Chapter 19

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AN: I am sad to announce that this is the final chapter of Camp Revolutionary. Made it longer for you guys! I love you all SO much; never forget how beautiful you are.

John sleepily opened his eyes into the golden sunlight. He turned to his right and jumped a little when he saw Alex lying in the same bed as him!

Then it all came back.

Oh yeah, John thought. We're dating now, aren't we? John snuggled up to Alex's side and smiled. Then Alex wrapped his arm around John. IN HIS SLEEP. John blushed and closed his eyes.

It had to be a dream.


Alex would never fall for someone like John, someone so weird, and shy, and insecure about everything.

These were John's thoughts before he himself dozed off again.

A few minutes later, Alex yawned and looked at the small boy nuzzled into his side. He smiled. John was finally his.


It had to be a dream. John would never fall for someone like Alex-someone so annoying, and clumsy, and totally imperfect.

And those were Alex's thoughts as he nodded off again.

But even through all their flaws, the boys were able to look past everything.

For every moment John was too shy to speak, Alex paid attention to the glow he brought with him, even in the silence.

And for every time Alex annoyed him, John only saw his hidden meaning behind the words he said.

They were beautiful.

And they finally realized that.

All too soon, it was the last week of Camp Revolutionary. The mood that came over all the students was so depressing, it was rare to go through your daily routine without finding someone crying.

And Alex and John were the saddest of all.

"I-I-I just d-don't want y-you to g-go," John sniffled through his sobs.

Alex put his arm around John's waist protectively.

"Babe," he whispered quietly, "this isn't it! We've still got a week left, and after that we can text and FaceTime every day! I promise!"

John wiped a tear. "It's not the same, though." He lifted his head to look into Alex's kind eyes. "I love you, Alex. I want to see you."

Alex smiled sadly. "We WILL see each other! Every break, heck, every weekend if you want to!"

John laughed a little. "I'd like that very much."

To cheer everyone up, Laf and Herc decided to organize a game for their friend group.

"What're we playing?" Ang asked, intrigued by the hat Laf had placed in the middle of the floor with everyone's names in it.

Herc smiled wickedly. Then the two said it in unison:


John froze and his eyes went wide. He couldn't play this game-NONE of them could, practically everyone was dating someone else.

Maria blinked. "ExCUSE ME?!"

"We can't play that, guys," Cath said, wrapping her arm protectively around Eliza's shoulder.

Laf rolled his eyes. "If you're dating someone, you don't have to anything too severe. If you're not dating anyone, too bad for you!"

"Ok, Peggy, pick a name!" Laf held out the hat to Peggy and she shyly picked out a slip of paper.

"No," she said immediately. "No AARON!"

Aaron tensed up and his face turned red.

"Into the closet, you two!" Herc said happily, shoving them in, much to Maria and Theo's displeasure.

Alex set a timer on his phone for 7 minutes, and everyone waited around, making small talk, while the timer ran down. Peggy and Aaron came out the second the timer went off.

"Sooooooo," Alex teased, "how did it go?"

"Ugh, horribly, shut up, Alex!" Peggy groaned, taking her seat by Maria. Peggy and Aaron's names were set in the floor so they weren't chosen again.

"Ang, pick one," Herc said, holding out the hat to her. Ang took a deep breath and reached in. She grinned when she saw the name.

"It's you, Eliza!" she laughed.

Eliza chuckled and the two sisters stood up, heading into the closet. (THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING PLEASE STOP YOU DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE)

"Don't let it get too steamy in there, you two!" Laf teased.

The next pair to follow was Maria and Cath. Since there was an odd number of people, Theo volunteered not to go, much to Aaron's delight.

"My turn!" Laf said excitedly. He carefully covered his eyes and reached in the hat. When he saw the name, his face lit up.

"HERC!" he screeched.

Herc's eyes widened, and the couple quickly dashed into the closet. The group sat in silence during those seven minutes, everything getting awkward when they heard moans coming from the door two minutes in.

Once Laf and Herc came back out, realization his John like a bulldozer.

"The only ones left are US, Alex," he said.

Alex's entire face brightened. "YES!" he shouted, pumping a fist in the air. "Let's go, my love!"

John blushed as the entire group oooooed and Alex pulled him into the closet.

As soon as they heard Laf's voice call "go", Alex slammed John against the opposite wall, kissing him hard and full on the lips.

"What the-" John breathed, shocked, but pleased.

"One of our last times to do this," Alex explained, gazing at John with dreamy eyes.

Not to get into anything, but let's just say that THEIR seven minutes was, um, "well spent".

John waited with the group by the entrance of the camp for John's dad. Alex was silent, Laf and Herc were looking down, and all the girls had burst into tears.

Alex tapped John lightly on the shoulder.

"Hey, baby," he whispered, leaning down so their forehead, "I got you something." John looked at him curiously.

Alex stepped back and slowly slipped his letterman jacket off, then draped it over John's shoulders. John gasped and put his hands over mouth, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Alex..." he began, but Alex quieted him by firmly pressing their lips together.

"I love you, John," he murmured. Just then, John's dad pulled up to the entrance.

"Throw your stuff in the back," he called out the window. John did so, then turned back to his friends, preparing for a hard good-bye.

First to say bye to was Cath.

"See you, Cath," he said softly, pulling her into a tight hug. Cath hugged him back, a tear running down her cheek. That wasn't the only tear shed, however. Maria, Peggy, Theoand Angelica were all hard goodbyes as well. Laf and Herc shook John's hand, then pulled him tight into their grip, holding back tears. Then it was Eliza's turn.

When John's dad saw Eliza crying over his son's shoulder, he grinned broadly.

"This your girlfriend, John?" he asked, with pride in his voice.

John smiled and wiped the tears from his eyes, and turned to Alex.

"That's Eliza, dad," he explained. "She's not my girlfriend."

Then, without any warning, John leaped into Alex's arms, crashing their lips together.

"But this is my boyfriend," he murmured, drawing back. Alex grinned as a horrified look dawned on Henry Laurens' face. John slowly raised his middle finger up to his dad, then continued to kiss his amazing boyfriend.

"I can't wait to see you again," John moaned into Alex's lips.

Alex took a small breath as they drew apart.

"It's only a matter of time."

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