Chapter Fifteen

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Aiden heard someone shuffling around outside, but given that Lucas had his head tucked underneath his chin, he wasn't inclined to move. Aiden was sure his lips were swollen. Now that he was calm, thinking about what they'd done made him blush.

It was only kissing. But the intensity had been new. Overwhelming.

There was more rustling outside and Lucas stirred. He sighed, snuggled his face against Aiden's neck, and went still again.

"Not time to get up?" Aiden asked softly. His arm was a numb underneath Lucas's head.

"No way." Lucas mumbled.

Aiden listened to the voices outside. Catching a few words here and there. They were putting down a fire. Aiden ran his fingers through Lucas's dishevelled curls, fixing some of the mess he'd made last night. He felt Lucas smile against his neck.

Lucas shuffled, and lifted himself onto his elbows, as high as the constraints of the sleeping bag would allow. Aiden admired the muscles bunching in his arms, and the lean muscles that led from his chest to his abdomen.

They'd kissed, and gotten Lucas out of his shirt, apparently.

"I'll make you breakfast." Lucas said.

"I don't think French toast is an option out here"

Lucas shrugged. "I'll think of something."

Aiden smiled. "How about you let me handle breakfast?"

Lucas tried to object, but Aiden insisted. He'd planned ahead for this.

Evie was sitting by a small fire, and smirked at Aiden when he climbed out the tent. He stifled any embarrassment and went straight to his bag, sitting down next to her. "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Evie shook her head.

Aiden took out the pre-packed breakfast bag. He put the small frying pan onto the fire, and opened a pad of butter onto it.

"Oh" Evie looked intrigued. "This is promising."

"As long as the pan gets hot enough." Aiden pulled out jars of white powder with an egg sitting in each one. He set out the flask of milk next to them and waited.

Lucas came out of the tent -fully clothed- and sat next to Aiden. He eyed up the frying pan, the jars, and opened the flask to see. He smirked. "Pancakes?"

Aiden eyed the melting butter. "Hopefully."

Lucas checked the pack and pulled out the maple syrup and plastic plates. He also found a fold up spatula and looked very impressed.

The butter started to sizzle, and Lucas eyed up the jars.

Aiden repressed a smile. "Do you want to do it?"

"Sure." Lucas said happily.

"Connor, Kal." Evie called, "Pancakes."

The zip went down immediately. "Pancakes?" Connor repeated.

"Aiden has us covered." Evie grinned.

"It is his job." Connor pointed out. "I'll be out in a sec."

Before long they were all munching down on hot food. Aiden put on a pot of water to boil, and then they had tea to go around. Aiden helped himself to coffee.

Warmed up, he felt better about trekking.

"How far away is the next spot?" Evie questioned.

"About two hours?" Aiden sipped his coffee, "We could have made it yesterday, but it was miserable walking in that downpour."

With everyone's consensus, they dismantled the tents and set off. Aiden was glad nobody brought up him and Lucas moving into the other tent during the night. It made him uncomfortable that they knew they'd done something together, regardless if they kept silent about it or not.


The original campsite was much nicer than the one they'd spent the night out. There was a pre-made firepit surrounded by wooden logs, a semi-circle of tall oaks on one side and a river on the other with a large rockpool forming almost a perfect circle.

"The water's so clear." Evie stood at it's edge. The rocks and sand at the bottom were visible, if only a little distorted by the water. "Whose up for swimming?"

Lucas was busy setting a fire, Kal was setting up a speaker and Connor was helping Aiden put up the tents. Evie joined them, and once everything was set up the four of them went into the water. Aiden's wrist was too sore for the cold water. Throwing the frisbee yesterday had enflamed the swelling again.

He had the sandwiches and tea ready when they came out.

Connor tousled Aiden's hair as he sat down next to him. "You're a good housewife."

"Househusband." Aiden replied. Not sure why he said that, but not being too bothered when even Kal cracked a smile. It was only a ghost of amusement, before it was lost to the screen of his phone.

"I'm ready to sleep already." Evie rested her head on Aiden's shoulder, and Connor copied her.

"Me too." He sighed dramatically.

Aiden looked down at him, and saw Connor watching Lucas. Lucas looked amused, and raised an eyebrow at Connor, clearly aware that he was trying to provoke him. Connor clicked his tongue, and settled into his usual position.

Aiden could have imagined it, but once Connor wasn't looking in his direction, Lucas looked very concerned about their legs pressed together. Evie hanging onto his arm didn't seem to bother him at all.

Aiden kind of liked that it worried Lucas.

"Oh" Evie straightened suddenly, "I have a surprise."

"Is it as good as the pancakes were?" Connor asked.

"No." She got her bag, "But it's up there." She pulled out a bottle of champagne. It was the expensive stuff they'd had the other night.

"I have a surprise too." Kal had a six-pack stashed in his pack. Lucas had two bottles of mixers.

"Aiden." Connor produced another six-pack of ciders. "Where's your contribution?"

"I don't see anything that rivals the pancakes." Aiden answered. He snickered when he saw the drink all piled up together. "What a bunch of teenagers."

Evie's expensive champagne went first. Then the mixers, and then the beer was being sipped at as they played cards around the warm campfire. It was nice. Everyone was buzzed, and once Kal put down his phone he was actually okay to hang out with too.

"Beer is disgusting." Evie scrunched up her nose and took a long gulp.

