Seven Minutes (Neison)

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I'm still working on the requests, and they should be up shortly. For now, here's this oneshot I wrote about a month ago.


Neil wasn't sure why he let Nikki drag him to this party. Maybe it was for a change of scenery. Or maybe because he had nothing to do. Or, better yet, because Nikki had begged him to come and bribed him with the promise of seeing his crush.

Definitely the latter.

He rolled his eyes as another hip hop song blasted over the speakers. "Don't they plan anything good here?" he thought, pouring himself another cup of punch.

"Neil!" someone hissed. He turned around and came face-to-face with Max. "Wow, didn't expect to see you here."

"That's not important," he muttered. He tugged his friend down by the collar. "Nikki sent me to warn you. We're about to play Seven Minutes in Heaven."

The taller shrugged. "I'll play. What to I have to lose?"

"Um, your virginity? Your pride? Hell, your innocence?" Max stated matter-of-factly. "You can opt out if you want to."

"And?" Neil murmured, crossing his arms. "Why aren't you opting out?"

The shorter glanced around the room, the leaned in and whispered, "Because Harrison told me he'd pair me up with... Someone, and I'm not missing that opportunity."

He rolled his eyes, then realization hit him and he froze. "Wait, Harrison's in charge?"

Before the ravenet could answer, someone's voice boomed over the speakers. "Alright, it's time to play 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'!"

The crowd let out a series of "Ooos," giggles, and drunk cheers. Neil sighed in annoyance and leaned against the countertop.

"So, we have two closets, so we'll do this two couples at a time," the announcer explained. Listening closely, he assumed it was Preston. "Anyone want to back out now?"

About a third of the crowd went towards the front to opt out. The scientist took a swig of his drink, already bored.

"Hey there, Princess," someone purred. He almost spit out his drink until he caught sight of the newcomer. "Fucking- Harrison!"

The magician laughed and waved his hand in front of any empty glass. He watched it fill with punch and became even more annoyed.

"Noticed you're not opting out. Have anyone you wanna be paired with?"

"Someone who's not going to rape me," he muttered, eyeing Max across the room. The short teen was trying to have a conversation with Preston, but was a blushing mess.

"I don't think Max would rape you. Plus, I already promised him Pres," the strawberry blond mumbled. Neil shot him a dirty look. "I know, he told me." He tore his gaze away from Harrison and tried to focus on something else.

"Say, how about we get it on in there?" The other asked, motioning between the two of them. The brunet looked alarmed. "Hell no," he answered a little too quickly.

"I won't do anything you don't want me to," the illusionist said sweetly. The other male held back a growl. "Whatever," he muttered. His heart was racing at the thought, but he'd never say that out loud.

They stayed near the back, watching the chosen couples go into the closet nervous and coming out messy and dazed. As promised, Max and Preston got paired, along with a few other people Neil recognized. Soon enough, it was down to the last few.

"Alright, our next to couples are..." The announcer pulled some slips of paper out of Harrison's hat. "Sasha and Tyler... And... Neil and Harrison!"

"God dammit," he muttered, feeling Harrison pull him along. The older gave him a sympathetic look. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to," he murmured, pulling him into the closet.

"That's the problem," Neil growled, closing the door behind them. "I want to do something. But knowing you, this will probably be a one time thing and you'll move onto your next target." He laughed drily. "Better than nothing, I guess..."

Though it was hard to see, Harrison took his hand. "Hey... You know why I do that?"


"Because the only one I've wanted this whole time was you."

"Sure," Neil said bitterly. "How many other people have you used that line on?"

He felt his hand be squeezed. "No one. Because you're the only person I've been trying to win over since camp."

He had to admit, the performer sounded sincere. But he wasn't going to fall for it that easily. "Prove it."

His body went rigid when Harrison cupped his cheek and kissed him. The kiss was short and sweet, but it was enough to get his point across. The magic lover pulled back to look him in the eye, caressing Neil's cheek with his thumb. "I do care. It's just hard to admit it."

Those words hit too close to home. Next thing the physicist knew, his lips were on his crush's. He wasn't sure what happened in between.

"Harrison... I like you a lot," he mumbled when they broke apart. Harrison chuckled and ruffled the other's hair. "I like you a lot, too."

The door suddenly flung open and there was a flash, followed by a click. Neil glared at the intruder. "Max, I swear to god..."

The teen hid the phone behind his back. "Preston asked for it, don't shoot the photographer."

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