Second applicant: @Summer_SKY_9

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Second applicant: Summer_SKY_9


Q: What's the meaning of the title "WOEBEGONE"?

Summer_SKY_9: "sad or miserable in appearance" is what you get as the meaning when you look into the dictionary. And regarding the story, it refers to Sarah's state that life has put her into

Q: What inspired you to write this story?

Summer_SKY_9: It was a dream actually. A dream.. or more of a nightmare I had.. Probably around a year ago. I usually don't remember what I see in my dreams. Everything just clears out the very second I flutter my eyes to wake up. But this one.. this particular dream kept repeating in my mind for days. I could clearly remember most of it. It was about a ghost, who according to the dream was supposed to be my partner ?.. and some events around him. And then I thought 'how about I write this down'. First I tried to make a poem out of it, because I was already doing poetry in both English and Sinhala; my mother tongue. But it didn't really work and I was like 'heck this is not gonna work. Let's just forget this.' And one day I was having some conversations with my best friend about trying to write prose. She was saying she needed to write a story about the red moon or something and after hearing that I thought of trying out that myself with that weird dream I had. And that's how WOEBEGONE was born. It's my first story actually. And I wrote it in English but not in my mother tongue.

Amethyst: Omg! Sometimes dreams are quite...interesting as it feels like something that didn't occur in real life, but it occurs when you are unconscious. I do relate on using dreams and turn it into a story.

Q: What is your opinion about dreams that could possibly be a message or a prediction of the future?

Summer_SKY_9: I don't know whether dreams can lead us to where we need to go in life or not. Some say that dreams carry signs that help to foresee our future. But more scientifically speaking, than reflecting the future, dreams reflect our current mental conditions. So I have this habit of analysing my dreams, of course only in those rare moments when I can remember enough from the dream, to keep track of my mental health. Weird right ? But that works with me pretty well. And I don't think that something we see while we sleep can come to life right out of our slumber. Because, again scientifically speaking, most of the time dreams are a remixed, reverbed, dramatic effects added edition of what we do, see, hear and think while we are awake. So I don't know. I haven't yet received a pirate's map in my dream that can possibly lead me to go on a treasure hunt. 🤷‍♀️

Amethyst: It's amazing that you could analyze your dreams and use it to keep track of your mental health. I do wonder what it could mean, but I couldn't decipher what my dreams are trying to tell me.

Q: Do you believe that our life has already been planned? Why is that?

Summer_SKY_9: I don't think life is predetermined. So as I think .. as I personally believe .. however the way we were born .. we may not be in the best shape from health wise or wealth wise when we were born.. but we always have the power to decide the place we want to see ourselves by the time we die. It's all about passion , determination and hard work that decides where you go in your life. That's what defines who you are and what your life is gonna be like.

And still there could be things that's hard .. not unable just hard.. to change in life. I think that's where Karma comes into play and as a person who believes in past birth as well next birth, I try to be on my best behaviour as much as I can, not hurting others and all, so I won't get to experience such tragedies that I'm experience in this life of my.

So yes. In my point of view, life is not a scripted play. Even if it's a scripted play, take some of those great movies that have never-was-in-the-script scenes that really added much beauty to the play, as an example and make your life-play a better one. 👊

Amethyst: ❤️

Q: Does the number "93" have any significant meaning in the story?

Summer_SKY_9: No, actually not. It's just a very random number that came into my mind. And I think about it, I could have used some other number there. 😂

Q: What's the message you would like to portray in the story?

Summer_SKY_9: Well the story is underlined with a few themes. There are positive themes  like unwavering love, friendship, bravery and I was trying to give a glimpse of the corrupted economic world as well. While Sarah represents positivity in human nature, 93 and Pigman represents the evilness that lingers in this world now and forever. In a sense it's a fight between goodness and evil, fighting for justice and fighting for loved ones .

I needed my readers to look down upon unjust and evilness that infects this world while admiring the beauty of true love, unwavering bonds and sacrifices ❤️

Q: What's your goal as a writer?

Summer_SKY_9: I'm just a free soul writing my heart out, mostly when I'm stressed about something or when I am dead bored😁. In other words, I'm a hobby writer. So I don't have any professional goals regarding writing. But yes, as of being on Wattpad, I have that small dream of being a Watty Winner one day. ❤️

Amethyst: And I pray that you will be able to achieve that dream of yours, whether it's big or small ❤️.

And that concludes our interview! Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions! ^_^

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