Christena (Chrissy)

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"Svegliatevi Christena (Wake up Christena)! It is time to get ready!" mia madre yells from down the hall.

"Uuuuuh..." I groan as I try to roll out of bed, landing on the floor in a tangle of sheets with a thud.

"Fuck" I whisper under my breath while rubbing my sides, "I'll be right there!"

I untangle myself from the sheets and stand up, only to be faced by my reflection in my floor-to-ceiling mirror. I look like a mess, but since I honestly don't care because the only people seeing me are my parents, I walk down the hall towards the sound of my mother humming Adriano Celentano's Azzurro.

"Buongiorno mamma (good morning mom)" I greet her as I enter the dining room filled with the mouthwatering aroma of fresh, warm breakfast.

"Good morning sweetheart.  How are you feeling?"

"Tired, as usual."

"Well, you better wake up soon because it is almost time for you to go.  I let you sleep in a bit, since I knew you would be sleepy from staying up and packing last night" my mother responded before taking a bite of her food.

I look up at the ticking clock before quickly shoving the rest of my food in my mouth and placing my dishes in the sink, resulting in a disapproving look from my mother.

I scurried down the hall with my head down, only to run into my mio papà.

He stopped, "What happened to my daughter? What have you done with her? She would never emerge from her room like this."

"Papá" I groaned, covering my face as I walked the rest of the way to my room at the sound of his chuckles.


I grab my black beanie with the word "LOVE" on it in red.  As I put it on, I see the reflection of my keyboard behind me.  I turn around and walk to it, sitting down on the small, black stool.  I run my fingers lightly over the keys, rembering when my older brother gave it to me before he left for college - before he went to bed that night - before he was gone.

I convince myself not to think of his death right now, but I find myself playing David Bowie's Changes, one of his favorite songs before I was born. After I finish playing, I wait for the sound of the keys to fade before standing up and wiping the salty tears from my face.

"Goodbye" I whisper, running my fingers over the keys one more time before grabbing my black bags and exiting my room.

As I walk down the hall, I realize all that I'm going to miss about my home - the warm colored walls, the family photos scattered throughout the house, the sun streaming through my window that always forces me to wake up, my family, and even my keyboard.

As I approach the door, I can see the tears in my father's smiling eyes.

"I am going to miss you guys a lot" I tell them is accept their hugs.

"But I'm sure you will have lots of fun" my father responded.

My mom gave me a knowing look, "And it will help you get your mind off things. It will be good for you."

My smile is bittersweet as I pick up my bags, only to look up to my mom holding out a paper bag.

"Is that...?" I trail off, my hands reaching to take the aromatic gift.

"Yes" she smiled, "It your favorite agnolotti. I figured you would get hungry on the way to South-lake, so I made it so you can eat it on the bus."

With a big grin on my face, I clutch the small, brown paper bag to my chest, "Grazie mamma (Thank you mom)."

I give them each one last hug before walking out into the crisp morning air. I turn left and walk towards the mini-park where my brother used to take me to play when I was younger. He used to push me on the swings and I pretended that I could fly up into the blue skies above. "Più in alto, più in alto! (Higher, higher!)" I yelled and he laughed in response. I smiled at the memory, the memory of the days filled with laughter. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to those days without any care in the world.

I walk over to the swings and sit down on the left swing. I always sat on the left swing, my brother on the right.

"Più in alto" I whisper, swinging my legs and looking up at the sky, "Più in alto."

I am taken out of my trance when my watch beeps, reminding me that I need to be at the bus pickup spot in five minutes.  I sigh, get up off of the swing, and resume my walk to the bus stop.

When the bus arrives, I help pack my bags in the compartment before boarding the bus. I walk towards the back of the bus and sit down. There are very few people on the bus, so the girl with the long brown braid is the first one I study. I love to people watch, not in a creepy way, and I like coming up with possible stories for people and their lives. I see the light of excitement in her eyes and I begin creating a story.

Looking out the opposite window, I let my mind wander.


Hello again!

So I hope you notice that at this point, the chapters are in the POV of the person's name in the title of the chapter. This will be the case for the first 8 chapters (since there are 8 people). After that, I will make sure to try to tell you the POV.

Also, the character is NOT Chrissy Constanza, so no worries - you don't need to know any background info about her since this is like an AU. (Same goes for the other characters played by famous people/ celebrities)

Also, PLEASE let me know if you see any other mistakes (i.e. grammar, punctuation, etc.)


What do you think of Christena?

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ATCAgainstTheCurrent ✨

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