Chapter 5

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Harry POV

We apparated into the bottom of the ocean. Percy was about to double over, but the water surrounded him, and he immediately straightened. Looking at the water surrounding us, I fumbled for my wand, and was about to do a bubble head charm when I realized that I could still breathe. Percy now looked happy and relaxed, but Andromeda looked slightly on edge.

"I've- I've seen this place! In my dreams, I feel the power radiate off of here. It's even greater in real life!" Andromeda muttered.

She started fiddling with her Trident charm on her necklace. I didn't really know how I felt about this. I could feel a warm current, and it smelled like a sea-breeze, but I could tell there was power here. Hurricanes, floods, huge storms, I felt their presence here. I felt weary, yet empowered at the same time. Still wondering how I could breathe, the director of their camp started to speak.

"Andromeda has granted us the blessing of the sea. For a short while, we are able to breathe underwater." the lady explained. "Call me May. We are here to visit Amphitrite, and hope Poseidon does not let Andromeda feel his wrath."

We zoomed through the water. The sensation was oddly like flying on a broom in Quidditch. Easy and free-going. I stared at the palace. It was amazing. Gems and Coral made it shine brightly, and it was buzzing with mermaids and mermen.

"Percy!" I heard someone shout. I looked over, and what I saw made me draw my wand. He was huge, easily 6 feet, and had one massive eye. He had a hammer in his hand, and had the clothes of someone who worked in a forge.

He pulled Percy into a suffocating grab.

"Hey big guy," Percy said embracing him, as I realized it was just a hug.

"Percy, who is he," I said cautiously, my wand firmly gripped in my hand.

"This is Tyson. He's my half brother. He works in the forges," he answered.

"Percy! I made gift for you and friends!" he said, rummaging through his bag.

He gave Percy a watch, me a bracelet, but stopped at Andromeda.

Percy's watch turned into a shield, and his eyes seemed to well up. It had figures of- was that him and Annabeth? It showed them fighting monsters, and what looked like other various quests.

"Trident is seabane?" he asked Andromeda.

"My trident?" Andromeda responded.

She turned the charm into her Trident.

"Trident is Seabane. Seabane is monster killer metal. Only other is that," he said, pointing at the watch. "Power of the sea is contained. Destroyed, then big boom," 

He then proceeded in giving her a new charm. 

"Twist and turn into dagger," he said.

"Thanks, brother," Percy said, giving Tyson a hug.

"Peanut butter?" he asked Percy.

"Maybe next time, big guy," Percy responded.

Suddenly, an older man with one eye called out to Tyson.

"Got to go, big brother. Tell Dad Tyson says Hi!" Tyson said cheerfully, walking toward the forges again.

Percy watched Tyson walk into the forges, a sort of happiness mixed with sadness in his eyes.

"Hello, Percy. I sensed your presen- Who are these people?"  a booming voice said.

He was dressed in Bermuda shorts, with a hawaiian print T-shirt, with a Trident in one hand, and a glass filled with some drink that looked like apple juice in the other. He had trimmed hair and a beard, and a strong aura of power. I felt like I should be bowing, and Andromeda did.

"My lord, please do not smite me, but I am Andromeda, daughter of Amphitrite," Andromeda said, kneeling on the floor, head bowed.

A flash of power went through his eyes. I saw the wrath of Tsunamis, hurricanes, and floods, and the water seemed to quicken. He picked up his Trident, about to fight, but thought better. He regained his composure, and calmed down. I knew him. It was Percy's dad.

"Follow me. But you, May, child of Hecate, may return to your camp," Poseidon said.

With a quick bow of her head, a large crack was heard, and she seemingly winked out of existence. We were instantly teleported into his Throne Room.

"Amphitrite. Explain this," he said to his wife, pointing at Andromeda.

"She is a complicated human being. Why don't you ask Prometheus? He has nothing to do except be chained to a rock," she responded, not looking at her.

