23. Personality

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"Appearances make impressions, but it is the personality that makes an impact."

Sampurnaa's pov :

We were stuck in traffic. It was raining heavily and the road had come to a standstill.
Typical Mumbai!
We had not moved an inch in an entire hour.
There were frustrated drivers honking like crazy. Several people including Indrayan were standing outside their cars. I was still inside and honestly on the verge of bursting out.
After around another hour of waiting, the cars began moving at the speed of a tortoise.

We again began driving. I was tapping my finger on the dashboard of the car impatiently. Indrayan looked at me from the corner of his eyes, silently asking me to stop that but I utterly ignored him.

Finally awhile later, he broke the uncomfortable silence, "Stop that! If you can't be still when you are frustrated, talk it out instead of distracting and disturbing me while I am driving! "
I frowned, made a face like a kid and then replied to him, "I am really angry! That defendant accused Sridha of being characterless! She wants to redeem those criminals! That rapist may have died a gruesome death but he deserved more. He should have lived and gone through living hell like Sridha did! That witch, Frieda never objected or protested against those felonious men, instead she was equally involved! She forced women to be involved in all that! They had to live in a brothel where a peaceful sleep and even edible food is a faraway dream. They were compelled to let others sell them each day! I swear on God today, no matter what comes my way; I shall see the end of all this!"
I was fuming! Indrayan looked grave.
The traffic was still moving at a slow pace.

"Abhi and Adri were college friends and were in a relationship for so long. Adri even said she knew you. Why did you not attend their wedding?" Indrayan asked curiously.

"I really wanted to come and have fun! I wanted to attend my only brother's wedding but I had examinations I had to attend in order to graduate on time. By the way, why are you unmarried? "

He groaned and made a face before honking once in an annoyed way at a truck driver and then finally answered my question, "Maa and Dad have been trying to get me married but I haven't found anyone who I'd like to spend an entire lifetime with yet. Moreover, as a lawyer, I need to be involved in a lot of court related issues and evidence finding which my wife may object to. I actually met around five girls who wanted me to cut down my time at the court if they got married to me. What's your story?"

I smiled in a sarcastic way, "I am unmarried because Indian society is still narrow minded. If I get married to someone now, I will have to compromise, be it with my job or be it my lifestyle. If I get married now, within a year or two, my husband and in-laws may want babies and again after the kids start growing, I would be expected to look after them and give them more time. It's not that I don't like kids or that I don't want them, it's just that I want people who don't think in an orthodox way that once kids are born, you have to stop living as an individual if you are a woman. I shall marry a man who'll see of me as a woman, an independent one, someone much more than just a wife, mother, daughter or sister. I want a man who'll respect me for being who I am."

Indrayan's face showed disbelief before he replied shaking his head, "No wonder journalism is the profession made for you!"

I grinned and he continued to drive.
The professional wall had somehow ceased from existing the day he had seen me cry and break down.
After all he had met the vulnerable me, the one who stays behind the shadows.


Indrayan's pov:

We finally reached Chembur after 3 hours! It was around 9.30. I was honestly tired and Sampurnaa had dozed of a while ago.
We had talked to each other forgoing the professional wall, almost like two friends who are coming closer. We talked about the court proceedings intermittently.
She was furious with the defendant lawyer and the false accusations against Sridha.
She was telling me about her opinions about marriage, the criminals and so much more. She was like a wildfire.
You can get burnt with the intensity of her words and you shall always be challenged because she is brave and fearless.
I had met so many versions of her: the vulnerable Sampurnaa, the innocent Sampurnaa who slept peacefully oblivious about everything around her, the ferocious one and of course, the admirable and respectable journalist!

I brushed aside all these thoughts as I proceeded to wake her up.
She opened her eyes slowly and then analysed her surroundings before jumping out of the car like an overexcited toddler!

I could feel a smile come on my lips automatically as she seemed so carefree and cute.
Really? Am I a paediatrician or a criminal lawyer?

