f i v e | capture and a nod of grief

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    Chipmunk's squeaky voice echoed in the alley as tension filled in the thick air. The sounds of breathing resounded as every cat seemed to lose their voices. The yellow light of a dusty lamppost was spread on the wet ground with an unknown smell that reached Chipmunk's nose.

   Although the alley was dark and it was hard to see clearly, but Chipmunk was extremely sure that he had seen a cream pelted Siamese she-cat hiding in the corner, shivering with fear under the faint light.

   What is May doing here? Do they want to keep her hostage?

   Chipmunk clenched his jar tightly as rage burnt like wildfire in his pelt. It was out of control as Chipmunk felt like he was having a fever.

   Under the dimmed yellow light, the shadows grew bigger and bigger as they were ready to swallow the kittypets. The eyes were shining in the dark as Chipmunk swallowed his salvia. The silhouette of the hidden creatures haunted his dreams.

   "Sound like we have finally got you, Chipmunk," The pair of green eyes shone with satisfactory as a silhouette of the long furred tom could be seen on the ground clearly. Chipmunk stepped back as sirens rang in his ears like crazy.

   "H-how do you know my name?" Chipmunk shivered at the thought.

   "We just know it, that's all," The voice rang in the dark, giving him unease.

   He twitched his ears as he exchanged a worried and confused glance with Surf. Rise had been staring at the ground and looked at her paws like it was the most interesting thing in the entire universe.

   Rise had disconnected from the scene.

   The pride that could be seen on Surf vanished faster than the light as he shot Chipmunk a you-are-the-lord-now-and-you-know-what-to-do glance.

   Surf had disconnected from the scene.

   Chipmunk let out a heavy sigh, making a silent remark for giving the best friends in the whole world ever to them. But, problems could not be ignored. He faced the dark corner that was full of trash and cats.

   "I-It is a bit hard for me to talk to the shadows, you know..."

   Chipmunk did not know that sentence had come out of his mouth until Surf, Rise and the eyes shot him glances full of shock.

   No matter how he wanted to swallow those brave words, it was too late. Bless him.

   Pretending that he was the hero of the town, he repeated, "Show yourself?"

   He did not really sound like a hero, instead, he sounded like a tired ghost or a runaway thief who just robbed the bank.

   The long furred tom snickered loudly as he stepped out of the darkness, revealing his dusky brown pelt.

   "Are you sure that this is a good idea, Wrenfeather? Think carefully before you do anything," A she-cat's voice echoed in the dark.

   Wrenfeather mewed darkly, "As if I am a mousebrain-"

   "What did you just say?" the voice rang again, this time with rage and irritation.

   "N-nothing," Wrenfeather's voice became lower as he turned and faced Chipmunk.

   Feeling like a mouse in front of Wrenfeather, Chipmunk found it extremely hard to look into his eyes.

   His voice did sound like a mouse. But this is clearly a matter for another time.

   Chipmunk eyed the darkness in front of him carefully as a loud sound made him jump with panic.

   "Ouch! Cricketkit, how many times did I tell you not to come out at night? I will tell Shellsplash." A voice growled as a smile climbed up to Chipmunk's face slowly.

   "I want to help, please?" Chipmunk could clearly imagine the kit batting its big watery eyes at the cat which would melt everyone's heart.

   "Fine," It was so hard not to crack a smile, but somehow, this she-cat managed it, "We are here to capture a cat, stay still and do not move."

   Quite surprisingly, Cricketkit obeyed as silence covered the alley like a thick blanket.

   A cold breeze brushed on Chipmunk's brown pelt as he shivered. Whatever danger was in front of him, he might not come out alive.

   And he just realized that he had heard a word that he did not want to hear.

   "C-capture? Capture wh-?"

   Chipmunk's vision was a mix of black and amber as he fell suddenly with a thump. He was gasping for breath as he lay on the ground, clueless about what had happened.

   His heart was beating like a drum as colors drained from his face. He tried to stifle a scream.

   He would have been killed.

   Farewell, world.

   And this was his last thought.

   The noise was a mix of screams and pawsteps as Chipmunk's eyes caught the sight of a black she-cat with amber eyes, leaning over him with her eyes flaming amber.

   The she-cat came closer as Surf leaped on the she-cat clumsily, trying to pull her away from Chipmunk. The she-cat pushed his away without trying and continued reducing the distance between Chipmunk and her.

   Of course, Chipmunk would not let her end his life just like that. He hadn't tasted enough human food yet.

   Chipmunk headed towards a lamppost as he leaped, his short claws grabbing the glossy surface. His loud heartbeat blocked all the screams and shouts and all he thought was-


   Well, spelling that word was easy, but doing that action was not. In a twinkle of an eye, Chipmunk was pressed on the wet ground as his eyes widened with shock. The she-cat pinned Chipmunk smoothly as she rose her claws mid-air. Looking straight into his yellow eyes, her amber eyes narrowed as she hissed, "I would make you pay at moonhigh."

   The she-cat was large and glossy with long fur that brushed Chipmunk's pelt. He could see the small gray specks that were hardly visible.

