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Your character doesn't know everything you do.

What I mean by that is...You can obviously read everyone's backstory on their form, but your character wouldn't know that. You can read what people have done when nobody was looking, but your character doesn't.

And don't try and pull some shît to get around that.
"Oh, well I looked them up online and found out all of this!"
"You just didn't realize I was there and had seen it all!"

Seriously, don't. It'll ruin the fun of this.


Roleplay in third person with description and proper grammar.
By description, I mean at least three full sentences, but more is appreciated. I shouldn't have to explain the other two.
Also, when talking out of the roleplay, use parenthesis or whatever else you normally do.


Censor any cursing in your forms, or anything else you post in this book. Once the roleplay begins, you won't need to censor anything since it'll be on Discord where they don't give a flying flipperoo what you say.

As for smut, my usual Wattpad rules apply. If you want two characters to do the do, take it either to pms or maybe I'll have a channel for it I don't know yet. But don't interrupt the main story and make people who might not want to read that kind of thing have to witness that. Not everyone is comfortable with smut, and it could ruin the roleplay for them if it's in the main area.

Also, I will not tolerate anyone trying to force someone else into smut, or to have their characters be in a relationship. Not everyone is going to want to do that, and not everyone is going to ship their character with yours just because you want them to. Be respectful.


On that note, keep relationships legal! I'm putting on the three year rule.

That means, if your character is over the age of twelve, they cannot date anyone more than three years younger than them, or older. If your character is eighteen, they can date from seventeen on up.

I don't want any pedophilia in this book bro. The first password is north. Put all passwords in your forms.


You can only have two characters, unless I tell you otherwise, or enough people don't join before I'd like to start to fill the roles. Try to make both a male and a female, but I won't enforce that unless I need to.
Also, you can only have one abnormal. The second password is star.


Don't be a dîck. Character to character bullying I'll allow, to an extent, because it's a bunch of kids all together, but I won't allow admin to admin bullying at all. I'll also let you know if the character to character bullying goes too far too.


Don't argue with me. This is my roleplay, and my word is final.

If you're going to have depressed characters, or ones with any other mental issues, do it right and don't be offensive with it. I'm sure literally everyone will let you know if it is.  


No killing other characters, without both my and their admin's permission. Don't control other people's characters either.

You have to have Discord to do this! Once I accept your form, I'll pm you an invite to the sever.

Tag some guys to get this going please!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro