20. I shall be strong ✔

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"The truth is unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward."

-Steve Maraboli

Abhimanyu's pov:

Sampurnaa had not returned home or contacted us for around two days now. We had come to know last evening about her decision to live in a brothel in disguise as a prostitute.

To say we were horrified would be an understatement.

Baba had been shaken badly. The mere thought about my little sister, his daughter, being in such an unsafe place was indigestible, unfathomable.
Ma had been crying without a break, and even Adrija had broken down.

We appreciated her strength, her determination, and couldn't be prouder of her bravado, but the rash decisions that had pushed her into danger did not sit well with us. Although we were angry with Sampurnaa, our concern and love for her surpassed any amount of anger and frustration we had.

Her colleagues and the lawyer who has been assigned Sridha's case had been in contact with us throughout. They had called us to give updates and inform us about everything being well.
Ma and Baba simply refused to believe anything they said till they saw her alive and in a good condition.

I had been praying too. Neither of the four of us had managed to get any sleep during the night.

Since morning today, there wasn't much the police or the other reporters could tell us.
Our hearts were beating really quick, and Adrija and I had even taken leave as we were both tensed and worked up.

It was around 8 pm now.

The last thing we had come to know was that the police were going to break into the brothel to ensure her safety.

Ma had been praying without a pause. Even Baba had simply refused to eat or drink anything till he saw his princess safe and sound.

We were worried and in anticipation of some news or update when Baba's phone started ringing. It was Sampurnaa's senior.

Baba picked the phone up with shaky hands and the rest of us waited with bated breath hoping that it was good news.

Caller: .....
Baba: Is my daughter safe?
Baba: What? She's been taken to the hospital! Why? What happened?
Baba's phone slipped out of his hands and he fell to his knees as he started crying. Ma went near him while Adrija offered him some water.

I picked up the phone and spoke to the man on the other line, "What has happened to my sister?"

The voice on the other end replied, "I heard that she's been injured, and has been taken to Jaslok Hospital. She isn't very severely injured, but I honestly do not have further details. I suggest you go to the hospital straight away. My team and I will be joining you shortly."

I composed myself, relieved that my little sister was safe. At the same time, I was worried and concerned about her.

What had happened there? How did she get injured?

I gently helped Baba up and asked Adrija to help Ma to get down to the parking zone, while I took out the car for us to proceed.

We finally did start from Chembur towards Peddar Road silently.

This silence was deafening as it held suspense and fear; fear for our Sampurnaa who might have gone through hell.


Indrayan's pov :

Sampurnaa had been brought to the hospital.

She had come around briefly in the ambulance but had passed out again due to dizziness and loss of blood. The doctor stitched up her wound as it was deep and then bandaged it.

She was unconscious, but the doctors said it is quite natural for her to feel disoriented and weak. She had been shifted to a general ward and was resting.

The doctor asked me about her family and I said they were on their way to the hospital. He asked me to tell them to meet him before leaving.

I was curious to know what had happened to her so I asked the doctor, "Was something done to her? Why is her body bruised? "

The doctor confirmed my fears by saying that someone had tried to touch her inappropriately and even molest her. She had been restrained from any movement and her body had bruised due to constant protest and physical struggle.

He specifically told me that there was a good chance that she could be traumatized and that her family should know everything. They had to help her overcome the trauma and support her throughout for her to return to normal.

I thanked the doctor as he went his way, putting on a brave facade, even though a part of me felt frustrated.

I was waiting outside her room. Sampurnaa's colleagues had just arrived and had been inside to see her for a brief period, but since she was still unconscious due to weakness, no one stayed long.

I was speaking to the senior journalist under whose guidance the sting operation had been carried out when I heard someone speaking to the receptionist.

He was enquiring about Sampurnaa.

I turned to look at that and was horrified. What was my brother-in-law doing here?

It was Abhimanyu, my sister Adrija's husband.
Then it struck me!

They both share the same surname! I was suspecting Abhimanyu of having a hidden marriage when my sister, her mother-in-law, and father-in-law approached the reception.

I was relieved that at least Abhimanyu wasn't cheating on Adri.

Just at that moment, before I could say anything, Adrija turned and saw me.
She gasped in surprise and then asked me, "Tui ekhaane? " (You here? ")

I nodded and then asked her why she was here.

Before she could reply, her mother-in-law pushed me aside, muttering a hurried sorry, and running inside Sampurnaa's room. I had barely recovered from the shock of the impact when Anirban Uncle followed his wife at a similar speed.

Abhimanyu wasn't as harried or flustered as his parents, so he acknowledged my presence, "Sampurnaa is my sister."

My mouth fell open at that revelation. We live in such a small world!

