Going Camping

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I looked at the bright sky above me from my window and wished to be free like the birds that flew above me.

We were going to the dreaded place called school. Another long day of extended boredom and entrapment to a room filled with strange faces.

"Come quickly Michael or else we will be late for school!" my twin brother Tommy who was the complete opposite of me said filled with enthusiasm like it was his first time going to school.

I seated myself in the last seat and my brother Tommy was in the front row waiting for the teacher to come. He was a complete nerd...so smart and clever.
I was good at sports and art.

I looked around to see if I knew anyone. There was no one who I recognised.

A girl sat next to me. She was really pretty and had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She looked at me and smiled. "Hi! I am Emillie and you are?''

I looked behind me and realised that she was talking to me. I felt really stupid.

"I am Mi...Michael." I said still mad at myself for being so embarrassing.

The teacher came in just then and introduced herself as Miss Linda.
"I hope you are all excited for your first day of school after your holidays. There is a little surprise for you all!"
She said and gave us all a big smile.

"Ooooh is it a test or a project ....oh wait I know...It's a science project!" Tommy grinned like a feral cat and said with enthusiasm that made us all groan in agony.

"We are all going camping to Yandolava!"she said cheerfully. Everyone was filled with excitement and began chattering happily.

Tommy just sat gloomily with his head on his desk "Why camping? Can't we have a test instead?"

Everyone yelled at him to shut up and threw crumbled paper balls at him.


Tommy (Michael's twin brother)


Miss Linda

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