26. Standstill

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"Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we are meant to be."


Sampurnaa's pov:

It's been 3 days!
It is my birthday today, but celebrations are far away from my mind.

The court hearing had been stalled and investigations have taken a new route following the Minister's death. The post mortem had revealed that the minister had been administered slow poison in small amounts. He also had traces of heroin and cocaine in his bloodstream. He had been dead even before the bullet was shot at him. This added to the unsolved mystery that had the media, the police, the investigation and intelligence team in a mess.

His death followed by someone deliberately burning down Jannah to the ground has left us at a dead end.

The past few days had been so hectic. I had to go for on field reporting at the crime scene, outside the police station, at Jannah and even at New Delhi to cover the funeral of the minister which was done with full state honours.
My parents have planned something for my 25th birthday but I have honestly not been involved in their discussions.

I returned from New Delhi at 11 last night. I couldn't even stay up till midnight for them to wish me as my energy had been drained out totally.
I have tried my best to not carry the stress I feel at my workplace back home with me. With Adri Boudi being pregnant, I had to be more careful. If I create a stressed or disturbed environment, then that would affect her health and the baby's.

I woke up in the morning today and went out after freshening up and changing.
Maa and Baba hugged me and kissed my forehead wishing me a happy birthday and hopefully a successful year ahead.
Dada blessed me saying, "Tor biye taratari hok!(May you be wedded soon)!"
I was pissed off and annoyed at that but the very next moment, Adrija Boudi got a bout of morning sickness, so the topic was closed and forgotten abruptly.

Boudi's parents and Indrayan came over for lunch. They wished me and even gifted me Sidney Sheldon books even though I had refused to accept gifts from them.

Indrayan wished me and I thanked him, but other than that, there was no other conversation between us. There was an uncomfortable silence. Almost like everything in our lives had come to a standstill.
We had strived hard to get justice to all the victims! Yet, all our efforts seemed to have gone in vain.
With Jannah burnt to the ground, there was no more evidence that could be collected.
The police investigations report that there had been a gas leak and that is how the fire had spread. Two policemen who had been there on guard had lost their lives during the catastrophe.
Everything seemed to have been an accident but circumstances force us to believe that there is more than just black or white in this case.

Sridha had been shaken at the sudden turn of events. She was hell bent on withdrawing the case against the Sequiras as she is afraid that her life is in danger.
I tried to convince her and told her that all this was for a good cause. Her parents supported me and eventually she agreed. The next hearing is on the 14th.

After lunch, I was sitting in the balcony, on the floor, silently. Dada and Boudi were in their room while Maa and Baba were talking to Uncle and Aunty.

"Sampurnaa?", I heard Indrayan calling me.
I turned to him and raised my eyebrows silently asking him to proceed saying what he has to say.
He came and sat next to me on the floor. I looked at him expressionless.
He sighed and then finally voiced out his thoughts, "Sampurnaa...."


Indrayan's pov:

Jannah had been burnt down to the ground even after all sorts of security arrangements!
Two policemen who had been there had to pay with their lives!
The future of Sridha's case seemed dark.

Sampurnaa and I had barely spoken after I received the news from Zakir. She had been really busy with all the extra reporting that her job demanded of her. It was her birthday today and Ma, Dad and I had been invited to lunch by Abhimanyu and his parents.

Sampurnaa's face reflected the disappointment which she tried hard to conceal in our presence.
She did not even look like she was celebrating her birthday. I had come to know from Abhimanyu that he had been planning a party for her. Unfortunately, after the sudden developments, Sampurnaa totally lost her zeal. Her state of mind was such that Abhi decided to abandon his plans.

She was silent all the time while she was having lunch. She did not even take a second serving of desert.

After we all had our meal, Abhi and Adri retired to their room while the elders continued to chat with one another.
I saw Sampurnaa sitting all alone in the balcony, on the floor, silent and lost in thought. I observed her for awhile before finally deciding to break the ice.

I went and called out to her. She simply raised her eyebrows in an inquisitive way. I simply went and sat next to her.
She looked at me blankly.
I inhaled audibly before speaking out, "Sampurnaa, it is your birthday today! You cannot just move around like a lifeless soul! I know you are affected by what has happened, but you are forgetting that this is not the end! What if we are at a dead end now? We will find a new way out!"

