p r o l o g u e | silhouette and a pair of eyes

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   The gentle breeze brushed through his pelt as he shivered slightly, his loud heartbeats breaking the silence of the forest. A sliver of pale moonlight spilled onto the forest ground, not enough to light up the path in front of his which grew wider where the soil was soft, but enough to navigate through the leaves and exit beyond.

   The ghostly pale moonlight drained away as there was barely enough even for shadow as he hurried up, paddling through the soft soil ground. The little stars and moon cowered behind a dense layer of cloud. His ears became sharper and his eyes focused, every snap of a twig could be a predator, every bush could hide a cat, who was there gazing at him with curious eyes.

   He heard...sounds. Echoing through the forest, ringing in his pointy ears. He stopped and glanced around as he gasped for breath, trying to calm himself down.

   Imaginary...weren't they?

   He took a deep breath as he slowed his pace, glancing around as saliva slid down his throat. The scent of the refreshing air of a cat filled his lungs. He smiled faintly.

   Just what he wanted.

   His fur brushed the moss and lichen-covered path as his claws unsheathed, his eyes widened, racing down the path with urge and nerve. His lungs burning as he was in need of air and out of breath.

   A pair of eyes appeared from a bush as he stopped, looking around with his chest tightened. He knew that he did not want to do that. He would never do that. He knew that it was wrong. But if the plan went right, nothing would go wrong. Nothing.

   He steadied himself as he dug his claws in the dirt, he did not want to imagine how his claws looked when it covered with fresh blood.

   He had to do this.

   He convinced himself that the pair of eyes was his imagination, but he could not get rid of the terror and shock that showed in the pair of eyes.


   The trees were silhouetted against the newly silver sky. Their branches swayed in the wind, creaking into the gusting air. The familiar forest at day looked unfamiliar at night.

   He spotted the silhouette of his target sitting on the tree, her fur shining under the moonlight as she leaned against the tree branch, watching the amazing scene of the moon climbing down from the dark sky. He stepped on the sharp rocks and soft soil as he ran with no sound at all.

   The owl on the tree was hooting which brought a calming melody to the sound of silence. His paws slipped outward on the wet peddles as he rounded the corner, the cold night air shocking his throat and lungs as he inhaled deeper, faster. He observed the she-cat with a feeling that he failed to explain.

   "Sorry, so sorry," he murmured to himself as he cleaned his claws, aiming at the she-cat, counting his breath.

   He leaped and raced up the tree trunk as the owl flew with panic, before the she-cat turned, he threw himself towards the she-cat, the huge impact causing them to fall from the tree, landing on the ground with a 'bang'.

   His paws ached from the fall as he leaped on the she-cat in a blink of an eye. The she-cat's eyes widened with shock as she bit hard on his claw. He winced in pain, backed away, and tried again.

   The she-cat stood up and adjusted her position, her eyes narrowed as she tried to figure out who he was. Before the she-cat could say anything, he leaped and aimed for her back. He landed on her back easily as the she-cat growled with anger. His victory did not stay for long as he lost his balance and fell face-down into the soil ground. He felt claws slicing his back as pain spread like wildfire, gasping for breath as he waited for the chance.

   When the speed of scratching slowed down, he ducked away and twisted around quickly. He leaped backward and bounced off the tree trunk, then he landed on the she-cat with his sharp claws slicing her back. The she-cat rolled on the ground as she tried to push him down.

   He did fall, but the she-cat ran out of energy as she lay on the ground weakly, and badly out of breath. He reared up on his back legs and weighted down on the she-cat. Unexpectedly, the she-cat did the same. He immediately wrestled and flipped her under him.

   He pinned the she-cat quickly as he was ready for the last bite. Just one step from success.

   He avoided the she-cat's eyes as he came nearer, his breath on the she-cat's neck.

   The she-cat's eyes widened as she mewed with shock, "You...you?"

   He mewed with a masked smile, "Yes, I am proud."

   The she-cat asked with confusion stained on her face, "I thought... you wanted to see me?"

   He replied with a wicked smile, and that was enough for the she-cat.

   The she-cat claimed weakly as her breath became slower, "Why...? I-I thought you loved me-"

   He squeezed out a faked smile, "I just want to, what is the problem of that?"

   The she-cat replied with disbelief and hatred, "This is not the amazing tom that I love."

   He started smiling so much that his cheeks ached when he heard the word 'amazing', but he knew that he would become the murderer soon. He had to end this. Quick.

   "Farewell, beg StarClan to give you a better new life next time," He leaned closer to the she-cat's neck as he closed his eyes. He took a big bite as the salty taste of blood replaced his saliva. He felt sick as he felt that the she-cat lay under him, lifeless.

   He felt disgusted as he glanced at his bloody claws, flashback played in his mind as he struggled to stop his nightmare from squealing. He stared at the lifeless figure of the she-cat, realizing that he did kill a cat.

   The sun bloomed on the horizon, golden petals stretching ever outwards in the rich blue. It was the brilliant flower of the sky that warmed the days. It filled the sky with shades of orange and pink, peach and magenta, amber and rose, radiating hope and a new beginning. But it was the end for him.

   He hastily buried the body of the she-cat as he turned and headed back to the camp with a quickly-beaten heart and a mix of bad feelings.

   He tried to tell himself that he was one step towards success, but he could not.

   "One down, one more to go."

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