Aiden copied her. "Rotten." He confirmed, but he didn't mind the bitter taste.

"Atrocious." Connor sighed, but when he copied them he downed the rest of his beer, and then threw the bottle over his shoulder so it flew and hit the tent. The glass bottle landed harmlessly on a pile of grass.

"Don't throw them." Aiden frowned. If that had broken he'd have to clean it up.

"Shush husband." Connor put his arm over Aiden's shoulder and almost knocked him over picking up another beer.

Evie giggled, catching hold of them so they didn't fall.

"I think he's a little drunk." Evie whispered.

Aiden observed his red cheeks and glistening eyes. "A little." He agreed.

Connor caught their eye as they were whispering, and narrowed his gaze at them. "Secrets? No secrets." He tapped Aiden's lips with the beer bottle, and did the same to Evie.

"Yes sir." Evie snorted, taking another sip of her beer.

"Connor" Lucas said, "It's your go."

Connor lifted his hand, flicked his eyes over the cards on the forest floor, and tossed one down. Aiden followed suit. Evie cursed.

Connor tilted back his head and drank half the bottle. "Where were we? Oh right. Secrets." He leaned in close, "Aiden." He whispered.

"Connor." Aiden whispered back.

"No secrets."

Aiden snickered. "Got it." He glanced at the beer bottle in his hand, and tilted his head to Connor, actually dropping his voice this time. "Maybe slow down the drinking a little bit?"

"Am I bad?" Connor asked.

"Not bad." Aiden assured him, "But drunk, and there's still a few beers left and I think you'll be sick if you keep going that fast."

Connor puffed out his cheeks, and then put the bottle down. "So" He still talked lowly to Aiden, "Get up to anything last night?"

Aiden swallowed hard. 'No' wouldn't exactly work.

"Connor." Lucas voice saved Aiden from having to answer. "Your turn."

Connor glanced at the played cards, down at the ones sprawled out on the ground, and then tossed one down. Aiden followed suit. He got to listen to bits of a conversation about marvel movies, before dragged back into Connor's embrace, with a hand on his knee.

"It's not working, you know." Aiden said.

"What's not working?"

"Making Lucas jealous." He answered, flicking his eyes to Lucas, who was studying his cards.

"I think it is." Connor reported. "But I wish he'd react. It's boring if he just simmers like that."

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Such a good brother."

"Maybe I should feel you up more." He contemplated, "Or put it in you for a second."

"Connor!" Aiden's voice squeaked a bit, and everyone looked at them. Lucas frowned, looking between the two of them and meeting Aiden's gaze with a question; Aiden interpreted it as 'do you need help?'

"I only said for a second." Connor chuckled.

Aiden mouthed 'it's fine' to Lucas.

The game continued, but Connor stopped pestering Aiden.


Lucas sat next to him after the others went to get changed.

"I've never seen him drunk before." Lucas said, examining Connor's frame as he left.

"He's funny." Aiden smirked. "You aren't drinking much?"

"I don't usually drink" Lucas shrugged, looking at Aiden. "I try not to, anyway. Except of course the first night I was here."

"You were stressed out." Aiden nudged his shoulder, "it's okay to do that once in a while."

Lucas shrugged again, and looked like he wanted to move on from the conversation. "You're not drinking much either."

"We're going to be hiking back tomorrow."

"It's not because he was making you uncomfortable or anything?" Lucas asked, "If he is, let me know."

"I can handle him." Aiden reassured him.

The glow of the campfire brightened suddenly. They looked, and Lucas nudged the fallen log back into position with a stick. Aiden moved off the log onto the ground, so he could sit side by side with Lucas.

Lucas lips twitched into a grin when he moved back and Aiden was there. "It was a bit annoying." He rested his arm on the log behind Aiden's back, and ran his finger tips over his arm. "having him hanging off you the whole time."

"It bothered you with Connor but not Evie?" Aiden asked.

Lucas blinked, and then his face fell. "Oh. Oh right. Oh god dammit." He snorted, "I have to compete with everyone and not just guys? Wait." He frowned suddenly. "You do like guys, right?"

Aiden gave him a look. "You were there last night."

"Aiden." Lucas pouted.

Aiden wondered why he insisted on verbal confirmation. "Yes, I like guys."

"Lucas." Connor's voice made Aiden jump, "You know you sound real needy right now."

"Yup." Kal agreed, hopping back into his place.

A glare from Lucas made Connor and Evie sit in his old spot.

"Whatever." Lucas shuffled an inch closer to Aiden. Once everyone's attentions had moved on, he turned to Aiden. "Was that really needy?" He whispered.

Aiden turned his face to Lucas and kissed him. "A little bit."

A wolf whistle made Aiden tense. His stomach dropped as he realised he'd just – Lucas kissed Aiden hard, looping an arm around his back and another into his hair. It was the type of kiss that was not cool for other people to see and Aiden was panting when he pulled back.

Lucas had a wide grin and met Aiden's gaze with sparkling eyes, before settling his arm on his shoulder and looking content as hell when he sat back.

Aiden turned to find Connor and Evie both staring at them.

"That was hot." Evie gave Aiden a thumbs-up.

Connor raised an eyebrow when Aiden looked at him, and Kal didn't seem to care. Aiden relaxed after he saw that they didn't seem to mind it. He sat in Lucas's body heat, playing cards, talking nonsense and it was hands down the best night he'd ever spent camping.

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