Werewolf Results

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This is the last category left! Before I announce the winners, I would like to thank you to everyone for participating and judging this award! You guys have been a big part for making this award happen! This might not be the last award I will be hosting, so if you would like to participate in my next one, please wait for that to come!

Thank you to maxie_sue  and chaotic_naturx for judging this category.

Participants, if you would like to receive a copy of your scoresheets, please pm me 😊!

Judges, please tell me which book you would like me to read (your own work) ❤️

Winners, pm me if you are interested in getting an interview (it is one of your prizes which is optional).

Now let me announce the winners!

*1st place*

Book: Epsilon

Author: khionewrites

Book Cover & Title: 10/10

Both the cover and title are perfect for this story. Well done!

Blurb: 10/10

This blurb hooked me perfectly and had just the right enough information to do so.

Plot Development: 13/15

I love the plot, but I'm a little confused about why the MC chose to go to the party even while having so many doubts about the bite. Other than that, I love it!

Character Development: 9/10

I think the characters are well-written. Though their actions are sometimes questionable, I think they each are their own distinct person!

Grammar & Puncuation: 4/5

I found a few mistakes, involving word use, spelling, and commas.

Overall Enjoyment: 20/20

I enjoyed everything about this story!

TOTAL: 66/70

*2nd place*

Book: Freeing Anvi

Author: romance_lover16

Book Cover & Title: 7/10

While I love the title, the cover could use some improvements. It could be better to make it seem more werewolf-like rather than just a girl's silhouette because that could be any genre.

Blurb: 10/10

You gave the right amount of information that definitely hooked me. Well done!

Plot Development: 14/15

I think the beginning spent a little too much time at the ball. All of that could have just been one chapter and the scenes could have been condensed just a bit. This keeps the readers interested in the story and doesn't bore them. Staying in one place for too long without need could cause them to lose interest. Otherwise, the plot was amazing!

Character Development: 10/10

All the characters are great and well-established. They all have their own quirks and motivations. None of them are alike, which I love!

Grammar & Puncuation: 4/5

There were only some comma mistakes and a few comma splices.

Overall Enjoyment: 20/20

I enjoyed this A LOT! Like, there are no words. Totally continuing this book!

TOTAL: 65/70

Congratulations to the winners!

*Participants sticker*

*Judges sticker*

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