The platipus egg ((NerrisXHarrison))

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((Warning spoliers!))
In was finally saturday! In every saturday then we dont have anything in our scedual. so No Gwen and No david in a whole day!
Max, nikki and nikki was just chilins by the lake. Dolf and Ered was just hanging around. Nurf was punching Preston as a punching bag. Harrison and nerris was arruging who's magic was better then the other.
But in a short while David called in a Meeting in the mess hall. All the kids growned as the started to walk towards the mess hall.
There was the one and only, Davids hero: Cameron campbell.
Cameron stod there with a pack eggs and told'em what to do.
((Iam not going to repeat what they talks abo'ut))

David maked groups of two, to take care one egg each.
There six eggs to 5 groups til' space kid accedently creaked a egg.
The groups was like this: Max and nikki, Ered and dolf, Neil and Space kid, Preston and nurf and last but not least Harrison and nerris.

"Tho i have to thay that our egg i'th going to be named a'th egguleth." Nerris crossed her arms as she said that.

"I like the name omelley, it much Cooler and not a dumb face" Harrison smirked as he replyed to her name.

"Your face ith dumb!" Nerris shot daggers at Harrison.

"Might give this dumb face something them then" Harrison pointed as his lips and he wiggled his eyesbrows.

"Not inthront oth egguleth!" Nerris swinged her hand towards the egg and shaded them were the eyes Would have been.

"Yeah, yeah." Harrison waved nerris off and walked away. The day passed as nerris and Harrison tried not to Break the egg. Dolf and Ered was the first to Break there eggs when Ered tried to learn there 'cool' egg to skate without any pads.
All the campers have gone parents crazy! Nurf Even abused Preston becouse of there nurf jr.

After Harrison deside to have a small show with his omelley/eggules.
He was going to start the show when he heard his partner nerris scream "what in the seven Kingth name is going on here.

"Oh nerris... I thought you were going to Glue the stupid fake elfears of yours" Harrison replyed

"Ith thith what your doing when iam not there!? We Agree our little egguluth were going to learn there extentathtion"nerris crossed her arms

"Yes i know.. But i only Said that so you Would leave. Our little omelley want to be a imagiton when he grows up look how much fun hes having"

"Egguluth cant ways time to do thupid magic trickth,when hes going to be a dungeon mathter like me." Nerris replaced the magic hat with the elf hat.

"How dare you! My tricks are not dumb, besides omelley can already do this" Harrison swayed his hand up then down and the egg was gone.

"Harrithon bring back eggulouthe back this inthtantn.!" Nerris demanded.

"Nerris your dumb fool. What you dont know is that omelley have been here this whole time." Harrison took nerris hat and looked in it. He diden't see the egg then he let out a small 'oh' as he placed back the elf hat. When he put it back on there was raw egg all over nerris.

"Eggulouthe!!!" Nerris screamed in horror. She then ran to the small camp dorm and Harrison ran after screaming apolegies.

He walked in and Saw nerris cry. She was in a ball formed position as she Sobbed.
Harrison walked towards the crying elf princess and sat Behind her as he hugged her waist.

"M'lady? Are you okey?" Harrison put his head into the shoulder of the Princess.

"Let me be.." Nerris sniffed. "I dont want to thee your dumb thace" Harrison smirked in reply.

"Might give the dumb face something then?" Nerris finally up and reaveled his blue Blood shot eyes.
"Yes i have something to give" nerris leaned in and kissed  Harrison. Exactly as they started nerris pulled her toung into his mouth.when they separated the was a saliv spring on there toungs.
Harrison but his forhead on nerris and smiled as a idiot.

"So you forgive me"
"Am i the doungens master?" Nerris giggled.
"Yes" Harrison Leaned in and kisses nerris for the second time."yes you are" he whispered.

Well that was chessy! I will now go a drink y bleach becouse this was so Cringe!Request for next! Show a ship and a catagorie!
Iam off now bye!

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