Packing for MagCon

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Today is the day we leave for MagCon tour.I was half awake but,didn't open my eyes.I heard the door open.I didn't respond.Someone walked over to me and jumped on the bottom of the bed making my head pop up.The person got off.That person came over and shook my shoulder.I popped my eyes open and said,"Heya buddy!".It was Cam.Cam jumped and fell on the floor.I heard the guest room door slam.Aimee flew through the open door."What the hell happened?"She asked."Cameron was trying to wake me up so I scared him!"I said laughing."Ok well girls,get ready we got to go.I have your suitcases in the trunk of my car.Bring a little bag to put your stuff you wanna keep near you in case."Cameron said.Aimee walked to the guest room to get her stuff.I grabbed a bag and put my  iPod,phone,charger, portable charger,head phones,ear buds,tiny foam sword to smack the guy's. (Why not😂😂😂😂😂😂😂).I packed a tiny pillow for my neck and PJ's.I walked to my closet and got on a gray shirt with a watermelon slice on it,White shorts,and a teal pear of converse.I put my long brown hair in a braid down my back.I grabbed my bag and phone.I put on my sunglasses and put on my favorite necklace.Mom put it on me when she left.I was 4 back then so it went down to my knees.Now the necklace is about just right.
                       (pic above)
I walked out to see Aimee with her bag.We walked down stairs and saw that Cam was carrying his bag and leaning against the wall and drinking a Pepsi."Hey,let's go.",I said. Me,Aimee,And Cam got in the car."We are going to go pick up Nash and Hayes."Cam said.Me and Aimee said ok.We picked them up and Aimee got confused."Who's gonna pick up the car when we get there?"Aimee asked."Sierra and her boyfriend are driving over.Sierra is gonna take my car."Cam said.That made sense.We pulled into the airport and dropped the car off with Sierra.We had to run inside cause we were late.

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