She read my mind

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I plopped down on the couch with a book called 'the name of the blade', leaving my bag on the bag rack in the hallway.

Stealing the sword was a bad idea. I can't pretend I didn't realize that at the time. I wasn't even supposed to know about the thing, let alone sneak up and steal it from the attic., where it was carefully concealed in the dark under layers of cobwebs and rotting Christmas decorations. I was fully aware that if my father found out about the sword or my taking it, he'd pop a blood vessel from sheer fury and kill me. Or die. Maybe both. If your family's heirloom is some ugly vase or painting, like on antique roadshow, the worst thing that can happen if you mess with it is that you'll smash it or ruin the patina or something. My family's antique is a different story. Almost twenty-five inches of curved, single edged steel, designed with a single purpose: to kill. You'd probably call it a samurai sword. But it's proper name is katana. And I needed it for my Christmas party costume.

I yawned. Introductions were always boring, I stood up and stretched for a while, because it was stiff.

I was getting sleepy, but I decided to flip to a random page in the book and read it.

Finally-most worrying of all-there was this gnawing, bone-deep certainty that echoed through me with every step I took away from the scene of our bloody victory. The knowledge that the fight to keep the katana safe was definitely. Not. Over. Luckily, once I laid out each of these unanswerable problems in my head, I realized I was too exhausted to do anything about any of it. So I just smiled back at shinobu and swung our joined hands between us and marched beside him through the sleeping streets of London in the light of the rising sun.

I read the first paragraph on that page and decided to put down the book.

My mom walked slowly up to me. She had a worried look on her face.

"Dear, I'm going to send you to a full year camp." She said. My jaw dropped.

"Don't worry, your can study there." She read my mind.

"Why do I need to go to full year camp? Does this have anything to do with my dad?" I looked at her, wide-eyed.

This time, I read her mind.

I could tell from her her facial expressions. Like a kind of mental jaw drop, surprise glinting in her eyes, and her biting her bottom lip like how did you know? Type of way.

I stretched and yawned, "when does it start?"

"Get packed and ready. It starts today."


Sorry for the very short  chapter! It isn't very important in this story, so I made it short. I hope that I will be able to make the chapters longer in future!

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