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a/n: Yes, I am seriously being those authors that has a picture for every chapter. I'm sorry if I disappoint you guys with this chapter. I have writers block right now and it sucks.


@parkjim posted a new picture!

(a/n: This picture is so fucking cute it actually put me to tears. Please send help.)

Liked by  agustdoffical, nawmjoon and 2,654 others

@parkjim  I look like crap without my glasses but Yoongi told me I looked cute without them. 💕 👀

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@agustdoffical  and I was right baby boy 😉

@parkjim Don't call me that here! It's embarrassing! 😣

@agustdoffical You know you love it when I call you that. Especially in our room at night.

@jung_yourfuckinghope Get a fucking room⛪ And can you guys stop talking on here? You're literally in the same fucking room.


"You don't have to be rude about Hoseok." Jimin nudged the red head's shoulder.

"It's sickening." Hoseok pinched the mochi's cheeks.

"Stop touching my boyfriend and get in the fucking car." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and lead him towards the car.

"Fine. Only because I want to see Taehyung's fine ass up close and personal." the male got in the car and plopped himself in the backseat.

"It's really nice of Jungkook to invite us over and meet Taehyung." Jimin got into the front seat next to his boyfriend.

"I bet he just doesn't want to be alone with him and called us over just so he wouldn't piss himself." Yoongi shrugged and turned on the car.

"Probably!" Jimin giggled.

"Why do you have to be so fucking cute all the time?" the black haired man leaned in and gave a quick peck on the lips to the adorable sight in front of him and started driving.

"GAG!" the sunshine screamed from the backseat.

"Shut your Clorox looking ass up before I shove a knife down your esophagus." Yoongi glared from the rear view mirror.

"Yes oppar."


Jimin ran up the steps and rung the doorbell. "Kookie! We're here!"

Just as Jimin turned his back towards the door, a hand grabbed him and pulled him inside.

"Jimin, you have to help me! Taehyung and I went on a date yesterday and I think  we got closer! I'm way to embarrassed to be left alone with him! All I want you to do is stay by my side and never leave me under any circumstances okay!?" Jungkook shook the shorter male by the shoulders.

"So Yoongi was right after all." Jimin giggled. "Sure, I'll help you."

"Yoongi was right about what?" Kookie looked at him with a confused look.

"Oh nothing!"

"WHAT'S GOOD BITCHES?! THE LIFE OF THE PARTY HAS NOW ARRIVED!" Hoseok walked in raising beers in both of his hands.

"This isn't a party Hoseok. Shut the hell up." Yoongi followed.

"Please keep it down! Taehyung is still sleep-"

"We have guests and you never told me?" Taehyung walked down already fully dressed.

"Well snatch my weave and call me an olive." Hoseok whispered to himself, admiring Tae's beauty from afar.

"Um, these are my friends! Park Jimin, his boyfriend Min Yoongi, and Jung Hoseok."

"Hi! Nice to meet you!"


"Fuck me. I mean what?"

Taehyung chuckled. "It's nice to meet you all. I guess there's no point in introducing myself. You all probably know who I am."

"Pretty much." Hoseok stepped closer to the idol.

"Go ahead and sit down guys. I'll bring glasses for those beers." Jungkook motioned everyone into the den as he grabbed the glasses.

"So, what do you guys do?" Taehyung sat on the couch.

"I'm a rapper and a producer." Yoongi sat on the couch across from him.

"I work at a café near here. I'm also a bartender of a bar I manage." Jimin sat down next to Yoongi.

"I work at the same bar Jimin does." Hoseok winked as he took a seat next to Taehyung.

"That's all cool. I used to be an actor. I bet Jungkook told you all what happened." he said with a deeper, more harsher tone.

"Yeah, he did. I'm sorry that it happened. I hope you find a better job soon." he flashed a apologetic smile at the brown haired male.

"Here you go." Jungkook set down the beers and passed them out to everyone.

"Aren't you working today?" Taehyung asked taking a sip of beer.

"Not today. It's the weekend. I don't work on the weekends." Jungkook took a seat next to Jimin.

"I, for one, am free most of the time. I work the night shifts. Just a little piece of information." Hoseok winked again while Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Don't mind him. He's a little slut." Yoongi informed Taehyung. Taehyung nodded. "I see."

"Hey! That's not nice!" Hoseok puffed out his cheeks, shooting out of his seat like a god damn rocket.

"But it's true." Jungkook nodded.

"Kinda." Jimin agreed.

"You guys are assholes. You know that? Except Taehyung of course." J-Hope turned around and squished Tae's cheeks.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Taehyung got up and out of Hoseok's grasp.

"We could chill here and watch a movie." Yoongi took a sip of his beer.

"Oooor! We can go out to eat! I know a place!" Hoseok jumped up and clung to Taehyung's arm.

"Sounds good." Jungkook got up and joined Jimin and Yoongi.

"Good! Now get your asses in the car and I'll drive!" Hoseok snatched the keys out of Yoongi's pocket.

"Like hell I'm going to let you drive my car. I'll drive." Yoongi grabbed Hoseok by the arm and took back his keys.

"Fine, but I call sitting next to Taehyung!" Hoseok grabbed the other's arm again.

"I'm sorry that he's acting like this. He really likes you." Jimin apologized and gave Tae a warm smile.

"I can tell. But don't worry. I don't mind. I love all of my fans. Especially if they're cute." Taehyung flashed a wink at Hoseok.

"Lord have mercy on my soul." Hoseok pretended to faint.

"I call a window seat!" Jungkook dashi ran all the way out the door and in the car.

"I swear, that kid needs some discipline. We were about to discus the seating arrangement." Jimin shook his head in disapproval.

"But it's kinda cute." Taehyung said with a different shine and softness in his eyes. A more tender look. A look full of love.

It didn't take long for the rest to notice. But Taehyung was still so oblivious to his own feelings.

"Well, there goes my chances with him."


a/n: I tried. I know for a fact @TaeTaes_Right_Thigh, @Chanyeols_Dimples, and @makatea- are reading this and are cringing. Sorry for this guys.

Sorry sorry sorry sorry

naega naega naega meonjeo

nege nege nege ppajeo

ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo Baby

Shawty shawty shawty shawty

nuni busheo busheo busheo

sumi makyeo makyeo makyeo

naega micheo micheo Baby

I'll stop.

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