I followed her out towards the elevator as she pressed the button for her floor.

Uncle, Aunty, Abhi, Adrija, Ma and Dad were seated in the living room when Sampurnaa and I walked in. She had used her spare keys to get in.
She went and hugged her parents and then Abhimanyu and Adrija.
I know one thing for sure and that is Adrija was definitely married into the right household. Usually mothers and sisters in-law are quite a handful as they compete with their daughters or sisters-in law for their sons' or brothers' affection but my sister was lucky enough to get these people who were perfect for her.

Sampurnaa went of to her room to freshen up and Ma gave me my spare clothes as she knew I would be wearing my lawyer's coat.
I headed over to one of the guestrooms to change and freshen up.

A brief shower washed away all the weariness and ignited my appetite. I was so hungry!

I walked out to the living room at the same time as Sampurnaa did.


Sampurnaa's pov :

I was so hungry by the time I walked out into the living room after freshening up and changing into comfortable clothes. I was wearing a Frozen top with Hello Kitty shorts. Weird and childish but comforting and satisfying!
I had left my hair open. I had long hair till my lower back but it was really hard to maintain as I had wavy and unruly tresses.
I walked out in the living room and simply asked maa what she had prepared for dinner.
My face lit up the moment she said there was black forest cake for desert. She warned me to not touch the cake before dinner but me being me, I proceeded to sneak into the kitchen and steal the cake she had kept in the refrigerator while Maa was engaged in conversation with Manabi Aunty.

I walked out to the balcony and gazed at the stars which were struggling to peek out amidst the dark clouds that announced the impending arrival of rain.
I was eating and relishing the heavenly taste of the cake when someone came and touched my shoulder. I freaked out as I was expecting Maa but it was Subhash Uncle! I sighed relieved. He laughed as he had heard Maa warn me.
I smiled back warmly.
We both stood there in silence with him asking me questions about the years I had spent in USA and about my current job and future plans. I had a pleasant conversation with him. Maa called us all for dinner.
Uncle and I went inside and I totally forgot that I had the plate on which I had been eating my cake, in my hand.
Maa caught hold of my ear in front of everyone and scolded me. It was so embarrassing!
I wouldn't have minded Boudi, Uncle and Aunty but Indrayan was there too. He was someone I knew professionally and this incident could very well affect my image if someone came to know. I blushed red and Maa finally let me go after I apologized.

We all sat down to eat dinner and then Dada stood up all of a sudden and that made us look up in curiosity.
He began, "There is something... "


Indrayan's pov :

Sampurnaa is an entire bundle of surprises! She is like a totally different personality!
She literally got a scolding for sneaking into the kitchen and stealing cake like an immature kid. She was looking around and when she saw me, she blushed red out of embarrassment.
It was a funny situation and I honestly had to bite my lip to refrain myself from laughing aloud.
We all sat down to dinner and then Abhi stood up. He began speaking, "There is something that I would like to announce."
He took a deep breath while we looked at him quizzically.
"Adrija and I are, well, we are...  Expecting a baby."

There was a stunned silence. Sampurnaa was the first to react. She jumped from her seat and then exclaimed excitedly, "I am going to be a Pishi (paternal aunt)!!!! I am going to have a niece or a nephew soon! Oh my God! Is this a dream?"

Abhimanyu smiled at that and Adrija smiled shyly. Abhi even pinched Sampurnaa to tell her that it wasn't a dream. Ma smiled while Dad looked jubilant! Uncle and Aunty were looking at each other as if absorbing the fact that they will soon be promoted to the post of a Thamma (Abbreviation of Thakuma i.e., paternal grandmother) and a Thakurda (paternal grandfather).
As for me, I was still stunned! I am going to be a Mama (maternal uncle)!?!

Sampurnaa went and hugged Adrija and then bent down to her abdomen's level whispering something to the little one who was going to be there for a few months. She then said, "This is the best pre-birthday present I can ever receive! Thank you Boudi! And yes, when this little one comes to the world, after Dada and Boudi, it will be me who shall hold him/her first! I have bagged my turn! Now you guys can decide!"

