell and a body was thrown in 'guys,I think I know what they're doing' Luna said,sitting next to the slime 'they're turning people into their Minecraft skins,that means this' she pointed 'is Pete,Mat's gonna become a robot,Choco's going to be turned into a chocobo,I'm not sure about Kenny though'

'What about you?' She smiled 'they don't call me Lunawolf for nothing'

'How are you so calm about this?!' I yelled,and she shushed me 'you're gonna wake him up,he's been through a lot,you could at least let him rest' I sighed 'sorry Luna'

She grinned and put a hand on my shoulder 'hey,you're worried about him,I would be the same if this was Drew'

'But he loves you,Pete doesn't love love me' Kenny started bouncing up and down 'can I tell him? Can I tell him?' He asked eagerly 'tell me what?'

Choco facepalmed 'he loves you!' I laughed softly 'come on guys,you can't possibly...he doesn't...'

'Who doesn't what? What're you guys talking about?' The boy groaned,sitting up and rubbing his head 'Brandon!' I cheered,hugging him tightly 'M...Mat?' He said weakly.

'Why the fudge did you do that?! You could have been killed!' he winced slightly and I pulled away 'are you hurt? did they break anything?' I panicked ' least I don't think so' he whispered 'but does it hurt?!'

he looked into my eyes and burst into tears 'y-yes!' he cried *they hurt my Petey?! oh,they're gonna pay* 'hey,hey,it's okay' I soothed 'have you seen what they did? I'M A FUDGING SLIME,MAT!'

'it doesn't matter,why would it?' he took a deep breath 'because now the person I like thinks I'm weird,I know what they're like' I saw Choco sneak up behind him,and sensed someone behind me.

'guys? what're you-' the pushed us together,and my lips connected with Pete's *shootshootshoo-why isn't he pulling away?*

Choco and Kenny high-fived eachother 'NoochZahHutt is cannon!' Luna cheered,and Brandom pulled away.

'I'm so,so sorry...' his eyes started watering again 'why?' I asked,wiping the tears away 'I'm bi...'

'so what? I don't care because I love you' he froze 'w...what? how could you love me?' I put an arm around him and smiled 'remember the first time we met?'


Flashback about 17 years


'Nade? Josh? where the heck are you guys?!' six-year-old me yelled,trying to find my friends 'you can't find us!' Nade jeered 'I just got a text from Mum,we've got to go,be Mat!' Josh shouted,and everything went quiet.

'guys? come one,this isn't funny' I tried to find my way out of the forest we were in,but I had gone in too far 'hello? is anyone there?'

a rustling noise came from the bushes *shoot shoot shoot I'm going to die!* the rustling got louder,and a boy about my age stepped out 'oh hi!' he waved cheerfully 'h-hi'

'are you lost?' I nodded 'my friends ditched me and I don't know where I am...'

'I can help! where do you live?' we started walking 'I just moved here a few days ago,somewhere on Lexington Drive' he grinned 'you must be the new neighbours then,I live next door!'


Time Skip 8 years,Brandon and Mat are now 15


'-and that ends it for this episode of How To Minecraft,if you want more leave a like and subscribe!' I shouted,doing my outro 'that was one of the longest videos I've ever recorded' Pete laughed softly through the Skype call.

there was a knock on his door,and he flinched 'I-I've got to g-' the door opened,and there stood a man I had never seen before.

'what do *hic* you think you're *hic* doing boy?' he slurred,holding a beer bottle 'n-nothing sir,I was just doing my homework' the man stared at the screen before grimacing 'who the bloody Hell is this?! have you been flaunting yourself again?! what would your Mother think'

he smashed the bottle against a wall and hit Brandon with it,sending glass and blood 'no! stop!' I yelled,running out to help.

*the spare key's under the flowerpot...where the hell is it?! back way it is then* I went into the back yard and grabbed a garden chair,throwing it at a window and climbing through the jagged hole.

following the cries,I pushed a door open and saw blood staining the walls,with Pete in a corner and the man above him 'say goodnight sunshine' he sneered,raising a baseball bat 'not today' I growled,grabbing his hand and ripping the bat away from him 'I don't have enough fucking time for this' he ran away.

'come on Brandon,don't fall asleep,okay?' I begged,shaking him 'b-but it doesn't h-hurt when I sleep...' *THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE?! OH HELL NAH!* 'I'm calling an ambulance,just please,stay awake' I whipped my phone out and dialed 911 (is it 911 or 999 in America?)


'what's your emergency?'

'my best friend just got attacked by I think his Father,he might not stay awake for much longer'

'okay sir,we're going to need the address'

'uhh,it's 21 Lexington Drive (TOTALLY RANDOM XD)'

'an ambulance is on its way,I'm going to need you to stay on the line until they get there,okay?'

I nodded,the realised that she couldn't see me 'okay...' I turned to the boy and held his hand tightly 'please don't leave me Pete'

he coughed weakly 'I...I won't...'


6 years later


Brandon had been taken into care after his Father was found and put in jail five years ago,and I hadn't seen him since then.

'Mat! glad you could make it mate,welcome to Minecon!' Lachlan grinned,jogging over 'hey Lachlan! I haven't seen you in ages,how's the family?' he pulled a face 'normal'

'it's impossible for them to be normal Lachy' Mitch laughed,coming over 'hi Nooch!'

will all contendants for the question panel please make their way over to the stage,it will begin in 15 minutes

I sighed 'but I just got here!' Mitch punched my shoulder playfully 'you overslept by two hours' I started running to the stage and bumped into someone 'sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going' he apologised 'it was my fault,I was runni-Brandon?!'

he tilted his head then gasped 'Mat!?' I nodded and he laughed,hugging me tightly 'I haven't seen you in fudging ages! I've missed you so much' I hugged him back 'so have I,I haven't seen you in...five years? damn it's been too long'

The Pack came over and Rob coughed 'Mat,we're on in a few minutes' I grinned awkwardly and pulled away 'sorry guys,I want you to meet my long-lost best friend Brandon-slash-Pete!' they introduced themselves as I heard them calling out Pete's name.

'hey PeteZahHutt,you're on' I whispered as Lachlan started arguing with someone in the distance 'oops' he bounded up the stairs and Lachlan looked over before looking back at the guy he was arguing with before starting to laugh.

the Brit saw him rolling on the floor and started laughing too 'is Lachlan bipolar or something? he goes from arguing to laughing like that in the space of two seconds'


Flashback End


'that was one of the best days I'd ever had' Brandon smiled,and I stroked his head 'yeah...I'm just glad I made it on time...' I trailed off and sighed 'dude,it wasn't your fault,you can't blame yourself for what happened'

'But if I had been quicker then you would have been okay,you nearly died!' I started raising my voice 'Mat,shush'

'No,I could've been there to protect you!'

'Matthew Johannesburg Nucciarone' he warned,and I crossed my arms 'you're being extremely childish' I turned away 'Mat,look at me'

I shook my head,and he turned my head towards him 'better,now look into my eyes' I rolled my eyes but did as I was told,and he started speaking v-e-r-y slowly 'none of this was your fauulllllllt'


'None.of.this.was.your.fault' he was trying 'n-no...' He sighed and started poking my face 'not your fault,not your fault,not you-' I pushed his hand away and laughed 'fine,fine! I give up'

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