Chapter 8

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AN: Catherine really comes into play in this chapter! Hint: Lots of ships! :)

"Ready?" Laf asked everyone.


It was the annual trivia night at Camp Revolutionary, and everyone was ready. You had to register in partners, so it was Angelica and Eliza, Peggy and Maria, Aaron and Theodosia, Herc and Laf, and Alex and John from their crew. Catherine was working at the concession stand that night.

The group arrived at the dining hall at 5:50pm. Everything for meals had been cleared away, but the long tables were still up. Once they arrived, everyone headed over to the concessions.

"Hey guys," said Catherine, smiling. "What can I get ya?"

"Purple Powerade, please," said Ang. "I've had a craving lately."

"Pegs and I want popcorn!" said Maria.

"Could we both get pizza?" asked Herc, gesturing to Laf as well.

"I'll just take a water," said Eliza.

"Could we get two coffees?" asked Aaron, ordering for both him and Theodosia.

"A hot dog!" suggested Alex.

"Coming right up!" said Catherine. She turned to John. "How about you?"

"Um...I'll just get something later," he said.

"Suit yourself!" Catherine walked to the back of the kitchen, where her and the other workers began preparing their food.

"Move over, will you?" came a cold drawl from behind them. It was Thomas and his crew.

Alex rolled his eyes. "We're gonna beat you Jefferson, just you wait," he said. "Who even are the partners?"

"Jemmy and I, Sam and Lee, and K.G. and James," Thomas responded.

"Lee! You're back on the playing field!" cried Alex.

Lee scowled. "As a matter of fact, I AM. But YOU won't be for long."

Alex rolled his eyes as Catherine started bringing back their orders.

"Here ya go," she said, handing over everyone's food.

"Thanks, Cath," said Eliza, smiling warmly.

"No problem!" Catherine responded.

The group headed back to the tables and grabbed seats together. Every two seats, there was a small buzzer.

"What's this for?" John asked.

"It's your answering buzzer," explained Alex. "When your partner group knows the answer, you slam on the buzzer. There's a big control board at the front to tell them what number buzzes in first. Not to brag, but I'm kind of amazing at this!"

John laughed. "Glad in your partner, then!"

Alex and John had buzzer number 17.

Students and staff members continued to file in.

"Welcome," Mr. Washington said into a microphone, "welcome, to Camp Revolutionary's 23rd Annual Trivia Night!"

The crowd cheered.

"I LOVE YOU, WASHINGDAD!" screamed Alex, leaping onto the table.

Washington sighed. "Sit down, son."

"I'm notcha son!" Alex said angrily, sitting back down.

"I assume you all know the rules. Partner groups only. Slam the buzzer when you know the answer. Team with the most points at the end of the night wins," said Washington. "You may leave at any given moment, but then you automatically disqualify yourself, unless you're getting up to get a drink, food, or to go to the bathroom. Is everyone ready?"

"YEAH!" yelled the students.

"Then let's get started!" cried Washington. "Question 1: What year was Camp Revolutionary founded?"

Alex slammed down on his buzzer before he even talked to John.

"Yes, number 17?"

"1994!" Alex called.

"Cooooorrrrrect!" said Washington. "One point for Hamilton and Laurens!"

"Yes!" Alex and John high-fived.

Man, he's so smart, thought John. Aw, he's celebrating! That's so cute!

"Question 2," read Washington, "who was the first Prime Minister of England?"

This time John slammed on the buzzer.

"Number 17, again!"

"Robert Walpole!" John answered.

"Very good, John! Man, you guys need to get your facts straight, or else they're going to be leading all night!" chuckled Washington. "Question 3...."

Each duo got points, but ultimately, John and Alex were leading.

"Knew you guys would be the dream team!" groaned Laf, as Washington added yet ANOTHER point for them. "Hey, Alex, did you tell John yet that you have a cru-"

"I need food!" Alex quickly blurted out. He rushed over to the concession stand, blushing furiously.

"Hey, Alex," Catherine said, smiling. "What's up?"

"Just pretend you're getting me food," he muttered to her.

"Um, ok? Why?"

"Laf almost let-it-slip. I know you're the best at giving advice, so...."

"Keep the attention off of yourself," Catherine whispered. "Ignore Laf's comment and make fun of someone else."

Alex grinned with relief. "Thanks, Cath, you always know what to do!"

"Of course!"

Alex hurried back to his seat. Before anyone could ask him where his food was, he used Cath's advice, although maybe not in the way she had intended.

