Second applicant: @JSPRomComs

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Second applicant: JSPRomComs

Book: Stolen Heart

Amethyst: Before we begin this interview, I would like to congratulate you on winning first place in the award! How are you feeling?

JSPRomComs: Thanks so much! I really appreciate it and I feel so honored. I'm excited to be able to showcase my story and hopefully attract some interest.

Q: What inspired you to write the story, Stolen Heart?

JSPRomComs: A few things inspired me to write. First it was my family. My brother and my husband are both writers and filmmakers. They are always discussing stories and things they've written so I wanted to join in on the fun. Second, I'm always inspired by other books I've read by amazing authors. I had just finished The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood when I started thinking more about my story. And lastly, this sounds so weird but I had a dream about my particular story. It was about the plot and when I woke up I got straight to writing and haven't stopped since. 😊

Amethyst: That's not weird at all!! I hope I can also dream about my story when I start writing again. It's also great that you have some family members who are writers and filmmakers! They could give suggestions, feedback, and also support in your writing journey. ❤️

Q: Receiving compliments is nice to hear as it will help brighten up the person's day, but when does receiving compliments from a stranger be considered weird?

JSPRomComs: Hahah great question! I think it all has to do with the vibes you get from the person. Trusting your gut is the way to go. Are they looking you up and down and licking their lips while they give it or are they giving you a genuine smile? Those non-verbal cues are important!

Amethyst: And it's also something that we should learn, since it tells something about a person 😊

Q: What should a person not do on a blind date?

JSPRomComs: I've actually never been on one lol! I almost did but then totally chickened out at the last minute. But with any date I'd say it's important to ask a lot of questions and take an interest in getting to know the other person. And then of course see if they're someone who can keep up and do the same.

Amethyst: ❤️

Q: What do you admire about your characters?

JSPRomComs: I love how fun they are. Even though Lana has a lot of work to do on trusting and going with the flow, she still likes to enjoy things. That I think is what her and Jack have in common even though it's not immediately clear given her deep rooted fears.

Q: Why did her grandmother leave Lana an empty box? What lesson would she like her granddaughter to learn?

JSPRomComs: The empty box represents things in life that we chase after to find satisfaction or fulfillment. When in reality it's hollow and those things never really give us true happiness. While it may not have been intentional, Lana's grandmother set her on a journey to discover that the way to live life is not by chasing after hollow things that inevitably will disappoint and give no fulfillment. Rather it's building relationships/community and ultimately trusting God to see things through.

Amethyst: And that journey has brought her to meet Jack and Jeremy, along with a few life lessons  ❤️

Q: What's the moral of the story that you would like to portray in Stolen Heart

JSPRomComs: Oops I think I answered this in the previous one already. But to sum up it's to live life overcoming fears and trust God to see you through.

Q: What's your goal as a writer?

JSPRomComs: My goal as a writer is to spread joy and laughter. I enjoy stories that make me swoon and laugh and so my goal is to do the same for other people and showcase life can be fun ♥️

Amethyst: ❤️

And that concludes our interview! Have a great day!

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