Chapter 6

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AN: There are some triggers in this chapter; teasing because of sexuality is mentioned. If you don't want to read this chapter, there will be a summary at the bottom.

The next week was a blur for the students at Camp Revolutionary. Swimming, canoeing, hiking-everything you could want in a summer, they did.

A few days later, the Juniors wake up to have a completely free day-nothing on the schedule for them. Alex, John, Herc, and Laf decide to hang out with Aaron, Theodosia (who Aaron apparently had a MASSIVE crush on), Catherine, Maria, and the Schuylers.

Anyway, the group of friends decided to spend the day by the lake. The Revolutionary Crew spent half the time plotting ways to get Aaron to go in the water. Eventually, Alex got bored of plotting and just shoved him in, leaving everyone's sides aching from laughing so hard.

Eliza tried to teach John origami.

"See, John, you have to fold that piece to the LEFT before e you can bring this part over," she explained.

John tried it. "Like this?"

Eliza laughed. "No!"

It took John about 20 minutes and 14 sheets of paper before he and Eliza called it quits. John was just unteachable.

Peggy, Maria, Catherine, Laf, and Herc tried to get Aaron to work up the nerve to ask Theodosia out.

"Come on, Aaron, you got this!" Peggy encouraged.

"Yeah, Aaron, she won't say no to that!" Maria added.

"Just do it so you know either way!" Catherine chimed in.

"No! I don't like her!" Aaron tried to insist, but it was pointless. He had been caught.

"Hey, don't worry! If I had had doubts when I asked out Laf, we wouldn't be dating right now!" said Herc.

"Yes, mon ami, just try!" begged Laf, but Aaron was showing no signs of giving in.

Angelica and Theodosia were by the very edge of the waters, strumming out cords on Theo's ukulele.

"That's a really pretty song," Ang commented. "What's it called?"

This smiled softly. "I'm not sure yet," she said, dreamily looking up at the clouds. "I'll have to think about it."

Alex was basically running around butting in on everyone's conversations, not something anyone was really surprised by.

After a couple hours, it was time for the group to grab some dinner. Peggy and Catherine started a small campfire while Alex and Herc gathered logs for seats. Eliza and Maria carried over the cooler they had brought and began putting hot-dogs on spearing forks for everyone.

The logs around the fire were big enough to fit two people. Eliza and Catherine shared one, Laf and Herc shared one, Alex and John shared one, Peggy and Maria shared one, Ang got one to herself, and the entire group made sure Theo and Aaron were sharing one.

After dinner, it had started to get dark, so the group kicked up the power of the campfire and made s'mores. John started getting very sleepy; something Alex noticed.

"You can put your head in my lap if you want," he whispered in John's ear.

"Are you sure?" John asked. "I don't want to be a bother."

Alex chuckled softly and smiled at him. "Trust me, John, you're anything but a bother."

John blushed and set his head down in Alex's lap. Alex started to softly massage his head, even through all the thick hair.

Catherine was the first to notice. She raised her eyebrows.

"Got yourself a boyfriend there, Alex?" she commented. The rest of the group looked over to the scene on Alex and John's log and smiled.

"That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" squealed Peggy.

"And you guys didn't believe us!" Herc said.

"Believe you about WHAT?" Alex asked cautiously, still stroking John's head.

"Nothing," Laf answered innocently. Alex rolled his eyes at them.

As the others continued to talk, Alex gazed down at John. Wow. John was really cute. And that little twitch his nose does when he sleeps? Adorable! And those freckles-

Stop, Alex told himself. No point in getting your hopes up. Why would he like an idiot like you?

John yawned and opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Alex smiling down at him.

"Hi, Alex."

"Hi, John."

Just as John was, once again, getting lost in Alex's eyes, his phone pinged. He reluctantly looked to see who it was.

Unknown Sender:
Hey, fag, how're you and your boyfriend doing?

John froze. What was going on? Who was this? How did they get his number?

Alex sensed John's change in mood.

"John? Are you ok?"

John didn't answer. Another message came in.

Unknown Sender:
You need to die, you know that? Make life a lot better for the rest of us.

John's lip quivered. Who could have....

Unknown Sender:
We're coming for you, fag. You and your boyfriend.

"John? What's wrong? Who's texting you?"

Unknown Sender:
You're dead, fag.

A single tear ran down John's cheek. Before Alex could ask what was going on again, he sprung up from his seat and ran into the forest.

"John? John!" The group started calling to John, alarmed at what was happening.

John heard their voices.

"What's with him?"

"Where's he going?"

"Was he crying?"

Then Alex's voice:

"You guys stay here. I'll get him."

John sat down on the roots of a large oak tree and began crying. Who was this?

Unknown Sender:
Say your final goodbyes. No one likes you anyway, you should be thanking us. Everyone hates you, fag. Be glad we're doing this.

John put his head down into his knees and cried more than he ever had before in his life. Well, almost.

"John? John, where are you?"

John heard Alex's voice ring throughout the forest; each call sounded closer than the last.

"John? John! There you-what's wrong?!"

Alex dashed up to John and sat right down beside him. John started crying even harder.

"Hey, hey, hey," Alex whispered to John, pulling him close. "What's going on?"

Then Alex saw John's phone in his hand. He carefully pried it from his grip and read the messages.

"WHAT?!" Alex shouted into the silent forest. "WHO DID THIS?"

John couldn't answer. He just bawled even harder.

Alex looked back at John.

"Oh, John, come here."

John sunk into Alex's strong arms and wept. Alex whispered encouraging words to him.

"John...don't listen to this person. I'll protect you. We'll show these to Washington-he has everyone's numbers on record! Then they'll be sent home."

John finally sniffled out a few words.

"B-but what if i-it's m-more than o-one p-person? What if i-it doesn't s-stop?" he stuttered through his tears.

"I'll protect you, John. I won't leave your side for one moment," Alex assured.

John shook his head.

"I don't want you to go out of your way for-"

"I'm not going out of my way," murmured Alex. "I just want to make sure you're safe. We'll find out who did this, okay? And even once they've gone home, I'll still be here to protect you. I promise."

"Really?" asked John.


John let out a cry of pain. "I love you, Alex."

Alex gave a small smile. "I love you, too, John."

And Alex definitely meant it.

Summary-The Revolutionary Crew, along with the Schuylers, Maria, Catherine, Theodosia, and Aaron spend a free day together doing crafts, singing songs, and eating s'mores. But when John gets some upsetting messages making fun of his sexuality, he escapes into the forest in tears. Alex follows after him and comforts John, promising to always protect him and to get this all cleared up. John thanks Alex and says he loves him. Alex tells John he loves him too, and boy, does he mean it.

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