44. The festival of lights

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"Love is the soul's light, the taste of morning, no me, no we, no claim of being."



27th October. Happy Diwali! May the darkness in your life always be overpowered by light. Shubh Deepawali

Sampurnaa's pov:

It is Diwali today. Since I took a leave on 25th already, I obviously don't have a leave today. It is a Sunday. My parents, Dada and Boudi are all at home.
We cleaned the entire house over the last week as per tradition. The work on the child's nursery was completed last Monday.
I woke up early today, at 6 a.m., in order to decorate the house and make Rangoli. I had to report to work at 10 a.m.
Being a Sunday, the work that we had was mostly editing work.

I was done with the Rangoli by 8 a.m. when everyone started waking up gradually.


Dada and Boudi were going shopping for lamps and lights today as they had been busy with my wedding preparations. Maa and Baba were going to be at home.
It was 8.30 a.m. when I was almost ready to leave home for work. My phone rang and an unknown number flashed across the screen.
I received the call.
It was Priyanka! I can recognise her voice anywhere!

"Hi Priyanka! Happy Diwali! How are you doing?" I asked her excitedly

"Hi. I am well. Happy Diwali to you too! So are you done with Diwali shopping?"
She asked me.

"No. We haven't even begun! Dada is going to the market today with Boudi. Actually they have been very busy with my wedding preparations..."

She interrupted me immediately.
"Your wedding?! You didn't even inform me! How could you do this Sampurnaa?"

I bit my lip guiltily. She has been my friend since high school and it had totally slipped out of my mind!
"Um yes. I am getting married. The wedding was decided just two weeks ago and I forgot that I hadn't told you. I am sorry." I told her in an apologising tone

"When is the wedding?" she asked me

"28th Novemeber. Let us meet up instead of discussing all this over phone! I am sorry... But seriously I need you at my wedding!"

She thought awhile and then said.
"Cool. We'll meet today at noon. What say? At Bandra Bandstand? Café Coffee Day?"

"Done!" I replied without hesitation.
We spoke awhile and then disconnected the call.

I left the house shortly after that and took out my scooty from the garage. It is better not to rely on trains on Diwali at least!


I reached office and was immediately handed over a pile of editing work.
More than half the office is on leave today because of Diwali. The senior journalists have taken the entire week off as they are going out with their families.
I had to work 6 hours at least. If I have to meet Priyanka today at 12, then I'll have to put aside two hours for that and then 5 hours for work after that.

I calculated everything in my mind and began with my work.

It was 11.45 when I left the office to go to Bandra Bandstand.
Priyanka was waiting for me and we greeted one another with a hug.
We ordered our coffees and sat down in the open.

"I am sorry...." I began, "I wanted to tell you about the marriage thing, but I totally forgot when we met that day."

She looked at me and then lifted her left hand which had a ring on its ring finger.
"I guess we are even." she told me.

And like that we forgave one another.
Her marriage is in March next year. She is a Tamilian Brahmin; so her wedding would be held in Chennai. She asked me to book tickets beforehand, so I could attend her kalyanam.
We talked to one another reminiscing old days, about several incidences at school, our old friends and our current jobs.
She is a psychologist at Leelavati Hospital now.

Our discussions are never ending. She asked me about my wedding saree and I told her that the sarees had been purchased but I did not see them.
We talked a lot till about 2 p.m. when a reminder on my phone reminded me that it was a working day.
We bid one another farewell and promised to meet again at the same place on Thursday.
I returned back to office and got engrossed in my work.


It is 5 p.m. now. Maa has already called me twice asking me when I would be back. I informed her that it would be around 8 p.m by the time I returned.
She informed me that Boudi's family; i.e. my would-be in-laws would be joing us for the Diwali party. I informed her that I had invited Priyanka and that she would be coming with her fiancé.
We don't light fireworks, but our Diwali is fun with lights, lamps, colours, sweets and food.
Maa also asked me to come home and prepare something for Diwali. I searched up a few sweet recipes that I could whip up; while talking to her.

I worked till about 6.45 and then left the office and rode my scooty back home.


I was home at 7.30 p.m.
Maa was there. She instructed me to get ready ASAP as the guests had been asked to come in at 8 p.m.
Moreover, most of our guests reside in the same society as us, which means they are going to be on time definitely!

I told her that I would be along once I am done making something... Some sweet maybe. There were no ingredients to cook Indian sweet dishes as Maa and Boudi had already used them up; so I decided to make chocolate cake. By the time I was done getting the batter into a cake mould and inside the oven, it was 7.45 p.m.
I was pushed inside the bathroom for a shower by Maa and she told me that my clothes would be laid out on the bed.