Everyone hugged the to be parents one by one and I was still seated. Sampurnaa went to the kitchen and got out the cake she had stolen a piece from earlier. She fed a piece to her niece/nephew via Adrija and then proceeded to feed the child's father i.e., Abhimanyu.
Ma,  Dad, Uncle and Aunty congratulated one another and then everyone sat back in their seats.

I had still not reacted. My mouth hung open as I was still absorbing the shock cum pleasant surprise.
All of a sudden, I found a slice of cake inside my mouth!
That brought me out of my trance and I gulped the sweet delicacy that had been pushed into my mouth before looking at everyone and then asking, "Who thought it was a great idea to stuff a cake in my mouth?"
Sampurnaa raised her hand in response gleefully like a student who knows the answer to the question asked by the teacher. Everyone laughed at that and even I found myself smiling.
She looked at me and then said, "A cake can bring you out of the saddest of all moods and can always bring you back to reality when you are in shock! Tumi mama hote jaccho (you are going to be a maternal uncle) ! At least react! Ektu hashi mukhe aano (bring a smile on your face)!"

That actually made me smile wider. Adrija looked at me like I had grown two horns while Ma and Dad choked on their food.
I had smiled! That too at something which would otherwise annoy me.

I quickly went up and hugged my sister and also my brother in-law, Abhi. I was going to be an uncle and I couldn't wait to have a niece or a nephew I could spoil with love and care.

The rest of the dinner went by peacefully and then we sat down to talk.
Ma and Deepshikha Aunty had lots of topics to talk about. One of them being my marriage and another being Sampurnaa's expectations from life and her future.
Dad and Uncle talked mostly about sports and politics (typical Bengali intellectual discussion!).
Adrija had retired to bed and Abhimanyu had gone to check on her.
Sampurnaa was reading a book titled, "Tell Me Your Dreams" by Sidney Sheldon. She was so engrossed in reading that she did not even heed her mother when she was being called. I was sitting on an armchair next to her beanbag, so I tapped her slightly on the shoulder. She looked up after 5 attempts at calling.
Her mother then called her again and this time finally, she responded, "Ha Maa! Bolo!  (Yes maa! Tell me!)

"Baby, Indrayan and his parents are going to stay back at home tonight. It is raining so heavily! More over the weather is not safe for driving and it is also very late. Go and arrange the guestrooms!" her mother told her.

She was about to go but I intervened, "I can't stay back! I have a case on Monday! I have to return home! And I don't even have spare clothes."

Abhi chose to enter then and then said, "Well the good news is that I have unused clothes that you can borrow and the bad news is that your excuse isn't going to work because the chief witness of the case you have on Monday is in the same house that you are in. So you will get copies of every damn report you might be needing over here!"

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm and then gave in.
Sampurnaa headed towards the guestrooms and Abhi went to help her. I followed them. Now even Dad and uncle were trying to coax me for marriage!

The two siblings were fighting over the colour of the duvet. It was a childish banter. Almost like me and Adrija, but even sweeter. Adrija and I were twins, of the same age... But since Sampurnaa was significantly younger to Abhi, their fight was more entertaining.

"Dada! He is a lawyer by profession! He would prefer black and white!" Sampurnaa claimed so I knew it was my room.
Abhi replied, "This is not about his profession! I am telling you the blue one is brighter! "
"The black duvet will contrast perfectly with the white bed sheets! It is classy!"

Their fight was dragging on so then I spoke up, "You can just give me one. I don't mind any color when I am fast asleep!"
Eventually, Abhi gave up and the black duvet was the one which found its way to the bed.

After the guestrooms were done with, Sampurnaa took me to the mini library that had once been a storeroom.
She took out all the files and copies related to Sridha's case and handed them to me. She took a seat opposite me and then began, "About the case... "


Sorry for the late update! But I have been really busy lately! I hope you are enjoying the story. Suggestions are welcome.


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