15. Rien d'impossible✔

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"À valliant cœur, rien d'impossible."
-Jacques Cœur
"At heart, nothing is impossible."
-Jacques Cœur


Sampurnaa's pov :

It is said that you understand someone's feelings and emotions in a given situation when they share their experience, but you always feel that pain only when you are caught in a similar situation.
All this time, I had been able to understand Sridha, but today I had been in her shoes. I had broken down this badly just at the thought of being raped and that girl, she had to live with the trauma! She had to live all her life suffering for someone else's sins.
There are so many women like that in the very building I am in right now! I had to ensure justice for them; even if it takes away every last penny I have.

Indrayan's pov:

The girl who had been in such a vulnerable state barely half an hour ago, had her gaze fixated furiously on the bed in the room seemed to be deep in thought.
Any other girl in her place would do anything and everything in her power to escape from this hellhole but she wanted to stay. I was about to break her out of her trance by moving my hand in front of her eyes, when she held up an outstretched hand indicated me to stop moving.

I stopped moving with an inquisitive look directed at her.
She pointed at the floor.
My gaze followed her finger and then I saw it!
It was undoubtedly a blood stain.

Before I could say anything, she started speaking, "This is the same room Sridha was in. "
I was not convinced at that statement, after all every human being had blood and this could very well be from anyone's wound.
"How can you conclude like this? Are you planning to go to the court and telling the judge that you saw blood on the floor and that... ", my voice trailed off as her pointed finger changed direction.
And then I saw it!
It was a broken earring which seemed to have dropped from someone's ear. It was at the corner of the bed.
Even then, nothing made any sense.
She must have read my mind because she answered my unasked question, "The earring most definitely belongs to Sridha. The day I rescued her from this place, she was wearing one earring and another broken one. There can be no more doubts about this! This is where all that happened! This is that unfortunate place! Give me your phone! "
I handed it to her not exactly getting her intentions.
She took it wordlessly, switched on the camera and clicked pictures of the room, the blood stain and the broken earring.

"Now, coming back to the point... ",she was just beginning, but I had other plans, I cut in between, "You are coming back with me and the rest of the team!"

She whined like a kid before replying like a lioness, "I am staying here till I unmask the heinous crimes which are encouraged in this area. It is just a matter of two days and I am not asking for permission! I am simply asking for security and the rest I can manage. "

Her heated gaze never left mine as her eyes threw an open challenge to me.

"Sampurnaa! This is not some college picnic or camp. This is the red light area! Women are taken against their will each day! Every sound that escapes a man's throat is a reflection to his disgusting and insatiable lust. Every sound which escapes a woman's lips is a reflection to her helplessness and pain! Women are never weak! They are strong, but you need to understand that this is not strength you are talking about here!
Had I not been here in this room with you, there could have been someone else who would have tried to force you! This place is every woman's nightmare! You've got to think wisely.", I voiced all that I had in my mind... Totally letting go of the bundled up anger her stubbornness had managed to unleash in me.

Sampurnaa's pov :

His eyes flashed angrily. His voice matching the roar of a lion!
His gaze had an intensity which could make one go weak in the knees. Perhaps, his glare compelled all the criminals to confess to their crimes.

Nevertheless I spoke up, "Think reasonably! I can be here safely with just some help. Tomorrow, you come back here and ask that witch for the same woman you had tonight i.e., me. If you offer her extra bucks then I am sure she would gladly oblige. And in case you can't, speak to my senior and team members. Ask them to form a small protective boundary for me. You said Vinay was nearby and that he had an extra Bluetooth, recorder and camera. Ask him to give that to me before he leaves with the two policemen and the women. Let me remain here! I know and I believe I will be able to find something worthwhile! I am already in the lion's den, I either slaughter the lion and save myself or I try to run away now and get devoured instead. This is a one time chance! I got into this place accidentally and coincidentally but this is the best opportunity that we'll ever come across, in order to expose these criminals! I honestly believe Mr. Sequira is involved in a deep and we'll connected racket in some way or the other. Let go of the human in you and analyse the situation as a lawyer!"

His gaze bore into mine as he absorbed my words.
Maybe it was the conviction in my tone or the practicality of the situation, whatever the reason was, his head slowly tilted to one side giving an affirmative nod.

I smiled immediately.

He smiled back and then his expressions hardened as he spoke out,
"I shall ensure more reporters and security personnel are brought on board by tomorrow. Three women are going to escape tonight. Tomorrow onwards we shall begin raiding the bars nearby and imprisoning few men. That would make few people come here at least for a day or two! No one is going to be at the brothel with you though. We can provide you with all the security you need outside. During the day, you get ample time to snoop around for documents, files and anything else that might be suspicious. The police and reporters outside would surely shadow all the men and women who exit this brothel.
Tomorrow is Thursday. All this has to end by Saturday, 3pm because the first hearing of the rape case is from 4pm. You are one of the witnesses!
This is one of the most twisted labyrinth you shall ever find yourself in. Make your way out of all this wisely! "

I nodded my head excitedly.

"Rien d'impossible! Nothing is impossible! And I know anything is possible in this case. This brothel may just be the headquarters to something much more than prostitution! We have to find out and we shall!" I said with finality.

He nodded, our gazes locked again and as the clock struck 12, we knew we had embarked on a new journey...
To be continued...

Hello everyone! I would really appreciate a little more encouragement from the readers.
So far, I have managed to update almost everyday except the last 2 days. I shall keep trying to not keep you people waiting but please do give me a chance and the encouragement I need.
Thanking you in anticipation.

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