I took a refreshing shower and changed into a kurti with leggings.

The only make-up I applied was kohl and some lip balm. It was a party involving food anyways! Why would I dress up extravagantly and then deprive myself of enjoyment and indulgence?


Indrayan's pov:

It is a Sunday and Diwali, so I am at home today. Maa made sweets at home for us to take with us to Sampurnaa's place in the evening.
Saying this in my mind is so weird and new! That flat in Chembur was Adrija's in-laws' place or Abhimanyu's place for so many years... And now withing a short span of few months; it got an entirely new identity. It is Sampurnaa's place now!

I wasn't sitting idle all day... I had a lot of work to do! I had asked Zakir to prepare a legal marriage document by 27th November yesterday itself. He had requested me to mail the procedure and I did. The rest of the work that I had was related to the case. I had to revise the list of witnesses and evidences. I called up the Juhu police once in order to know what the caught men had to say. One of men who had been involved in the drug racket had confessed that Anya was totally involved in the drug racket and that she imported and exported several drugs. The other man said that the pharmacy was owned by the Municipal Corporation. He said that all drugs that were brought to the store and sold was done under the covers.
From what he revealed is that there is someone high up the ranks in the political system who is involved in all this.
He said that he was able to say this because the man had a private number and a secure network. Moreover, he had switched off all connections during campaigning and election season.
I put the two men's names on the witness list. They would be able to help us out.

I was doing my own work quietly in the living room when Maa called out to me.
I looked up and she was holding a packed suitcase in her hand. I stood up immediately!

"What happened? Where are you going? Did Dad say anything? Why do you have the suitcase in your hand?" I asked her frantically.

She looked at me and then hit me on my head.
"You worthless fool! These are your clothes and things! I asked you to get out of your room with your stuff two days ago... But you obviously forgot! So here are your things.... You are going to stay in the guestroom downstairs till the room if renovated!"

She forwarded the suitcase to me and pushed me towards the guestroom. I obliged wordlessly!
Seriously, she might just throw me out of my house next if it makes things better and convenient for Sampurnaa!

It is 4 p.m. now! The Diwali Party is supposed to begin at 8; so we planned on leaving home at 6.30. I had ample time in hand and really less work to do... So I decided to bake.
I learnt baking in the UK because I wanted a part time job. I worked in a bakery for one year and in a café for 6 months.

I went to the kitchen and started taking out the required ingredients and appliances. The cake I baked was a blackforest cake as there were canned cherries and lots of dark chocolate in the refrigerator.
Well who am I lying to? Myself?!
I simply chose blackforest because I know Sampurnaa likes it... Well loves it!
And I took a container of fresh whipped cream seperately... Because it happens to be delicious!

It is 8 p.m. and we are at Chembur. Dad rang the doorbell and Adrija opened the door. I took the time to observe the rangoli that had been made outside.
Adrija can never be so patient when it comes to arranging flowers and making designs; moreover she cannot bend and sit down for long due to pregnancy... The rangoli must have been made by Aunty or Sampurnaa.
Aunty saw me observing the rangoli and told me herself, "This was done by Sampurnaa. She loves doing this every year during Diwali."

She smiled while talking of her daughter with fondness. I remembered the cake and the whipped cream and was about to give it to aunty, when she stopped me.
"Give these to her yourself. If you want a relationship to form between you both, then the first thing you both need to do is start talking to one another directly. Don't introduce a mediator or a third wheel! For two people to come closer; it is necessary to communicate. Communication holds the key to every relationship. If your relationship starts with a 'Maybe Later'; it might as well end in 'Never'."

She walked away after this tiny speech... Leaving me stupefied.
Maybe we should follow what she said.


People started arriving one by one. From what I could make out, all of them were from the neighbourhood. Aunty and Uncle introduced everyone to me with the identity of his would-be son in-law.
Sampurnaa walked in just as some neighbourhood kid was interrogating me about my profession and whether I loved Sampurnaa etc. Kiddish gibberish!

She smiled at me and I nodded with a smile. She looked beautiful in her simple attire.
Aunty asked her to light the earthen lamps, diyas as most of the guests had already arrived. She nodded and set out with a candle and matchsticks in hand.

Adrija called me to a corner.
"Ki holo?" (what happened?) , I asked her.
"Go and speak to Sampurnaa. You know that the string operation was successful. Talk to her about that... Go and say something to her! Compliment her!"

I looked at her and rolled my eyes.
"And what might the purpose of all this be?" I asked her folding my arms.

