Is Tommy Dead?!

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"Where can everyone be?" I asked the fox anxiously.

It looked at me but said nothing. Then ignored me and started licking it's paws.
I sighed. I cannot believe I was talking to a fox.

Suddenly I heard a faint noise "What was that?" I exclaimed and tried to follow that sound. As I came closer I realised that it was the sound of people talking.

I finally found the others! Everyone was there including Emillie but I couldn't find Tommy.
Everyone gasped as they saw me.

The Fox was hiding behind some trees as it was scared.
"What's wrong?" I asked finally when I saw the fear in their eyes.

They all moved aside.

A figure laid motionless on the ground. I gasped.

It was Tommy. He lied on the ground still and pale like a lifeless corpse, unmoving and still as a rock.

Tommy was dead!!

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