Adrija then added, "And I guess you are the lawyer who had gone to save her yesterday. "

I nodded, kept a hand on Abhi's shoulder before telling him gently, "Sampurnaa was in the brothel in the evening. There was a big problem due to which the security personnel backed off. By the time we got to reach the place to rescue her, something had happened. A woman had been shot dead, and Sampurnaa was lying unconscious on the floor with a head injury. The doctor has dressed her wounds and has requested you to meet him before going home. There is something he would like to say personally to you and your family. "

Abhimanyu looked at me straight in the eye and asked, "Was my sister raped? Tell me now! Did someone do something to her against her will? "

I nodded gravely and added, "She wasn't raped, but someone tried to do something against her will. There are signs of struggle and molestation, although she's not been sexually assaulted in any way. She was able to defend herself. I don't know what exactly happened there. We have to wait for her to regain her senses in order to know the details."

Adrija gasped audibly and Abhimanyu's eyes glistened with hushed tears that he had been holding back all this while. He held onto Adrija for support and then broke down.

He was sobbing like a child while accusing himself, "I failed as an elder brother today! I couldn't protect her! Aamar chhoto Bon! (My little sister!)"

I silently let them comfort themselves. After sometime, Abhimanyu entered Sampurnaa's room. I could hear Uncle and Aunty crying. Adrija looked at me then and tears started flowing down her cheeks. I put an arm around her shoulder and then led her into Sampurnaa's room.

Abhimanyu was trying to comfort his mother while Uncle was seated beside Sampurnaa's bed. He had taken her hand in his and was speaking to her, willing her to wake up and look at them once.

Adrija and I went to Uncle and he held onto the both of us, letting go of his emotions.

It was a very saddening atmosphere in that one hospital room.

Amidst all this, Sampurnaa was trying to wake up gradually. The doctor had given her painkillers which had induced sedative effects.

I immediately went to call the doctor.

The doctor came and examined her while we waited outside her room patiently.

Sampurnaa's pov :

My head was spinning and felt so heavy.

I had been trying to open my eyes for what seemed to be a century. I willed myself to try harder and opened my eyes gradually.

Everything appeared dazed and blurry to me.
Eventually, I recognized my surroundings to be a hospital room. A doctor was checking on me. He first adjusted the bandage on my head and then proceeded to check on my vitals.

I started recollecting all that had happened to and with me before I had been hit on my head.

The doctor smiled at me and asked how I was feeling.

I managed to croak out that one person's name who had always been there for me, "Baba!"

The doctor smiled again before saying, "Your family is waiting outside for you. I shall call them in now. Your vitals seem to be good enough but you are going to be in the hospital for observation tonight."

I managed a sound that was a cross between a pained groan, and a yes before the doctor nodded in acknowledgment and exited the room.

I heard him say this outside, "Mr. Roy, your daughter has been asking for you. You may go and speak to her. I would have to ask you to ask her fewer questions now and allow her to rest. I would request your son, Mr. Roy, and his wife to accompany me to my cabin though. I need to speak to them."

The door opened then and Baba walked in, followed by Maa. I wanted to hug them and tell them that I missed them, but I couldn't get up with a heavy head.

Baba came and kissed my forehead while looking at me lovingly. I smiled at him despite the Apocalypto ache in my head. Maa came and took my hand in hers, inspecting me for injuries. She looked at me and I smiled at her.

Baba finally managed to speak out, "Baby, how are you feeling?"

I replied weakly, "Ami thik achi (I am alright). I am just a bit drowsy."

He smiled at this reply and then stroked my head over the bandage, "Are you in a lot of pain?"

I nod in negative.

Maa was silent all this while, but I knew she had a plethora of unanswered questions. She was scared for me, and she wanted to hug me close. I know I had given her a lot of trouble.

I smiled at Maa, who attempted to return my smile, her face contorting, as she struggled to control her tears.

I wanted to reach out to her, to take her hand in mine, and tell her that I was okay, but the sedatives and analgesics kicked in, making me fall into a dark, deep slumber, away from the pain that reality brought.

Abhimanyu's pov :

The doctor told me and Adrija me that Sampurnaa had been through a lot that evening. She had been molested but had managed to fight back.

It was so hard for me to digest everything. Shocking! Why did my little sister have to go through what she did! Why did the men never stop when she had screamed no?

The doctor warned that Sampurnaa may even suffer from post-traumatic stress and anxiety. He asked us to simply be there for her and with her.

I nodded and thanked him before going towards my sister's room.

Baba and Maa were near her. She was muttering something very slowly, and then she fell asleep gradually, within a few seconds.

We knew this was unnatural, but her body did need the extra rest to heal.

We stayed there for some time and decided to go back home.

Maa decided to stay back with Sampurnaa.

Since our house was quite far from Peddar Road, Indrayan asked me, Baba, and Adrija to spend the night at my in-law's place i.e., his house.

We agreed as we wanted to be nearby for any emergency.

The rest of the night was uneventful, but stressful for all of us as we worried silently, about our household's princess who had to suffer alone.

The next day:

Sampurnaa's pov:

I woke up in the morning. The watch kept on my bedside said the time was 7 am. Maa had fallen asleep sitting on the stool by my bedside.

