About this roleplay

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So, some of you might recognize this roleplay. That would be because this is my third time hosting it!

We've never been able to make it through the roleplay before, though the first time we made it about halfway. So, aside from myself of course, nobody has been able to solve the mystery of Camp Point.

With current world events, I've been more stressed than normal and self quarantine has me running out of interesting things to get up to...And so, I'm giving this another go!

For those of you who have made it this far, and aren't already familiar with Camp Point, allow me to explain just what it's about.

Camp Point is a supernatural thriller roleplay where you will be attempting to solve a murder...Or trying not to get caught after.

There are three groups, each you can be apart of.

The first group would be the normal staff and campers, the poor saps caught up in this mess. They just wanted to go have fun for the summer, maybe find some romance. Instead they're trapped around people with strange and deadly powers, and they found a body.

The second group is the government agents and the government abnormals. They're at the camp expecting the strange. They came to investigate reports that undocumented abnormals are attending the camp, and that some are dangerous...

And lastly, the abnormal campers. They were born with strange powers, and have managed to keep them hidden their entire lives. Now, not only do they have to keep that up, but they have to worry about not dying and not getting framed for murder.

Aside from these groups, there will be other sub roles you get to choose from. Will your character be a suspect? Will they be brave? Will they be too scared to function? Will they be hopelessly and almost inappropriately in love? Who knows!

As one final note, while I am posting this on Wattpad this roleplay will be conducted on Discord. I just feel as though it'll be easier, and allow everyone a bit more freedom without the worry of Wattpad swooping in and wrecking the day.

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