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Hey Campers! This chapter will contain the timeline of when the judging for each category ends(which also means when the judges will submit their reviews), and when I will be publishing the 3 winners for each category!

This is so to keep you guys updated on when the result will be out \(^_^)/.

Those judges whose categories haven't started the judging phase, because of lack of participants, will not be tagged until those categories has begun its judging phase.

Ofcourse, there is a possibility that the timeline will change. However, I believe that you guys will still be able to get a notification if there's changes that have been made. That's all and have a great day!

*Deadline for reviews (PHT)*

Young Adult: June 9 and June 20

Judge 1: Girlunderthehood (June 20)

Judge 2: Evergreen_Ebony (June 9)

Chicklit: August 20

Judge: Evergreen_Ebony (August 20)

Fantasy: July 5 and June 20 (DONE)

Judge 1: chaotic_naturx (July 5)

Judge 2: chaotic_naturx (June 20)

Historical Fiction: June 18 (DONE)

Judges: writergirl81 and maxie_sue

Humor: August 25

Judges: yoursjivi and @-MynameisName-

Vampire: August 9 (DONE)

Judges: writergirl81 and Summer_SKY_9 (August 9)

Werewolf: July 26 and August 9

Judge 1: maxie_sue (July 26)

Judge 2: Chaotic_naturx (August 9)

Short Story:  June 13 and June 22 (DONE)

Judge 1: -MynameisName- (June 22)

Judge 2: yoursjivi (June 13)

*Results out*

Young Adult: June 21 (DONE)

Chicklit: August 21

Fantasy: July 6 [DONE]

Historical Fiction: June 19 (DONE)

Humor: August 26

Vampire: August 10 (DONE)

Werewolf: August 10

Short Story: June 23 (DONE)

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