Chapter 7

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The next morning, John and Angie woke everyone up extra early to go visit Evan in the hospital. Ang had talked to Washington the night before about missing breakfast to see him. Washington said that it was fine, as long as they used a camp van to get there. Luckily for them, camp vans could hold 11 people. Unfortunately, they had 15 passengers. Angie decided that some of them would just have to sit on someone's lap.

When everyone was gathered outside the van, Ang whistled to get their attention.

"Now, listen," she said sternly, "I have a few rules since I'm driving. Whoever's in the passenger seat may not change the music. Everyone must keep the talking down to a dull roar. Please no making out. Got it?"

Everyone nodded. She was scary when she meant business.

"Alright. Pile in!"

Everyone got a seat except for Michael, Jeremy, Squip, and Jared. Michael and Jeremy just sat on the floor. Squip clung to Eliza's leg. Jared, with protest, sat in Maria's lap.

Everyone started yelling and talking loudly to each other. Ang sighed.

"QUIET!" she barked back to the group. Everyone fell silent. "Time for some quality music," she muttered to herself. Ang put in her favorite CD and started driving.

"Is this the real life," the player sang, "is this just fantasy?"

Everyone screamed in delight. Ang shot a glare back at them. They immediately got quiet.

Finally, she let them sing along to the classic Queen hit. Everyone showed off their terrible vocal skills- until the music moved into the next section.

"Mama," sang the player. But a new voice had joined the CD- an angelic one.

"Just killed a man," sang Connor. "Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead."

Everyone stared in disbelief as Connor closed his eyes and sang with the music. When the section was done, they all started cheering. Connor opened his eyes and turned red.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"SORRY? Connor, that was incredible!" Cath exclaimed.

"Where did you learn to sing like that?" asked Heather.

"My sister plays the guitar so I always sang along with her," he replied. "I also... wow this is embarrassing. I'm a huge musical theatre nerd, so I learned to sing from performing."

"Connor. Seriously. You. Are. Awesome." Alex said, impressed.

"Connor, there's a small music room near the dining hall," said Eliza. "It's got recording equipment, a keyboard, a drum set, and guitars. I applied for a pass to be let in there to use everything. If you ever want to mess around and record, we can. I play keyboard."

"Really?" said Connor, looking up. "That would be great!"

"Well, I'm not supposed to tell you guys this, but it's being announced at dinner anyway so it can't hurt to tell a little early," said Ang. "This year, we're having a sing-off at the end of June. Whoever wins gets $20 and sings the national anthem on the 4th of July celebration. Plus they perform on the final day of camp. Connor, you NEED to enter."

"Connor, YOU HAVE TO!"

"Do it man, seriously."

"You're so talented. You'll win for sure!"

Connor blushed from the overwhelming support.

"I'll think about it," he said.

Ang pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. The group of 15 walked in and went up to the front desk.

"Hello, we're here to see Evan Hansen," Angie told the receptionist.

The receptionist looked up.

"All of you?" he said, raising his eyebrows.


"Okay," he said slowly. "But please try not to overwhelm him. Right this way."

The receptionist led them to Evan's door and let them in. Evan looked up from fidgeting with his cast and smiled.

"This guy had two clean breaks in his arm," the receptionist explained. "That's why we're keeping him a little longer than usual. I can give you guys 20 minutes in here, no more."

The group nodded.

"Thank you!" said Peggy as he left the room.

"How ya doin', Ev?" Jared asked, walking over and sitting in the chair next to his bed.

"Well- it hurts," he said, laughing a little.

"I can imagine," Maria responded, laughing as well. "When should you be back?"

"Tomorrow," Evan responded. "Just my luck, breaking my arm on the first day of summer camp."

"Hold on, you got white?" Michael said, looking at his cast. "You could have ANY color, and you got a WHITE cast?"

"Keep it up and I'll give you one," Angie said. She could see that his comments were making him uncomfortable, so her mom instincts swooped in.

"You got a sharpie?" Herc asked.

"W-what for?"

"To sign your cast, silly!"

"Oh. Right."

Evan looked inside the drawer in his nightstand. There was a sharpie in there. He pulled it out and gave it to Herc.

Herc uncapped it and stepped forward to sign his cast. But the marker was snatched from his hands by Connor.

"Seeing as I'm Evan's best friend, I think I should be the first to sign it," he said. He wrote his name in huge capital letters across the cast.

"You gonna leave any room for the rest of us?" Alex laughed, taking it and signing his name.

Everyone passed around the sharpie to sign. John was last. He doodled tiny flowers all over the blank spaces.

Evan looked down at his cast and smiled widely.

"Thanks guys," he said.

The group continued to talk until the receptionist came back in.

"Time to go," he told them. "You can see him tomorrow."

"Alright. Bye Evan!"

"Bye, guys!"

Evan smiled. It was a good day.

AN: I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE UPDATED, YOU GUYS DON'T DESERVE THIS. ALSO, Madster_one made an incredible drawing of the whole camp crew!! Go check it out! I love it so so much!! If you guys have any art, please feel free to post and tag me, because I'd love to see it!

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