Third applicant: @Madame_LaBelle

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Book: Vampire Wine

Author: Madame_LaBelle

Q: What's your favorite thing to write in a vampire story?

A: Since vampires are essentially immortal (or at least have very long lifespans in my story), I like to explore the trope of past meeting present. For example, Samuel LaBelle sells Victorian-style clothing, and vampires tend to choose that attire because they are more "comfortable" with it. However, younger vampires (what some would call newborns) tend to lean more towards the modern world. Another thing that interested me was coming up with my own "vampire rules." There are so many different stories and movies with varying versions of vampiric traits. One major thing that I decided on was that vampires are not really undead beings as they are often portrayed in classic tales. They instead possess a slightly different genetic code than humans, which leads to attributes such as allergies to garlic or sunlight. The intensity of these weaknesses vary from vampire to vampire. Dracula was only the truly undead vampire.

*Speaking of Dracula--my story is partially a reimagination of Bram Stoker's original Dracula. In my version, Mina actually chose to be with him rather than return to her human fiance, but there were consequences for doing so. (One of them being that she produced a very dangerous offspring with the Vampire King.)

Q: Could you tell me about your journey of writing Vampire Wine? How were the ideas formed?

A: Can you believe that Vampire Wine is over 10 years old? I wrote part of the first draft when I was a pre-teen, and I spent the years of my later adolescence trying to finish it. Since then, I have continually tried to edit the story because I must admit--there were a lot of cringy things that needed to go. I still don't think it is where I want it to be, but this particular story will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the first one I ever wrote and completed. The idea first came to me because I had a post-apocalyptic dream about vampires taking over the world a long time ago. I had a second dream not too long after about a white-haired vampire who inevitably became Samuel. Many of my stories were inspired by visions in the night.

Amethyst: I admire that you can write and edit your own story. I have to admit that I can't edit my own, since I think it's because I know what I had written and rereading it makes me not want to continue it again, if that makes sense 😂. Dreams are mind-blowing! And if you can still remember the scenarios that happened, you can try to compile it and make a story. It's one of a way to create your own stories.

Q: Which of the characters in your story do you admire the most? Why?

A: Although the main story revolves around Lucy's relationship with William, Samuel LaBelle is by far my favorite character. He is flamboyantly handsome and suave. Most importantly, he has a gentle soul. His greatest struggle is his inability to let go of the past, but he is forced to face his weaknesses. In the end, he overcomes them and seeks redemption.

Amethyst: I almost cried when I remember how Samuel was bitten or scratch by the creatures that Marcus created after trying to save Lucy, and how William gave Samuel the sleeping potion in order to slowdown the venom😭😭

Q: Would you like to be a human, vampire, or hybrid?

A: I would not be a good vampire. I never remember to wear sunscreen as a human, so I'd be toast. Being a hybrid may have its advantages, such as not burning to a crisp in sunlight, but there are disadvantages as well--including a ravenous hunger for blood, and I'd rather drink soda no matter how bad it is for me. I guess I'd like to stay a human. Immortality doesn't seem all it's cracked up to be. Plus, it would be hard to see all of your friends and family pass away if they were still human.

Amethyst: That I would relate. No matter how much I'm afraid of dying and leaving this world, I wouldn't want to be immortal and go through the process of watching my friends and family leaving this world.

Q: What's the message you like to portray in your story?

A: There are at least two main themes that I explored in this story, one of them being prejudice and biases against another group of people. In the world where my story takes place, vampires and humans persecuted each other for years. It caused a lot of bloodshed and inequality--much like in the world we live in today. Perhaps I was trying to make a statement about that issue and show that there is hope for a future where people can embrace their diversity. The second theme revolves around forgiveness overcoming vengeance. Samuel's character arc is centered on this concept.

Q: Which character in the story did you find emotional to write about? Why?

A: I tried to pour a lot of emotion into Lucy and Claire because they survived a terrible ordeal. Actually, every single main character in the novel had a tragic backstory. Oddly enough, I think that I experienced the most emotions while writing from Marcus's perspective. He certainly is a villain, but he was not necessarily born that way. There are plenty of reasons to hate Marcus, but I wonder if anyone has ever stopped and wondered why he is the way that he is. I tried to allude as much as I could that maybe he really did develop feelings for Claire, and it actually broke his heart when she left him. It might not have been the first time he was abandoned, which is something I explore in both the sequel, Silver Moon, and the soon-to-be re-published prequel, Midnight Masquerade.

Amethyst: Every character has a reason why they became the person they are today. 🥹❤️

Q: What is your goal as a writer?

A: My goal is to share my work with as many people as possible because I want them to enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. Like many people, I dream of being published and seeing my book on a store shelf one day. Until then, I would like to connect with people on Wattpad. I've met a lot of amazing authors already, and I am always looking to exchange genuine feedback (NO V4V). I have many nerdy interests, including superhero movies, anime, and video games. I love stories with a mix of action, romance, and fantasy. Please do not be afraid to shoot me a message. Fellow writers--show me what you've got!


A few more things:

1. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity. Award Judges, I appreciate the time you've taken to review my work.

2. I am throwing out a shameless plug for my other story Zodiac Legends: The Green Dragon, which is a co-winner of the Ambys 2022 in the Action Category. I highly recommend checking it out if you like adventure, romance, and kung fu type of stories. It is the book I am the most proud of, and it is also complete with an ongoing sequel.

Amethyst: And that concludes this interview! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions! Have a great day!❤️

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