At Sunset

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The sun had set and we still could not find anyone. We walked on when Emillie decided to split.
"We have to find the others so let's split up. It's the only way." she explained.

I wandered for some time feeling more lost then ever when suddenly I found a beautiful red fox lying on the ground. Its beautiful soft red fur glistened under the sunlight.

I noticed that it was badly bruised. "Awww poor thing." I muttered and tore out a piece of my jeans to tie it around it's bleeding paw.

It was scared and tried to run away from me limping but it fell down again .

"Dont be scared...I won't hurt you little one." I spoke to the fox in a soft soothing voice.
I knelt down so I was at its level and tried to show it that I was not intimidating.

It looked cautiously at me with it's beady eyes and took a step forward towards me. It was like it understood me.

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