First applicant: AnRobasdanach

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First applicant: AnRobasdanach
Book: Prophecy Of Kings

Amethyst: Before we begin with the interview, I would like to congratulate you on winning 3rd place in the award! How are you feeling?

AnRobasdanach: Thank you! This is my first time attempting a novel, and the first time placing in the top 3 in an awards. It's all very new and exciting to me.

Amethyst: Omg! It does feel really exciting to win an award, especially if it's a written book that you've been working hard on.

Let's get a short background on your journey to write this story.

Q: What inspired you to write the Prophecy Of Kings?

AnRobasdanach: Absolutely! When I was younger, I always wanted to be an author, but life has a way of getting in the way! Last year I was on a long drive home to see my parents for Christmas and the idea popped into my head. I started speaking about it with my wife on the journey, and after months of talking and planning, I decided to start writing Prophecy of Kings.

Amethyst: How did those ideas formed from start to end?

AnRobasdanach: I am a proud Scotsman and have always been interested in my heritage and countries history, so that's why I decided to set my novel in a fantasy mediaeval Scotland. My country is filled with stories of Celtic myth and legend (the loch ness monster is a well known example) and I have always been a fantasy fan, growing up on Tolkien's books.

Amethyst: And the scenarios that take place in the book have happened in the past?

AnRobasdanach: Thankfully no! Some of them would be truly terrifying if they were true. The scenarios are inspired by the myths and legends of the past, such as the Morrigan who was said to deliver someone's prophecy through dreams of washing their bloody armour. This was a dark omen of their impending death on the battlefield!

Amethyst: HAHAHAHA I literally thought that it really occurred in the past, which has caught my attention. That would be horrifying, especially the creature in the sea

AnRobasdanach: Who knows, the beast Kione might have actually been real! Might still be lurking in the depths of the frigid Scottish waters.

Amethyst: ?!?!?

AnRobasdanach: And for sure the Loch Ness monster is real!

Amethyst: Hopefully the beast Kione doesn't exist anymore as it might harm the Scottish people (tho does Kione appear when the tide is rough?)

AnRobasdanach: I am from a small fishing town in the North East of Scotland, so Kione hasn't visited our part of the world. Kione is actually a Celtic myth, so would probably be swimming around the shores of Ireland if it was real haha!

I'm excited to write about one of my favourite sea based myths, and it is the "Blue men of the Minch" who apparently whip up nasty storms if you don't place an offering into the sea before you go sailing there.

Amethyst: Oh? That does sound interesting.

AnRobasdanach: But I dont want to spoil too much of course haha!

Amethyst: And that is the power of an author . Next up!

Q: What difficulties have you faced when writing this story?

AnRobasdanach: The hardest thing has been finding time to write for sure! I thoroughly enjoy writing, and I have my book outlined all the way to the end. However, my work as a Pharmacist keeps me busy, along with cycling and golf which I like to enjoy. I am looking forward to the winter where the bad weather and snow allows me to sit and write all day.

Amethyst: Have you experienced giving up on writing this story half way due to lack of time? (happy to hear that you were able to engage in your hobbies despite being busy with your line of work!)

AnRobasdanach: Thankfully not. I have had periods where I haven't been able to write, but thoughts of my novel are always running in the back of my mind. A lot of times I have been driving and had to pull over to write down an idea that has come into my head. Anything I start I have to finish! I have ideas for other novels, but I always like to focus on one thing at a time so I can see it through to completion.

Amethyst: HAHAHAHHA. That's a great thing to possess, having the motivation to keep going. It is kind of funny to imagine you pulling over to the side because an idea

AnRobasdanach: Progress is definitely slow. I'm about 45,000 words in, and I hope to finish my novel in the 80,000-90,000 mark. I would like to try for the wattys in 2023.

Amethyst: I hope you'll finish in time soon!

Q: If you were to play a role in this story, which character would you choose to be and why?

AnRobasdanach: If I was to play a role, I would be Rupert MacBean! He's a kind and friendly guy who is always cracking jokes! I feel like he is probably the closest to my personality in real life.

Either him, or baby Finn, because he is asleep most of the time haha! Completely oblivious to all of the danger he is in.

Amethyst: HHAHAHAAHA. Hoping baby finn will be alright!

Q: What does war bring to a country? And do you believe war should be declared? Why?

AnRobasdanach: I will take a quote from my book to answer this question... "Such is the way of war. It does not pardon the young or the innocent. It has no partiality for man, beast, or child. It takes, consumes and destroys. It feeds on fear, pride and greed; all things which the hearts of men are susceptible to. There are no true winners, only those who have lost less."

Q: Does doing one good deed erases the bad deeds that a person has committed in the past?

AnRobasdanach: No! In my book, Firmin has commited a life worth of terrible deeds. But that does not mean he cannot try to attone for those deeds. He is trying to be a better person. If you look at the bible, the thief on the cross is granted a spot in heaven, having lived a life of sin. One deed changed that.

As my MC gets older, the ramifications of his evil-doing have caught up with his mental health. Hopefully the reader can see that he is a guilt-ridden and conflicted character. I feel that many people could empathise with that.


As long as the person has committed themselves to atone for those deeds that they have committed, then some of those deeds may be forgiven.

AnRobasdanach: Definitely! But I suppose in Firmin's case, the people he has committed terrible deeds towards are likely dead. Forgiveness in that case must come from within.

Q: What's your thought of knights when writing this story?

AnRobasdanach: The Knight's in my story are definitely not the heros of an age gone by. Most of them are self-serving people who kill without regard. However, there are those who wish to do good, and protect others. Despite this, being under the rule of an evil King, the Knights have no choice but to go against their morals and follow the King into death and despair.

Amethyst: Which is hard to ignore, especially when it goes against your morals.

AnRobasdanach: Definitely, but the alternative would be the death of them and their family.

Q: What's your goal as a writer?

AnRobasdanach: I have two goals as a writer. One is to keep on enjoying writing. These last few months that I have started writing have been fantastic, it feels like a life goal just putting words down on the page, after years of wanting to do exactly that. Secondly, my goal is to have a novel published. I'm going to work hard to try and make that happen.

I hope I have been a good interviewee haha!

Amethyst: I'm hoping to see your book on the shelf! Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! I enjoyed talking to you

And I hope I've been a good interviewer to you (Yes, you have been a good interviewee).

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