"Hey, Aaron," he taunted, "did you ask Theodosia out ye-"

"I need food too!"

Aaron quickly walked up to the concession stand, trying not to look to suspicious.

"Hi, Aaron. What can I getcha?"

"Hey, Cath. I need some advice."

"What's up?" Cath asked, as Jefferson got a point.

"Theodosia doesn't know I like her yet, and Alex almost let it slip...." Aaron admitted.

Cath stroked her chin.

"Fight fire with fire. Get someone else on about who they like," she said.

"Good idea. Thanks, Cath!"

"No problem!"

Aaron walked back over and sat down.

"Question 9," Washington said, "how many stars did the first American flag have?"

Once Lee and Seabury got a point for that one, Aaron unleashed Cath's advice.

"Hey, Seabury, how's your boyfriend?" he called over.

Sam blushed. "What? I need food!" He dashed over to Cath's stand, just as the others had.

"Hey, Sam," she said nonchalantly. Seabury wasn't one of her favorite people in the world.

"Cath, I know you hate me, but give me some advice and I'll leave you alone!"

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. What is it?"

"It's Burr! He called me out in front of Charles! Charles doesn't know yet!" Sam said, exasperated.

"Get them back! Point the finger at someone else," Cath advised him.

"Ok. Thanks, Cath!"

Sam ran back to the tables. "Yo, K.G., does America know you have a crush on her yet?"

K.G. blushed brightly as a pretty Sophomore named America turned around with confusion.

"Did someone say my name?" she asked.

K.G. smiled at her. "No. Good job on trivia so far!"

"Oh. Thank you!" America replied.

K.G. made a slashing motion across his throat at Sam.

"Wait, K.G. HAS A CRUSH?" screeched Ang. "NO WAY!"

"W-what?" he stuttered. "Um, I need food!"

Alex and John had just gotten another point as he walked back to Cath.

"Get 'em back," she said automatically, pouring some coffee into a cup for a Senior.


K.G. heeded her advice right away.


"SHUT UP!" she screamed. Then she realized she had silenced the entire hall. "Uh, I need food!"

Peggy quickly hurried back to Cath, her cheeks blazing.

"Cath, I need your he-"

"Expose someone! Expose-I don't know-John!" Cath told her, annoyed.

"There's a good one! Oh, Joooohhhnnn!" Peggy called back to him.

"What?" John said, as Washington added a point for him and Alex.

"Do you like-"

"Nope! Food!"

John bolted over to Cath.

"Do people know that I like-"


"Ok, ok!" said John, feeling attacked, and a little frightened. He walked back to the tables.

"Herc, I know you like LAF!" John yelled.

Herc stared at him blankly.

"So does everyone else, John," he said slowly. "We're dating, remember?"

John blushed, embarrassed. "Oh yeeaahhh...."

"Want something to eat?" Herc asked Laf.

"Sure," Laf responded, and the two boys went up to the concessions, hand-in-hand.

When Cath saw then approaching, she let out a small whimper and banged her head on the counter.

"Just get someone back," she wailed.

"Um, Cath? We actually want food," said Herc.

Cath looked up, not believing them. "You do?"

Laf giggled. "Yeah!"

"Oh," she said. "Ok. What do you want?"

"Popcorn, please."

"Finally, I can breathe!" Cath said, laughing a little as she went to get a bag.

Alex and John ended up winning the night with an incredible score of 51 points. The closest behind them was Jemmy and Thomas, with 29. A small Freshmen team of a boy named John Jay and a girl named Laura Miller came in last with 5.

The crew headed over to the concession stand when the night was over.

"Hey, Cath, should we wait for you?" Alex asked her.

"NO! No," she said quickly, tired of the group. "I'll be back to my cabin in a little, ok? Goodnight."

"Oh. Ok. Night!"

Cath cleaned up her station. It had been a long night. She glanced at her watch and groaned. Quarter to 11! Not only had trivia lasted long, but she had been cleaning for 45 minutes!

Cath grabbed her purse and turned around. She was alarmed to see Eliza standing behind her.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" said Eliza, when Cath gasped.

"You're fine," she said. "Just surprised me. Why didn't you hear back with the rest of them?"

"I, um, wanted to walk you back? If you'd rather walk alone, I can go," she said quickly.

"No, no! You're fine," said Cath, smiling. "Let's head back."

Eliza and Cath walked back to cabins, two friends hand-in-hand.

Well, friends was a bit of an understatement.

AN: What did you guys think? Added a little Cathliza at the end for y'alls! :) Just to confirm, they are NOT dating! Yet....

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