Her head shot up as she looked at me with fire blazing in her eyes. She opened her mouth and burst out, "A new way! The bloody fugitives are out there safe while we, the victims have been shaken to the core! Forget about me! Think about Sridha... She was almost ready to withdraw the case! The other women and girls are backing off as they feel content being alive! They no longer want those evildoers to pay for their sins... They are ready to let go of JUSTICE if that means being safe and alive. I know I have been really busy, moody and stressed out these two days, but I honestly had little choice. Earlier, the case seemed pretty less complicated but things are just getting out of hand and beyond imagination! Up till now, we thought that it was just the Sequiras we have to catch, but the minister's death gives us reason to believe that he was involved with the truants! The case is going nowhere and I am feeling sick because everything is at a standstill at the moment. I know it is my birthday and that I should find some reason to be happy about, but the disappointment and defeat is sort of overpowering any other emotion that I am trying to feel...."

I listened to her complaints patiently. Her concerns, her frustration, she shared everything that had been bundled up inside her.
Once she was done, I tried convincing her by sharing my optimistic thoughts, "Sampurnaa, I totally get the reason why you have been so moody lately, but I need you to understand this: The minister is dead! The place has burnt down! This is a dead end! Now you either smile and move ahead finding another way or you simply retrace your route and move around in circles. The future's a mystery. Be optimistic! I am sure better days will follow! This is not the end; but this is a new beginning! Get up, dust yourself off and begin again with a calm, collected and determined mindset!"

She listened to me attentively almost like a student listening to her teacher. Her expression was neutral and serious.
And then the corner of her lips turned upwards slightly as a smile started forming on her face.

I felt a smile forming on my face at that.

She said, "You know I read somewhere that when you feel that your life has come to a standstill, it is the calm you feel before a storm arises."

I replied to that, "Ms. Roy, we have a long way to go! There are several storms that are going to arise in the near future. If you give up at the very first one... Then I must tell you; the upcoming storms are going to be very disappointed!"

We both laughed at that and the ice had broken.
She had a smile on her face and that brought relief and happiness to all those who had been yearning for that smile.


Sampurnaa's pov:

For the first time in two days, I felt alive!
I would have never guessed in a million years that he would turn out to be a great counsellor had I not witnessed him today. He seemed to be bursting with optimism even though he's in a deep soup himself.

The rest of the day was pretty good and we all had great fun.
I witnessed Dada and Boudi fighting! Boudi wanted to eat cake before anyone else and Dada was insisting that the birthday girl always gets it first. Indrayan and I were laughing like there's no tomorrow. Eventually, I went up to Boudi and fed her a slice of cake. She was overwhelmed! It was such a funny banter!


In the evening, Dada went out to purchase a blackforest  cake for me.
The candles were lit and I blew them after closing my eyes and wishing in my mind.

I cut the cake and fed everyone including Boudi's parents and Indrayan.

Once I was done with everything, Maa asked me to stand aside so she could cut the cake properly and give everyone a piece.
I stood in a corner.
Someone cleared his throat. I turned around and saw Indrayan standing with his arms folded.
I raised my eyebrows and indicated him to speak.

He smirked and then said, "So finally! Finally it looks like it is your birthday! By the way, what was the wish you made?"

I smiled at his question before replying, "You are not supposed to reveal the wish you make."

He shook his head, "I know what your wish is anyways!"

I grinned sheepishly.

Indrayan and his parents were about to leave when he got a phone call. It was 11 at night, so we were quite worried.
Phone calls so late, seldom carry good news.

We were all waiting for him to come back and tell us what the matter was.
He came back, to our surprise with a smile on his face.

Before any of us could say anything, he looked at me and then said, "Looks like your wish has been fulfilled already!"

I looked up in surprise while the others looked clueless. A smile formed on my face again....
Even though I didn't know what was happening, I had the assurance that justice would prevail.


To be continued...


Hey people! Thank you so much for reading my story! I have a plot in mind which I am trying to present to you.... This is my first attempt and I shall always give it my best!

Sampurnaa and Indrayan are characters who are very close to me.... I hope they get your love.

Thank you again!
Happy Birthday Sampurnaa!


HARINIGANESH8 thank you so much for the card! Thank you for your support and love! Ilysm my bestie and my wildie😬😬

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