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a/n: for some reason, Wattpad wont let me edit the first chapter. It's stressing me out! ;_;


"Close the door behind you." Mr. Kim ordered his secretary.

"You wanted to speak to me dad?" Taehyung said walking past him.

"Yes, sit down."

"I don't want to."

He drew in a breath, "okay."

There was a silent tension. Taehyung knew that wasn't good.

"I'm officially putting down your career. It's for your own good Taehyung."

"What?! Who told that it was okay for you to do that? I already told you that I don't want to take over your stupid business! I want to keep doing what I love! And what I love is acting not sitting down in front of a computer all day and talking about stuff I'm not even interested in! I want to be out there not cooped up in some stuffy office! I want to have fun! I don't want to wear an uncomfortable suit everyday! I want to-"

"That's enough Taehyung! It's not up for discussion anymore! I already cut off any ties you had with your pathetic choice of career. You wont be shooting any movies anymore and that's final. And to make sure that you wont do anything behind my back, I already resigned every single contract you signed and wrote in my signature. This means that everything you own is now mine. Your career as a so called actor, your house, and your property. I'm sure one of your... friends can let you stay with them. Do I make myself clear?"

Taehyung was left in utter shock. How could he do this? How could he throw everything he has worked really hard for all away? How? Why? Did he not care about his feelings? His dreams? Taehyung turned around and walked towards the door.

"You're going to regret this."

He slammed the door on his way out.


Mr. Kim gazed out his office window. As expected, there was a couple dozen of magazine and TV reporters outside the building.

"How did it-" Baekhyun was caught off by an angry Taehyung storming away. "Oh."

He rushed towards him before he got to far. Pushing the elevator button, they entered it pressing the number 1. "What did he tell you that got you this mad?" Baekhyun was a little hesitant to ask.

"He got rid of my entire career. All of the stuff I worked hard to earn. He just took all of it like it was nothing!" Taehyung burst out in tears, punching the wall with every sentence. "I honestly don't know what to say to cheer you up. This is some pretty serious shit."

"You don't have to say anything. I already vowed that I will make him regret it. He's going to see how successful I can be without him. He's going to wish he supported me. Because I will rise back up. I'm not going to give up."


Just then the doors opened. Revealing some security guards trying to hold back a ton of reporters.

Shit. Just what I needed right now.

"Crap. Tae, we're going to have to push through all of these reporters. Stay behind me okay?"

Taehyung nodded. Who the hell told them I was here?

Baekhyun opened the door and stormed outside with Taehyung behind him. Pushing through security guards and reporters.

"Kim Taehyung! Is it true that your dad 'canceled' your career?" a reporter asked shoving a microphone in his face.

"Did you let him?! What exactly happened between you and him?! Can you till us the scoop?!" another one asked.

"What will you do now?! Can you please tell us all the details?! Taehyung!"

There were so many reporters pushing and shoving to get to him that he could barley even walk properly. "He wont answer to you as of right now so I respectfully ask that you please back away and give him some space!" Baekhyun tried to reason with them.

"Any questions you have I will answer for him." At the top of the stairs stood Mr. Kim with a serious look on his face. They stopped and turned around surprised to see him standing there. Taehyung took this time to quickly get in the car along with Baekhyun. "It's best to let him explain even though I have a bad hunch about this." Baekhyun put on his seatbelt and started the car. "Yeah, maybe." Taehyung answered.

"Take me home."


 "There! All done!" Jungkook stepped back and admired his newly decorated room. All of his Taehyung posters were hung, covering his wall. His Taehyung figurines were neatly organized on his  shelf. His Taehyung collectables were also neatly placed on another shelf. His Taehyung bed sheets were also laid out nicely on his bed. He had all of Taehyung's movies neatly organized on his top shelf, away from harm. "It looks like Heaven!" Jungkook swooned.

"We don't talk anymore

We don't talk anymore

We don't talk anymore like we used to do!~"

His phone vibrated against his jeans. He grabbed it out of his back pocket and checked the caller ID. Once he saw who was calling him, realization hit him like a shit ton of bricks.

"Shit! I'm late for work!" Jungkook immediately answered his phone.

"Jungkook! Where are you?! You're supposed to be here right now!" His boss, Jackson, yelled.

"I'm really sorry hyung! I'm moving in to my new house today and I totally lost track of time! I'll be right there!" Jungkook apologized like crazy.

"It's okay! Get your butt over here! We have some really important news we have to discuss in the conference room! We might have our big scoop! Hurry!" Jackson ended the call. Jungkook grabbed his bag and dashed out of his room, downstairs, out of the house, across his yard, and into his car.

What could the "big scoop" that Jackson talked about be? 


"Now that we're all here, let's get this meeting started shall we?" Jackson said closing the door of the conference room. "We have come across very exciting information today regarding everybody's favorite celebrity, Kim Taehyung." Right after Jackson said the words Kim Taehyung, all the girls in the room started squealing. Jungkook let out a small gasp.

"It turns out that his dad officially ended his acting career. This is very big news among the media right now so it is important we take advantage of this situation and be the first magazine company to interview Taehyung right now. We already went ahead and scheduled a interview for later this afternoon. All we need now is someone trustworthy to interview him. So, Who's going to interview Taehyung?"

Jungkook's mind was going crazy now. All the girls started to squeal even louder, franticly raising their hands. "Me! Me! I'll do it! I'll interview Taehyung!" Some of the girls yelled.

Could this be my chance to finally meet my idol? Should I do it? I'll only make a fool out of myself. But, it wouldn't hurt to try right?

" I-I'll do it!" Jungkook squeaked. Barely anyone could hear.

"Good choice! Later today, Jungkook will be the one to interview Taehyung! Any questions?" Jackson chirped.

"Awwww!" all the girls that were previously screaming said in disappointment.

"Meeting's over! Please go back to your work stations! We have a busy day today!" Jackson clapped as he tried to cheer everyone up.

Jungkook grabbed his stuff and headed out towards the door when he felt a hand grab his shoulder, "Good luck. You're going to need it later this afternoon." he said as he patted his shoulder and walked out the door.

What have I gotten myself into?


a/n: song of the day: Endlessly by The Cab <3

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