Chapter 1

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Marinette packed her things up very quickly. As soon as she caught wind that Adrien Agreste would be going to the same camp as her, the only thing she could think about was camp. Apparently the camp had rock climbing, caving, kayaking, and even a fashion section of camp!

She had packed three bags. One for her clothes, one for her necessities, and one for her sleeping bag and pillows. She didn't want to overpack, so she asked Alya for help.

"Girl, calm down!" Alya laughed at her silly friends' behavior. "I- I CAN'T!" Marinette shrieked. "What if I don't pack enough?!" She paced back and forth worriedly. "I'm gonna miss everyone! I'm going to miss my mom, dad, you and-" Marinette started listing things off before Alya interuppted her. "I'm coming to the freaking camp with you!" Alya laughed and crossed her arms.

"Oh." Marinette plopped down on her bed. "I'm soooo overreacting." She shook her head. "Yes, yes you are." Alya chuckled lightly at Marinette. "Now, we need to go get on that bus!" Alya grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her off the bed.

"Ughh, fine." Mari groaned and grabbed as many bags as she can. She would be gone the whole summer so she would obviously miss her home. "Goodbye beautiful bed." She patted her bed and sighed. "Goodbye beautiful bedroom." Marinette dramatically sighed.

"Oh god, let's go drama queen." Alya helped her with her bags and grabbed her hand. "We are leaving!" Alya said. She pulled Marinette down the stairs and outside to the bus stop.

- Time skip -
After solem goodbyes and a couple of tears, the bus finally pulled up. They loaded their luggage onto the bus and walked in. All around them were students that went to their school. "Psst, Mari, in the back!" Alya prodded at her and pointed to the back of the bus.

There, in all his perfect glory, was Adrien. Marinette's face quickly lit up as Alya pulled her to the back. She had a dopey smile that she just couldn't shake off. Alya gave her the 'Marinette, act normal' look and softly smiled at Adrien. "Hey Adrien!" Alya greeted him sweetly.

He pulled his earbuds out of his ears and waved to her. "Salut Alya!" He smiled kindly. He turned his attention to Marinette. "Salut Marinette!" He waved to her and smiled a bit.

Marinette felt her heart flutter. "HHHNgg HI." She blurted out embarrassingly. Alya shook her head and pulled her down to sit next to her. "Way to go dork." Alya whispered to Marinette whilst slightly nudging her shoulder.

Marinette pouted and crossed her arms. The bus made the next stop and a few other students got on, including Nino. Nino looked around the bus and spotted Adrien, immediately making his way to the back of the bus.

"Adrien, what's up!" Nino laughed energetically. "Oh, Nino!" Adrien high-fived his friend. "I'm good, whats up with you?" Adrien chuckled lightly. The two ensued in conversation whilst Marinette and Alya had a convo of their own.

"Alright students, buckle up, sit back, and relax! Next stop is Camp Miraculous!" The driver said on the intercom. "Find something to do, because this ride will last about three hours!" The driver said again and a chorus of student groaned.

"Well, get comfortable." Alya snickered and pulled out her summer reading book. Marinette didn't hear her though, she was to busy gazing at Adrien and picture everything she would be doing this summer.

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