"Don't use that lawyer tone on me! I know she looks pretty. Moreover, she has done all the decorations before going to office today! Talk to her you fool... Or do you need a third wheel who would communicate on your behalf?" she thundered at me pointing her finger at me

I sighed and punched her on her shoulder, playfully.
"What's with you and your mother in-law saying the same thing?!"
She laughed at my expression and then walked away to eat barfis that some guest had brought as Diwali gift.

I went to the balcony in order to receive a call from Zakir. He was asking me my parents' names and Sampurnaa's so he could file an online application for the marriage certificate.
I sighed helplessly at his idiocy and informed him that it was a Sunday and Diwali; none of the government offices or departments other than the police, security and defence remains open on a Sunday. He apologised sheepishly and then wished me a Happy Diwali before disconnecting the call.

I turned back and saw Sampurnaa lighting up diyas. She was doing her work diligently and with utmost care.

"Hi!" I greeted her.

"Hello! Happy Diwali." she wished me.

I wanted to say that she looked beautiful but I hesitated. Eventually I started on a different conversation.
"Congratulations! You headed the string operation successfully!"

She looked at me and said with a smile,
"Thank you. But you have the wrong information... I was not the one who headed it!"
"You did. I know that your senior was in-charge of the string operation... But you were the one who led it! He may have been the coach but you were the captain of your team... Who felt the pressure, saw the situation and faced it!"

She blushed and thanked me.

"By the way, I have a Diwali present for you." I told her.
"I did not get anything! I am sorry! I don't usually give Diwali gifts... Moreover it's been years since I attended Diwali here..."
I cut her off as she was apologising.

"I did not get something for you to get something in return! Barter system or what?"
I asked her amused.
She smiled and then walked away asking me to go back in as there were mosquitoes outside.


Some music played in the background and loads of people dressed in their festive finery. Someone rang the doorbell and Sampurnaa rushed to open the door.
A woman of her age was standing at the door. Sampurnaa literally flew into her arms and squealed like a kid.
They broke off the embrace a minute later and that's when I saw a man standing behind. The woman introduced Sampurnaa to the man and they shook hands.
It was only after a few words had been exchanged that the two entered the house. Sampurnaa dragged her friend straight towards me.
"Priyanka, this is my fiancé. And this is Priyanka and her fiancé, Mahendra." Sampurnaa introduced the three of us to one another. I shook hands with the other two and exchanged pleasantries.
"Priyanka and I have been friends since 9th grade. Unfortunately, we lost touch when I went abroad. We bumped into one another in Dadar the other day. She is a psychologist and my best friend. Her marriage will take place next year in March."
Sampurnaa informed me.

Priyanka went to meet Sampurnaa's parents and Abhimanyu-Adrija.
Sampurnaa came to speak to me.
"My gift?" she asked me.
I asked her to follow me. We both went into the kitchen where I had kept the cake and cream for her.
I gave her the cake and her face lit up! And as far as the whipped cream is concerned, she immediately took a spoon and licked a spoonful of cream.
"Thank you! This is the best cream! Especially since I had this after so long!"

I smiled and asked her about the cake.
"What about the cake?"

"Wait. I have something for you before that!"

She went to the refrigerator and took out what looked like a chocolate cake. It was well covered with chocolate ganache and decorated with white chocolate shards.
It looked indulging!

She cut a piece of the cake and gave it to me. I gestured her to the blackforest cake. She eagerly cut a piece for herself and took a bite. I took one too.

She looked at me as if waiting for a review. "Heavenly!" I told her in all honesty

I asked her about her cake.
"Theobroma; God's food literally! This is elysium!" she exclaimed happily

"Who baked this by the way?" she asked me
"I did." I replied.

Her eyes widened.
"You know how to bake? That is so cool... We can definitely try baking together sometime in the future!"

I smiled.
There was something on my mind... But I did not know how to say.
Aunty's words resounded in my ears and I decided to voice my thoughts.
"The house has been decorated incredibly well! The cake was amazing to taste. The party has been organised really well too."
I lowered my volume and then told her slowly, "And you look beautiful tonight."
She smiled shyly and then we both walked out of the kitchen with the cakes and sweets in hand, in order to serve the guests who wanted.
The rest of the evening passed amidst sweets, lights, music and lots of fun... This is the festival of lights... One that lights up the lives of all Indians... Irrespective of their religion, caste or creed!
Deepawali celebrates the unity of Indians when everyone comes together to indulge in sweet delicacies... When everyone looks at lights that speak of the rich heritage of our country.
And lastly as a lawyer, I am happy that Diwali happens to be one of those days when  Article 15 of our constitution, Right to equality becomes apt... For light never asks anyone before eradicating darkness from someone's lives... To light, we all are equal.

To be continued...

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