"I know she is your daughter," Poseidon stated.

Amphitrite abruptly stopped what she was doing.

"Do not harm her, Poseidon." Amphitrite warned, choosing her words carefully. "Unless you wish the wrath of the Fates,"

"Be glad she is one from the prophecy. She shouldn't have been born. I may not be able to smite her, but I will have my revenge," Poseidon said, picking up his trident. "Andromeda, I place the curse of the sea on you. Water will not heal you, only turn to poison in your cuts. It shall curve away from you, you may not drink. It will fail you at the time it is needed most, and you shall drown. For I place this curse on the child of Amphitrite, Androm-"

He was cut off abruptly by the ocean water swirling around, and the currents getting faster and faster, mini hurricanes appearing.

"Percy, do not do this. We have no need to fight," Poseidon said, staring at his son.

"Do not harm my friends, father. She did not choose to be born. I'm alive, so doesn't that mean your wife must get special treatment?" Percy said, as cautiously and carefully as possible, ready to be turned into a puddle of seawater.

Amphitrite stared at Percy, the coldness in her eyes toward him slowly diminishing, but not leaving altogether. Then it blazed with fury.

"It may be time for you to face your crimes, Percy Jackson. If my daughter must suffer the wrath of the sea, so shall you," Amphitrite stated. "Percy Jackson, I give you the curse of the sea. Water will not heal you, only turn to poison in your cuts. It shall curve away from you, you may not drink. It will fail you at the time it is needed most, and you shall drown. For I place this curse on Perc-"

"Do not threaten my son," Poseidon growled.

"Do not threaten my daughter," Amphitrite returned.

The sea was in chaos, and I saw that Percy and Andromeda were the only things keeping me alive. The water seemed to soften the blows at us, not intending to hurt us but doing anyway. Then water started to fill my lungs, and I realized the blessing had worn off. I felt hundreds of pounds of pressure from being so deep in the ocean. Percy and Amphitrite realized this and concentrated as hard as they could. I felt better, the pressure was off of me, and the water was expelled from my lungs.

"Stop!" Andromeda yelled, with fierce determination. "Give me mercy, my lord, as the rest of Olympus gave your son. Take my merits into account, and If I am not worthy, I give you permission to kill me,"

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, and flinched. 

"Your weapon," he barked.

"What?" Andromeda said, not understanding.

"The trident you have, fully extend it."

Andromeda grabbed her charm, and it sprang into a full-blown trident.

"Seabane," Poseidon said, his fury subsiding, directed at Amphitrite, in a sort of questioning tone that wasn't really a question.

Amphitrite nodded.

"I misunderstood you, demigod. A deadly gamble, your mother made. Seabane can only be used by true children of the sea. Those who are not worthy will turn into a puddle, and so will your enemies, with enough concentration. This weapon can help you concentrate your powers, and unlock your full potential." Poseidon stated. " I was a fool to try and curse you, if the weapon allows you to wield it, then I give you my blessing. But Amphitrite, my son holds seabane too. You say he is not worthy, but you know that he is."

"Fine," Amphitrite mumbled."Percy Jackson, you are worthy, and I give you my blessing. However, if the seabane senses even a twinge of evil in your heart, I enchanted it to destroy you, painfully and slowly. Yet I know you are a hero, and the shield shall never fail you, even in your darkest times. But be warned. A new evil is coming, one more ancient than Kronos, and more powerful than Gaea. Now, return to your camp. It is being attacked by the forces of-" was all we heard before I apparated us out, not able to bear being even a second more with these forces of nature, who forgot that I was in the room.

"Run!" A voice rang out, as 3 cloaked warriors came out, their cloaks looking like the night sky.

"Oh, don't run. We're just here to play!" the main one said, a malicious smile on her face.

Ha! Cliffhangers, my old friend. So, I'll update when someone says to update, because I love when people comment and share, and don't ghost read.






Word Count:1536

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