t h r e e | runaway and lost

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   The droplet of water landed on Chipmunk's nose as a cold shiver went shooting down his spine, awaking the ocean in his head. He felt the rage within as if the ocean was the countless tears that were ready to pound out, to teach him to let go. It was a gale that screamed under dark and serious clouds. Blood rang in his ears when he was blasting on the gravels like the ragging storm. The waves in his head turned into watery fists, beating his chest with all their might.

   His heart was traveling on a little hopeless boat as the waves grew larger, rising up and down the mighty sea like a child's toy. With no warning, total darkness prevailed as clouds thickened and the sky was stricken, blotting out the moonlight and stars.

   The echoes of the call rebounded in his head.


   Chipmunk could feel the rocks digging into his paws as he leaped over the rocks, shouts echoed in his head.

   "Get that cat! Quick!"


   His lungs were burning. He could barely see under the darkness as he fled for his life.

   He was very clear that what would happen if he got caught.

   Growling in pain, he sped up as his heart was trying on an almighty roller-coaster. The pain of the wound on his paw spread like wildfire and that made his speed doubled.

   He could no longer control his body, which was shaking in an odd trembling rhythm. A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of his stomach. His heart was throbbing in his ears, loud and irregular, but he could barely hear it, for his mind was clouded with fear.

   Fear had become a beast that was swallowing him up.

   His head was screaming, ordering him to move as fast as he could for his life, but his paws would not co-operate. He paddled in the dark, feeling the annoying wet sand sticking on his paws as he heard the call of the sea.

   He winced as the sand embraced his wound on his paw. He continued running, feeling like his paws did not belong to him anymore as he went further, heading to the sea.

   The dark sky above, sharp stones under his paws, and the clouds caressed with the reflected light of the pale moonlight. The lacy waves were a drumbeat that echoed Chipmunk's heart, calling him to come forward as he stumbled on the soft wet sand.

   And, the point was, he, a pet, would never be faster than the well-trained wild cats.

   Pulse beating in his ears, blocking out all the other sounds, but he could still hear something faintly, "He is just a kittypet, no need to worry."

   The sound of the pawsteps faded into the night as Chipmunk glanced around carefully, terror sucked at the very breath from his mouth. He released the breath that he did not realize that he was holding until then.

   He was safe for now.

   The storm in his mind became calm and quiet as the fear drained away quickly. He let out a shaky laugh as he stared at the starless sky.

   He escaped from the danger, but another problem came.

   He was lost.

   Under the dark sky with a dimmed moon, it was impossible to know where to head. Especially it was the first time coming to this place. Chipmunk glanced around nervously as he sighed, letting out a meow of misery. He shifted his glance around the place as his mind was blinded by nerve and panic. The soft sand on the ground shone under the ghostly pale moon as they lit up a path.

   "A kittypet in the dark, don't tell me that you are lost," A natural-like scent brushed past Chipmunk's nose as he studied the Siamese she-cat in front of him. The she-cat's sky blue eyes shone with disdain in the dark as Chipmunk eyed her with curiosity.

   "I do not really think you should scare this kittypet away, he is not going to grab your precious territories anyway, Fern," A dainty Birman mewed beside the Siamese she-cat. The Maine Coon's black eyes softened when they met his yellow ones, "I am Sika, what is your name? Are you lost?"

   Fern watched him with impassiveness as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

   "Chipmunk, and yes, I am. Can you please tell me the way back to the city?" Chipmunk mumbled as he was afraid that Fern's eyes were going to shoot poisonous ivies at him.

   "Sure," Sika replied with a smile as she glanced at Fern.

   "Well, I am going to do something far more interesting than nursing a kittypet home." Fern turned and headed into the forest without sparing a glance at Chipmunk.

   Chipmunk looked at her miserably, he had no idea what he had done wrong.

   "It is fine, Fern is just grumpy," Sika comforted as she wrapped her tail around him as she led Chipmunk away from the seaside.

   "Thanks for helping me," Chipmunk mewed softly as he felt the warmth of her fluffy tail.

   "So, what are you doing here at night? It is very dangerous!" Sika mewed with concern.

   "I come out with my friends to have a nightly adventure when I discover the clan. Then, I am lost when I am escaping from them. They are scary." Chipmunk mewed with a shiver.

   "True, they are scary," Sika nodded as they went past the hole where Chipmunk discovered the clan quietly, "Won't your family be worried?"

   Chipmunk mewed quietly, "I do...do not really have a family...Perhaps I do, but I do not know..."

   Chipmunk glanced at Sika with curiosity as Sika turned away, avoiding eye contact. For an unknown reason, he felt...weird...

   Sika mewed with a low voice, "I am sorry to hear that, and we should probably get going before the sun rises."

   Chipmunk had a lot of questions, but he knew that he should say no more as he kept his mouth shut. Walking behind Sika, he was going home...

   The pale moon winked mysteriously as it disappeared under the layer of cloud...

   "How many times have I told you to check the time?"

   Chipmunk climbed into the house quietly as the sun had barely risen. The warm sunshine had warmed up Chipmunk's back as it sneaked into the house by the window sill and lay on the ground. Chipmunk studied the living room carefully at a dark corner as he jumped at the sound.

   Cheese-It was glancing Chipmunk as if he had just killed a cat as Chipmunk replied with a wink, "Ohh, I am scared! Are you giving me a death threat?"

   Cheese-It did not find it funny. She narrowed her eyes as she scolded, "I am serious. If you come back one second late, I am going to tell Grumpy. I am nearly late for my clan meeting."

   "What a responsible clan warrior! Should I give you an award?" Chipmunk mewed with an innocent smile as Cheese-It gave an eye roll in return.



   Footsteps resounded as Chipmunk knew that their owner was coming. The strong smoke of weed lingered in his nose as Chipmunk struggled to swallow his cough.

   Cheese-It wrapped her tail around Chipmunk's nose as she dragged him up the stairs swiftly into the dark attic.

   Chipmunk studied the room carefully as Cheese-It accidentally stepped on his injured paw. He winced as he let out a mew of pain. He spotted the muddy pawprints that he had left on the beautifully polished carpet, knowing that he was in trouble again.

   Cheese-It's eyes shifted on Chipmunk as he licked his chest fur embarrassedly, keeping his eyes on the floor like it was the most fascinating thing in the entire universe. He wanted to hide the fact that he was crying over a small wound, but the magical green eyes of Cheese-It's could see through everything.

   "Give me your paw, please," Chipmunk stretched his paw shyly. Cheese-It sighed as she carefully inspected Chipmunk's wound, seeing a small cut. She licked it gently. Then, she groomed Chipmunk's messy fur as he leaned on Cheese-It, wrapping his tail around her and purred.

   Cheese-It's green eyes shone with happiness as she mewed gently after she was done, "I am running late already. Are you alright here?"

   Chipmunk nodded, trembling at the thought of the smoke and the cage. He murmured, "I...I...am going to be fine..."

   "Great, remember not to cause trouble again. I cannot save you this time from Grumpy." Cheese-It leaped out of the window as Chipmunk sat by the window sill, looking at the awaken city under the light blue sky...

   Sometimes, something will always change a normal day in a not-so-normal way...

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