   Blood was shining on the black cat's claws as the pain shot up his body like fire. He cringed as it exploded in his mind with blinding brightness. He glanced at the long scratch on his belly, feeling like it did not belong to him anymore as he watched the blood dye his white pelt and the grey concrete with red.

   He felt numb.

   What have I done? He remembered stepping on a crushed cola can on the ground when he was walking on the street alone and Cheese-It discovered him. Surely that won't count as a sin, right?

   That was not his main concern.

   His glance fell in May as May twitched her ears uncomfortably and stared at her black collar with rainbow jewels.

   Chipmunk was not born yesterday, he knew something was going on.


   He chased the thought out of his mind and slammed the door of his mind shut.

   May would definitely not do that.

   "Stop, Obsidianspiral! We are not sure whether that is the cat we want or not! What if we have got the wrong cat?"

   The time seemed to resume again as Chipmunk's vision snapped back into focus. From the corner of his eyes, he spotted dark brown and black ticked cat with green eyes that were filled with wisdom mewing to the fierce black cat.

   Obsidianspiral loosened her grasp on Chipmunk as she turned and stared at May, making May stare at the ground nervously.

   The black she-cat snapped, "May, I thought you made sure that he is the right cat?"

   May groomed her paws nervously and Chipmunk could see that she was trembling. His stomach was filled with a mixture of feelings that he had yet to understand.

   "May?" Obsidianspiral raised her voice as fear crippled Chipmunk, freezing every muscle in his body. He should have worried about himself, considering that he was being pinned on the ground with a huge scratch, but he was more worried about his friend.

   May's eyes were full of grief as she nodded slightly.

   One nod and Obsidianspiral was back on her paws. She was leaning closer to Chipmunk as he could feel her breath on his neck, his fur straightened up with caution.

   "I-" She was hissing dangerously.

   A purring deep voice interrupted, "Are you sure that you are going to kill this cat just because of a cat's statement? That is a bit risky, I can say-"

   Chipmunk made a mental note to show his gratitude for saving his life once again as Obsidianspiral twitched her ears with annoyance.

   Her back facing Chipmunk, he gasped as he studied the huge scar on the back of Obsidianspiral. Shadows and echoes played on his senses warping shapes and sounds.

   That scar would surely haunt his dreams, no doubt.

    "How can we possibly get the wrong cat, Hickorycliff? You have interrupted me before and I have asked May to confirm. I am pretty sure that May and Cheese-It made sure of it. Everything was carried out carefully. I, the deputy of PeakClan, will make sure that I will be the one who ends this easily."

   May? Cheese-It?

   Why? What? When? How?

   Every muscle in his body screamed at him to flee, but he remained frozen.

   The ocean of questions was pulling him into the deep water, he could not breathe.

   The scar on Hickorycliff's nose was clearly visible as his tail shot up. His deep, leaf-green eyes that were large and round lay on Chipmunk, which shot Chipmunk a warm glance. His tabby fur was soft and fluffy like a black and greyish-cream striped coat. One of his small, round ears was nicked as he stepped out of the shadow and faced the black she-cat.

   Chipmunk's life flashed before his eyes as he signaled Surf and Rise to escape without him. He was the only cat that they wanted. Then if there was not any choice, he would let them take him and let the others go.

   If he was destined to be dead, then he would accept it.

   He received a moisty glance from Rise as she paddled to Chipmunk. She leaned towards Chipmunk as her small tongue licked his wounds gently as a soft feather.

   Chipmunk winced as needles jammed on his belly. It made him dizzy, but he felt...magical?

   He gave her a small smile as Rise looked away shyly.

   Surf stood next to Chipmunk protectively as he scowled at the cats, shooting daggers at them.

   "You are not the only deputy, Obsidianspiral. Hickorycliff is here to knock some sense into you when you can't do it yourself." Wrenfeather snored.

   "Well, I am only here to remind Obsidianspiral what she should do. I know that she is always loyal to PeakClan. How about we search for more pieces of evidence?" Hickorycliff suggested with a friendly tone.

   Obsidianspiral clenched her jar, but she did not say anything. Her claws left a cloud of dust flying as she pinned Chipmunk tighter.

   An awkward silence followed as every cat seemed to be lost in their own thoughts.

   "STOP! You have got the wrong cat!"

Hey there! Thanks for reading my second formal warriors fanfiction, Camouflage. Hope you enjoy this huge cliffhanger! I have been praying that it bothers you muahahaha! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, I really enjoy reading them and they always give me motion to continue writing (of course, your amazing theories count too!) If you are feeling bored or creative, see the banner down there? Click open the inline comment for details and questions for you to think about! You can always take a look at what the others think too which is somehow very interesting ;)

Hello to all the silent readers! Even though I do not really know that you are reading this, but I will never forget you! Always remember that I really appreciate it as it means a lot too! I will not nag you to comment as I am not a mean stepmother (all hail to my bad metaphor), do whatever that makes you feel comfortable all the time here!

By the way, a special reminder. You probably want to throw stuff at me starting from the next chapter as more truths will reveal, so you might want to go to the supermarket and pack up some food. [Ps, I love eating dark chocolate and basically everything except onion, so don't throw onion on me!]

Thanks for all the votes and comments! They truly made my day!

Love from twilight

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