My headache was quite less in intensity and some of the pain and fatigue had dissipated after the long uninterrupted slumber.

I sat up, wincing slightly, still feeling a bit disoriented as I lifted my head.

Maa jerk awoke at the movement, asking me hurriedly, "Shona, are you okay? What happened? Is your head aching?"

I smiled at her motherly love and concern, "Maa, I am okay. Yesterday..."

I told her everything. She had tears in her eyes by the time I finished saying everything. She started speaking, "My baby... You... You went through so much!"

I held her hand and shook my head willing her to not cry. She wiped her tears at my insistence, her eyes still glossy, as she looked at me. I beckoned her close, and with Maa's arms holding me securely, I sought refuge in her warmth.

Two hours passed by. The doctor came to check me up and told me that I would be discharged later during the day. The nurse and Maa helped me take a short shower without disturbing my wounds and bandage.

I was given another medicine and a psychologist came to speak to me. He asked me questions about what had happened and I answered them honestly, suppressing some part that I felt was too personal. I knew it was wrong, but my mind and heart didn't want me to share it all with a random stranger.

Baba, Dada and Boudi along with Indrayan arrived at around 10 a.m.

I hugged Baba and Dada before hugging Boudi.

Mr. Indrayan Chakraborty was standing in the side in an awkward manner.

I called out to him in the end. He looked at me like I was his teacher in class who had asked him a difficult question and put him in a spot.

Indrayan's pov :

Abhimanyu, Adri, Anirban Uncle, and I had a quick breakfast and then rushed to the hospital.

Sampurnaa was in a better state and was to be discharged later during the day.
We visited her in her room shortly after a psychologist exited the room.

She hugged her brother, father, and Adri before turning to me.

I had been standing awkwardly as I felt like the odd one out in the family reunion. I was a bit surprised when she called out to me.

I regained my composure and enquired her, "How are you feeling now?"

She totally ignored my question and the journalist in her woke up as she looked into my eyes with conviction and asked without a preamble, "Zeenat? How's she? Were the doctors able to save her? Freida and Victor Sequeira escaped, right?"

Abhimanyu spoke up before I could, "Sis, you can't do this! You have barely recovered yourself! This isn't the right.... "

Sampurnaa cut in almost immediately, "Dada, this is the right time! I am perfectly fine! I may have been molested by a few men, but neither am I traumatized nor am I scared of anything. I am not ashamed of anything that happened. It wasn't my fault! I tried my level best to save myself and I am proud of myself for being strong enough then to have protested. Yes, I have been physically injured! But what was going on there was far worse than anything anyone can ever go through! I need to speak to Indrayan now!"

Her voice was firm and the journalist in her screamed dominance and conviction.

Her mother spoke up then, "Shona! Ekhon na! (not now) You must rest a bit! Don't add to your stress, sweetheart."

Sampurnaa replied, "Maa, I have rested enough. Mr. Indrayan Chakraborty! Ignore everyone else in the room and answer me now! "

I sighed helplessly as did the other 4 people in the room apart from me and Sampurnaa.

I began, "Zeenat could not be saved. She was dead by the time we reached there. The other girls have been rescued. A few of them had untreated injuries and they have been treated. Freida and Mr. Sequeira escaped even after the police had formed a perimeter around the brothel. Till now we haven't got any leads on them. The men who were there at the brothel were arrested and are currently under police custody to be produced at the court tomorrow. Sridha and you have to identify those men."

Sampurnaa nodded. One look at her and no one could say that she had been through a traumatic experience mere hours ago. She asked me the time for the court proceedings and I answered her.

She then turned to her parents and family, "I know you all are concerned about me but lest be assured that I shall remain strong. I shall be strong for myself and for all those who are going to be involved in the court case tomorrow. I am not going to allow myself to be traumatized! I shall fight the haunting memories and not break down. It wasn't my fault! I don't deserve to suffer! "

She looked around fire blazing in her eyes. Her gaze locked with mine as she asked me, "I have Zeenat's voice and confession recorded on my recorder. The camera captures her face and also the suspects. I came across several files there as well. You will get shots of them on the camera. We have to show the criminals their place tomorrow in the court! "

She held out her hand to me.

I accepted it for a firm handshake. She was strong indeed, and her body language and confidence reflected her strength.

I knew what was going to come next was going to be a complicated journey for justice even though we had ample evidence. After all, there were several unanswered questions, missing faces, and uncovered facts.

It was going to be long and we had to stand strong against the gale that had just began rising.

To be continued...



I stand against all crimes that women may be victims of. Why should a woman have to suffer during the crime and also its aftermath? I condemn rapists and I shall always condemn them for the crimes called rape, sexual harassment, assault, molestation that are heinous! As a man, refrain from stripping a woman of her dignity, and as a woman, support any woman who may be going through silent hell and always remain strong!

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