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day 9 wednesday
Niihama Higashi High.  It was the biggest school Lune has ever attended . Inevitably, there was multiple activities to participate in. Lune was not an athlete person but her parents insist that she give it a try. Volleyball, basketball, soccer, swimming, tennis, ect.

There were so many options but Lune had her mind set. She has always had an attachment for water. She decided to sign up for swim tryouts. The schools pool was located outside so thats where she was. Around eight or nine students gathered around the pool stretching in their blue swimsuits. The swim coach stood near the entrance to the pool on a table.  He had a ruggish beard and short brown hair. Lune started to feel uncertain but gained strength to continue up the stairs. "i would like to try out" Lune softly speaks as her and the coach lock eyes. "no." his words stun Lune. "I need more determination if you really mean it" He smiled. The typical coach. "yes.." her words faded "i.. i would like to try out!" Lune says slightly more eager. "alright. sign your name and grab a swim suit. lets see what you got!" he waves his hand over a clipboard and paper on the table he leaned on.

Lune does just that. She signs her name but the coach watches "eh? Lune?" She looks up from the table to look at him. "sorry i.." "why are you saying sorry for your name? I need to see more confidence than that, Lune!" He seemed easy going. "Im coach Ikeda, pleased to coach you!"

Lune makes her way to the dressing room to the right of the pool. In the corner of her eye she spots that familiar short blonde hair. Hanae. She tries to walk faster to the door but she notices her. "huh?" from clueless to a huge grin "Luneeeee!" she runs over to Lune with an affectionate smile. "no way! will you be in swim club with me. ha!" her fraud friendly look turns menacing. Shes still in her uniform. She must have just got to the pool a little bit before Lune did. "i need to go in the dressing room too as you can see. I'll show you where the swimsuits are." She smiled.

On a shelf on the farthest wall there are packs of swimsuits. Only three. "Here they are. I need a new one myself so i'll takeee this one. Hope you dont mind." Her brows sinfully furrowed. Lune looked. The only two left were xxL and xxS. Lune wore a small or xsmall but she would feel crushed in an xxs. "I got the small. Hope you find your size!" Hanae giggled. "oh by the way, they wont have any new shipments for a while."

Hanae was already finished changing while Lune still struggled to fit into her swimsuit. She sucked in her stomach. "this feels like a corset" she spoke to herself, almost suffocating. She finally squeezed into it, almost passing out. She constantly pulled at the suit as it grasps her full body into a choke hold. The swimsuit would leave line marks once she took it off.  She stiffly walks out of the dressing room.

"Lune! Hurry we are starting." The coach announced once he sees her walking out. "you will be swimming with the rest of the team. This is your try out."

Everyone stands at the end with Lune, including Hanae which decided to stand right next to her. They both exchange glances and hanae smile and gives Lune a thumbs up. "and.. start!" the coach starts his stopwatch.

Everyone simultaneously jumps in and begins to glide through the water, much faster than Lune. Lune tries to pick up the pace, determined to get into the team, even if it meant dealing with Hanae. Some student were behind Lune and many were ahead of her. Hanae was behind.  She paddles and paddles. Startling, she feels someone pull at her leg. Hanae pulled at Lunes leg and she fell further and further away from the surface. She attempts to stand up to reach the surface as the pool was only 6 feet deep. She stands up on her tippy toes on one foot. Thats when Hanae yanked her back down and she scraps her foot on the bottom of the pool. She attempts to kick Hanae off of her, desperately trying to breathe again. But Hanae doesn't stop. She manages to reach Lunes other leg and leaps off her back as a boost to continue swimming. Once again, Lune desperately climbs to the surface for air but she feels suffocated by her swim suit. Everything started to fade and time stood still as Lune finally bared her last strength up out of the water. The sound of a whistle screeching barely met Lunes ears as everything turned pitch black.

a faded voice echoed. "are you okay?" Lune weakly opened her eyes, unsure where she was, until she was met with those once absent but now worried eyes. "are you okay? Lune? Lune?" she tapped on Lunes shoulder. "nurse?.." Lune looked down at herself. She now wore loose white set. Her hair was still damp and streaky. "you passed out. your friend Hanae told me that you insisted on wearing a tight swimsuit and passed out from it. why did you do that?" Lune stared intently, still half conscious. "i dont know.." the nurse let out a deep breath through her nose, thinking of the words to say next "ive called your parents and they think its best for you to rest and get back to class. does your head hurt or anything?" "no i feel fine.." Lune wished her parents had let her leave the school. She almost drowned and all they cared about was being in class. "ill go now" Lune sat up. The pillow was soaked from her hair. "you don't have to go immedia-" "im leaving." "ok- your.. your uniform is there." she replies, looking at the uniform on the counter. "dont worry about returning the skirt. just get to class ok?"  Lune picks up her uniform, ignoring the nurse and leaves to change. "im heading out." Lune announces dryly. "Lune.. if there's anything you want to talk about i-"
Lune leaves. The room was absent from Lune even while she was there. She was no where.

"heard you drowned." at the starircase, there was juri with a lollipop in her hand leaningonto the wall "if i drowned i would be dead." Lune says in annoyance . Juri thought this was hilarious. Her laughter should have been over after a few seconds but she dragged it on and on, holding her stomach and wiping tears. Finally, half a minute later she stopped "you already are dead." Lune looks at her puzzled. "no one likes you. no one notices you. you drowned. you're dead" her nonchalant voice pissed off Lune. She stayed quiet, looking down with bawled up fists. Juri rolled her eyes "ughhh maybe you should haveeee. Hanae sucks." She whined before putting her lollipop back in her mouth. "just leave me alone ok." Lune starts at the stairs and juri puts her arm out to stop her. They look at eachother. She takes her lollipop back out and says "but what fun with that be. Her sinister gaze burns Lunes nervous gaze. At last she removes her arms and lets Lune continue her way back to class.

The day is over and Lune returns home. Her mother was home early. "im home." She halfheartedly says. "you wore a tight swimsuit? what were you thinking?" her mom rushed to the door to interrogate. Lune says nothing and walks to her room. " you want impressing guys with your body to interfere with your education? hm?" her mother followed her to her room, waiting by the door for a response . Lune just shook her head. "im sick of this. we finally found a home that we can afford, give you a great school and you decide to act like a whore! your father told me you skipped class. to meet with a boy?" she yelled. "do you want to embarrass this family?? is something wrong with you?!" Lune says nothing. Her mothers last question. It sounded more like a statement than a question. "Something is wrong with Lune." Is what her mother meant. Something broken that cannot be fixed . like a broken mirror. You will never gaze at yourself the same again through a broken mirror.

in that moment she wished for the same thing that juri did.

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